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J. In the grave all rest alike, but still our fancy lingers on such scenes as these,

and I doubt if ever they are effaced from our memories.

S. Never yet they who lie here were "men of like passions with ourselves." Love, jealousy, malice, avarice, ay even ambition, once disquieted the clay on which we tread. But there are some who died in well-grounded hope, who will appear at the resurrection of the just,-who lived in charity with all, and died leaving behind them the odour of a good name. It is pain

ful to contrast their lives with those of the debauched and vicious whom death has also levelled. There is the memorial of one whose epitaph may be found in the late Vicar's register" potator prodigus!" The worthy old man,-a priest whom Chaucer or Herbert might have loved,-was a faithful chronicler of the virtues and the vices of his flock. I never see that grave without

thinking of the quaint, but somewhat coarse rhyming admonition which the rustics sing to the note of the blackbird ::

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'Barnaby, Barnaby take for a warning,

Be no more dry, nor drunk of a morning;
Barnaby, Barnaby lies in his grave,

All the churchyard doth stink of a knave!"

It always recurs to my memory when the Spring returns and the ousel's note is heard loudest in brake and bush. There, too, is the memorial of one with whom I have often fished these streams;

one who, though young, was yet not unprepared, the hope and pride of his fond parents.—“ How, now, foolish rheum! "-regret is vain and profitless :

"Whom the gods love die young," was said of yore, And many deaths do they escape by this:

The death of friends, and that which slays even moreThe death of friendship, love, youth, all that is, Except mere breath; and since the silent shore

Awaits at last even those whom longest miss The old archer's shafts, perhaps the early grave, Which men weep over may be meant to save!"

Come let me show you the inside of

this pretty Church.

The interior of the Church. SENEX and JULIAN.

Julian. This font is curious. What is the meaning of those quaint armed figures?

Senex. Antiquaries suppose them to represent the struggle between the good and the evil principle; but it is sometimes difficult to interpret the symbolism of the period to which this font belongs.

J. There is the fish, which is, I believe, the early Christian symbol. When was this first used?

S. There can be, I think, little doubt of its having been adopted in the earliest days of Christianity. The Greek word IXOTE, as you know, signifies a fish, and I have sometimes seen these letters en

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