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322. To know the Age of a Horfe by his Teeth.

them. To conclude the contrast between court and country hunting, they who are the keeneft /portfmen aud deepest fatefmen, have always their neck in the greatest danger.-Believe me, gentlemen, I am an admirer of your work, and fhould this trifle be deemed worthy a place in it, I may be induced to trouble you again. Your's, &c.


remarks of your correfpondent
ACASTUS, on the noble and man-
ly exercife of FOX-HUNTING;
fome time ago, when I had no en-
joyment for it myself, I was too
apt to entertain but an indifferent
opinion of the fox-hunting fquires
in my neighbourhood; but now,
from my own obfervations I can
prove, that what is called a mere
fox hunter, is in this diverfion as
fenfible a man as a mere courtier,
who, with all the hurry, eager- Sept. 10, 1794.
nefs, and importance of state, is
following a game much more.
contemptible than that of the
Country fquire. In the court, as
in the field, all have the fame
object in view, every one ftrives
to be foremost, and hotly pur-
fues what he feldom overtakes;
and if he does, it is, when feriouf-
ly confidered, of no great value.
He that is beft hors'd, that is beft
friended, gets in fooneft, and then
all he has to do, is to laugh at
them that are behind. He may
be juftly faid to be in view, who
is in favour; and he that has a
ftrong faction against him, hunts
upon a cold fcent, and may in
time come to a lofs.

In the fate chafe, as in that of the fox, one rides upon full speed a great way about, while another, taking fome by indirect way, leaps a ditch, or makes a gap, and comes in before him. Another fpurs on till he flounders into a quagmire; that is, follows the court till he has spent all, and there he is fure to ftick, without any attempts being made to help in out, but, rather, every one that paffes will laugh at him for a bad horfeman. Some hunt without ever seeing their game; fome follow the premier, and never fee the place or penfion; others fpur a horfe till he is tired, and thefe are they who importune a friend till he is weary of

To know the Age of a HORSE by his


HE annexed plate, defcriptive of the horfe's teeth, and by which the age of that animal may be known with the greatest accuracy, was taken from a print in the poffeffion of a noblemen, whofe equeftrian knowledge, the public have been acquainted with long fince; and we flatter ourfelves, will be deemed no improper appendage te our Treatife on Farriery. We fhall fubjoin a few neceffary directions by way of illuftration, which we hope will be fatisfactory to our readers.

Till he is eight years old, the age of a hore may be known by his teeth; about which time they commonly turn in without any black mark: if it remains after that age, without hollowness, then the horfe has ftill the mark in his mouth, which he will retain in all probability as long as he lives.

In fuch a cafe his tufks will fhew his age, which, if long, and the top rounded, he is nine years old. At about eleven or twelve he begins to wink or twinkle with his eyes. The teeth falling every other year are marked thus g.


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TEETH of the HORSE, by which his AGE may be known.

Anecdote of the late Prince of Wales.


A. The bean.

B. The Palate.


HH. The Barbles.

cc. The winking of Names of the Teeth the Eyes.

D. The Throat
ee. The Uvula.
F. The Tongue.
G. The lower Jaw.

aa. The Gatherers.
bb. The Middle.

cc. The Corners.
dd. The Tufks.
ee. The Grinders..

ANECDOTE of his late Royal Highnefs the PRINCE of WALES.

IS Royal Highness was many


the report of a gun at no great diftance from him; orders were immediately given to find out the party, and bring them before his Royal Highnefs-who fhould approach but Parfon Bracegirdle, and being come in the prefence, the Prince (with his ufual, good nature) asked him what diverfion he had met with, to which he replied fome little;but pray, faid the Prince, what have you got in your hawking bag? let us fee the contents. The parfon then drew out a fine cock pheafant, and two brace of

H years refident at Cleifden partridges:-- Very fine, faid the

Houfe, in the county of Bucks, Prince, but did not I command and being very fond of shooting, you not to deftroy the game? he gave orders for breeding a The parfon, very fenfible of the great number of pheasants and breach he had been guilty of, partridges, that, when they came most humbly befought his Royal to proper maturity, might be li- Highness's forgiveness; alledging berated, on purpofe to afford his that the beauty of the morning Royal Highness amufement a- invited him abroad, and happengainst the fhooting feafon; bying to take the gun along with this means the neighbouringwoods and fields were moft plentifully ftored with game.

It happended a clergyman, whofe name was Bracegirdle, refided in the neighbourhood with a large family, upon a fmall cu. racy, and being an excellent fhot, thought there was no harm in leffening the number of game towards the fupport of himself and his fa. mily: the Prince being apprifed of it, fent an exprefs command to him not to destroy the game, for that he would, in due time, confider him and his family. The mandate was punctually obeyed at that time, the parfon laid by his gun, and every thing feemingly promifed no further encroach


The enfuing feason, his Royal Highnefs being out on a fhooting party in the neighbourhood heard VOL. IV. No. XXIV,

him, the creature, (pointing to the game) got up before me, and

flesh and blood could not forbear. The Prince was fo pleafed with his apology, that he bid him rife up and attend him; the converfation then turned upon the art of fhooting flying, which at that time his Royal Highnefs was rather defective in, but by Mr. Bracegirdle's conftant attendance on the Prince in all his fhooting excurfions, he became a tolerable good hot; and in remem. brance of the promife he made him, obtained for him the living of Taplow, then worth two hun dred pounds a year.

[blocks in formation]






T was a whimsical, if not a juft | nerofity on this occafion, was a

It was a whimsical, if not a ju

new cause of reproach from the foldiers, to which the grenadier

fporting gentleman, on reading ahe account of the late cataf-archly replied, "Comrades, why trophe of Robespierre and his fhould you blame him? he is unparty, in the French Conven- questionably the best judge of the tion:-"Mark the end of it," fays real value of his own life." he, "they are fighting a Welch main among themselves, and they'll not give up the conflict while there are two cocks left in the pit to peck at one another*"*

The following advertisement is copied from a Dublin paper: "To be let for as long term of years as ihey will laft, Mr. O'Connor's house and concerns on the Batchelor's Walk; in ftaunch repair, and within a few yards walk of the bridge," &c,

A quaker, meeting a young lady in the prefent fashion of dress, or rather of nakednefs, afked ber, "Whether that lamb was to be fold?" and on her angrily re plying "No!" rejoined: "Why, then, my pretty friend, dot thou put it on the shambles?"


A few days ago, an honest Hibernian, having unfortunately had his floop feized at a port in the Weft of England, was advised by fomebody to apply to a maAn officer lately on the con- giftrate, who might be of service tinent, remarkable for his ava- to him. He accordingly made ricious difpofition, and feverity the application, and had proto his men, was near being drown-ceeded in accounting for his puted, by accidentally falling into a ting to fea without the proper river in their march from Ant- certificates, when the magiftrate werp. Several of the men paffed afked him, "Can you fwear,"-"O on without endeavouring to faveyes.(replied the captain, whofe him; at length a grenadier eagerness would not permit his plunged in, and brought him on worship to finish the fentence) fhore, for which he was rewarded "by fos, fir, if fwearing will with fixpence. The want of ge- fave my Sally, I will not lose her."


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