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Duel between a Dog and a Man.

the practice of hunting them was a favourite diverfion. I believe it feldom happened that they were ferved at any English table, but their French and Spanish neighbours, lefs fqueamish, ftill devour them with exquifite relish. I imagine too they have good reafon for I have been affured by a lady of great beauty and elegance, who fpoke from experience, that the iguana is equal in flavour and wholefomnefs he fineft green turtle.


n a note, Mr. Edwards has xtracted from Father Labat, an account of the manner of catch. ing this animal, which we give in his own words:

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feven or eight days, but it grieved me to the heart, that he thereby loft much delicious fat."

Thefe animals are likewife known in the Eaft Indies; Sir Jofeph Banks hot one of them at Batavia, and found it good food.

In one of the Papers called the World, the following Story is related of a Duel which happened in the prefence of CHARLES V of France, between a Dog and a MAN.

"We were attended (fays he) A

by a negro, who carried a long rod

at one end of which was a piece of whip-cord with a runNing knot, after beating the bushes fome time, the negro difcovered our game baking in the fun, on a dry limb of a tree; hereupon he began whistling with all his might, to which the guana was wonderfully attentive, ftretching out his head and turning his neck, as if to enjoy it more fully. The negro now approached, ftill whistling, and advancing his rod gently, began tickling with the end of it the fides and throat of the guana, who feemed mightily pleased with the operation; for he turned on his back, and ftretched himself out like a cat before a fire, and at length fairly fell a fleep; which the negro perceiving, dexterously flipt the noofe over his head, and with a jerk, brought him to the ground. And good And good fport it afforded (continues the reverend hiftorian) to fee the creature fwell like a turkey cock, at finding himself entrapped. We caught others in the fame way, and kept one of them alive

GENTLEMAN of the court, was fupposed to have murdered another, who had been miffing fome days. This fufpi

cion arofe from the mute testimony of the abfent perfon's dog,: a large Irish greyhound, who, with uncommon rage, attacked this fuppofed murderer wherever he met him. As he was a gen tleman, and a man of very nice honour, (though, by the way, he really had murdered the man) he could not bear laying under fo difhonourable a fufpicion, and therefore applied to the king for leave to justify his innocence. The king being a great lover of juftice, granted his request, and ordered the lifts to be made ready, appointed the time, and named the weapons. The gentleman was to have an offenfive club in his hand, the dog a defenfive tub to refort to occafionally. The Irish greyhound willingly met his fair inviter at the time appointed. They fought, the dog prevailed, and almoft killed the honourable gentleman, who had then the honour to confefs his guilt, and of being hanged for it in a few days.

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Scheme for Improving the Breed of Jockeys.

Scheme for improving the Breed of JOCKEYS.

was got by the noted Matchen Tims; his grand dam was a German Princefs, and his great grand

To the EDITORS of the Sporting dam was Flanders Moll; his fire



Y chief inducement in wri

Mting to you at this time is

to defire you will ufe your endeavours to bring the jockey into equal esteem with the animal he beftrides, and to beg that you would promote the fettling an eftablished fcheme for the prefer

vation of his breed. In order to this, I would humbly propofe that a ftud for the jockeys fhould be immediately built near the ftables at Newmarket, and that their genealogies fhould be duly registered that the breed fhould be croffed as occafion might re

won the King's Plate at York and Hambleton, the ladies fubfcription purfe at Nottingham, the give-and-take at Lincoln, and the sweepstakes at Newmarket. His grand fire beat Dick Rogers at Epfom and Burford, and Patrick Mac Cut'em, over the Curragh of Kildare. His great grandfire, for King Charles II. and fo and great great grandfire, r

ble is the blood that flows in this

jockey's veins, that none of his family were ever diftanced, stood above five feet five, or weighed more than twelve ftone.

quire; and that the beft horfe- Of the FALLOW HOUUNDS, and

men, and of lightest weights, fhould intermarty with the full fifters of thofe who had won moft plates; and, in a word, the fame methods ufed for the improvement of the jockies, as their horfes. I have here fent you the exat pedigree of a famous jockey, taken with all the care just now prescribed, and I doubt not, if my fcheme was univerfally put in execution, that we hould excel all other nations in our horfemen, as we already do in our horfes.

Sept. 6, 1794.

T. N.


An able jockey, fit to start for match, fweepstakes, or King's Plate; well fized, can mount twelve ftone, or ftrip to a feather; is found wind and limb, and free from blemish. He was got by Yorkshire Tom, out of a full fifter to Deptford Nan; his dam

their Nature.

(Conluded from Page 266.)

HAVE redde none other thing

I of the antiquitie of fallow

houndes, but onely that I have feen in an olde written booke made by an hunter, the whiche maketh mention of a lorde of

Brytayne, called Hüett of Nantes, and, the authorve of that booke, did muche esteeme hunting; the which, amongst other things, gave this blazon to the houndes of that lorde's kennel;

Huett, thy fallow houndes in foreftes hunt apace,

And kill at force, harte, hinde, buck, doe, foxe. hare, and every chace, As thofe thy felfe hafte eke, above all others prayfe,

To hollow well in hollow woodes, unta thy houndes alwayes.

Alfo I have feen in a chroni cle, in the towne of Lambale, a chapter which maketh mention that a lorde of the fayde place, with a kennel of fallow and redde houndes

Of the Nature and Complexion of Dunne Houndes 319

houndes did roufe a ftagge in a forefte of the countie of Poictiere, and did hunte and purfue him for the space of four daves, in fuch forte, that the fourth day he took him neare to the citie of Paris; and it is to be prefumed that the fallow houndes are the ancient hounds of the dukes and lordes of Brytaine, of the which the Lorde Admirall d'Aneybauld and his predeceffours have alwayes keepte an mayntained the race, the which came. first to be common in the tyme of the greate king Frances, father of hunters. Thefe fallow houndes be hardie, and of good fcent, keeping very well their chafe without change, and are almoft of the complexion that the whyte houndes are, faving that they do not endure the heate fo well, nor yet the preafe or thronge of the prickers and gallopers, but they are fwifter, more univerfall for all chafes, and hotter in hunting, and if it chance that a beast do ftray out in the champaigne, or in the fields, they do never lightly forfake the chafe. Their complexion is strong, for they feare neither the colde nor the waters. and they runne furely, and are verie hardie; they are faire hunt ers, loving commonly the harte, better than any other kinde of chace, and they are more opinionate, and harder to be taught than the whyte houndes, and fo are they able to endure greater payne and travel. The beste that you fhall fude of the race of thefe fallow houndes, are thofe which have theire heare mofte lively redde, and fuche as have a whyte fpotte in theyre forehead, or a ring aboute their necke, and likewife those which are altogether fallow; but those that be lighter yellow, or being marked or fpoted with blacke or donne, are

not greatly to be esteemed: thofe whiche are well jointed and dewclawd, are befte to make blood houndes: and there are fome whiche have theire tayles fhagged like eares of corne, and thofe are commonly good and fwift; and fince princes at these days have mingled the races of fallow houndes, one with the other, therefore they are become much stronger and better for the harte, the which is the beft chase to yield pleasure unto kings and princes, but fuch houndes are not meete for meane gentlemen, because they are commonly but for one chace: and they passe not greatly for the hare and other fmall chafes; and again they are muche inclyned to runne at tame beaftes,


Our Dunne houndes are fuche
as anciently our kynges of
Fraunce and Dukes of Alençon
did mofte efteeme; they be com-
mon, because they are fitte for
moft chaces, and therefore they
be fitteft for gentlemen; for
theyre nature and complexion is
fuche, that the hunte all kynde
of chaces which you would have
them hunte. The best of the
race are fuch as be dunne on the
back, having their fore quarters
redd or tanned, and the legs of
the fame coloure, as it were, the
coloure of a hare's leg.
times you fhall fee fome that have
theire hayre on the top of their
backes dunne, or almoft blacke,
the whych do fometymes prove
excellent; and although there
are not maney badde houndes of
this forte to be feene, yet never-
theleffe, the light dunne houndes
having their legges fallowe after
a very ticke colour, are feldom fo



320 Of the Nature and Complexion of Blacke Houndes.

ftronge or fwifte as the others are and princes cannot fo muche delighte in them for fundrye caufes. One caufe is, for that they doe muche feare the thronge of the huntefmen, and they are troubled with theyre noyfe; for as muche as they are hotte, and of a greate courage, and put themfelves quickley out of breath, hearing the crye and noife of the hunters. Another caufe is, that they feare heate, and doe not greatly efteeme a chace, whiche doubleth or turneth before them; but if the chace holde endlonge, you fhall hardely finde better or fwifter houndes, although they be very opinionate, harde to beleeve they re huntfmen, and verie eafilie inclined to change, be

or path of the chace which they undertake, and therefore the huntefmen on horfe backe ought not over haftily to follow them, until they undertake it endlong: nor likewife, ought they not to come over haftely unto them at a default, and they muft likewife beware that they croffe them not, for feare leaft they make them turne backe upon them, and fo in this manner they may take pleasure in them.

THE houndes which we call
Sainte Hubert's, are commonly
all blacke, yet nevertheleffe,

dayes, that we finde them of all
coloures. These are the houndes
which the abbots of St. Hubert
have alwayes kept fome of their
race or kynde, in honour and
remembrance of the Saint Euftace,
whereupon we may conjecture,
that (by the Grace of God) a}l
good huntfmen fhall follow them
into paradife.

cause of their heate and follie,their race is fo mingled at these and because of the greate com. paffes whyche they cafte when they are at defaulte; and, above all thinges, they fticke muche upon knowledge of theyr master, and efpecially his voyce and his horne, and will do more for him than for any other huntefman. They have fuche emulation amongste themfelves, that they know the voyce of their follow. ers, and whether they be fure or not, for if they be babblers and liars they will not lightley follow them. They be houndes of greate travell, fearing neither colde nor water, and if they feel a chafe to finke once before them; and that they begin to be fpent, then will they never forfake it untyll they have kylled it. They whiche will take pleafure in them, mufte use them in this fort; at the first uncoupling of them, they mufte followe and encourage them as temperately as may be, and with verie littel noyfe, for that they be botte and do quickely overshoote the tracke

To returne unto my former purpofe, this kynde of dogges hath bin difperfed through the countries of Hennault, Lorayne, Flanders and Burgoney; they are mighty of body, nevertheleffe their legges are low and fhorte; likewyfe they are not fo fwyfte, although they be very good of fent, hunting chaces that are farre ftraggled, fearing neither water nor colde, and do do more covert chaces that fmell, as foxes, bores, and fuch like, than any other; be. cause they finde themfelves neyther of fwiftness nor courage to hunte they kille the chaces that are lighter and fwifter. The bloodhounds of this colour, proove


Hunting the Wild Horfe.-The Fox and Place Hunter. 321

good, especially thofe that are cole blacke, but I make no greate accompte to breede on them, or to keep the kynde; and yet I founde once a book, which a hunter did dedicate to a prince of Lorayne, which feemed to love hunting, wherein was a blazone, which the fame hunter gave to his blood hounde, called Soygllarde, which was white.

My name came firfte from holy Hubert's

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In the open tracts near Borowsk, a town 100 werfts from Woronech, are herds of wild horses, which are hunted by the inhabitants; M. Gmelin, who was prefent at a chase of these animals, gives the following account of them:

moufe colour, which is the characteristic mark of the wild horfes, in this country, though that of others has been faid to be whitish, or afh grey; their hairs are very long, and fo thick as to feel like a pelliffe, rather than a horfe's hide. They run with the greatest speed, at leaft double that of a good domesticated horfe; they take alarm at the leaft noife, and fly off in an inftant. Each herd has always a ftallion for its leader, who marches at their head, and they never leave him; if he be ftricken down,

all the reft difband, and become an eafy prey to the hunters. They are generally fond of keeping near the hay-ftacks which the peasants build in the Steppe, but they are not feen to lye on the ground any where; they eat the hay with much voracity, and become round with fat; the stallion is greatly attached to the Ruffian mare, and does not fail to entice her with him to the defert whenever he can; hence there are often horfes of a baftard race among the herds, and many mares are loft, to the great detriment of the peafants. Wild horfes taken alive, which is never done without nooses of rope, are very difficult to tame and rear to labour-it is abfolutely impracticable to mount them-when har- ́ neffed they move very heavily by the fide of another horfe, and they generally die in the fecond year of their captivity."

ANALOGY of the Fox and PLACE

"The largest of thefe wild hories are fcarcely the fize of the fmalleft Ruffian horfes; their head is remarkably large in propor. tion, their ears are very fharp, fometimes the fize of those of a tame horfe, and fometimes elongated fo as to refemble thofe of To the Editors of the Sporting an afs. Their mane is very fhort and curled; their tail more or lefs covered with hairs, but always a little shorter than that of a common horse; they are of a




T is with no small degree of fatisfaction, that I have read the very judicis and pleafing remarks

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