They cannot budge 'till your release. The king, Pro. Doft thou think so, spirit? Ari. Mine would, fir, were I human. Pro. And mine shall. Haft thou, which art but air, a touch, a feeling Do I take part; the rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance; they being penitent, The fole drift of my purpose doth extend Not a frown further: go, release them, Ariel; My charms I'll break, their fenfes I'll restore, And they shall be themselves. Ari. I'll fetch them, fir. [Exit. SCENE II. Pro. Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes, and groves; And ye, that on the fands with printless foot (Weak 9 (Weak minifters though ye be) I have be-dimm'd SCENE III. [Solemn musick. Here enters Ariel before; then Alonso with a frantick gesture, attended by Gonzalo. Sebastian and Anthonio in like manner, attended by Adrian and Francifco. They all enter the circle which Profpero had made, and there stand charm'd; which Profpero observing, speaks: A folemn air, and the best comforter To an unfettled fancy, cure thy brains For you are spell-stopt. Holy Gonzalo, honourable man, Mine eyes, ev'n sociable to th' fhew of thine, My My true preferver, and a loyal fir Thou'rt pinch'd for't now, Sebastian. - Flesh and blood, You, brother mine, that entertain'd ambition, Expell'd remorse and nature; who with Sebastian Unnat'ral though thou art. Their understanding Begins to fwell; and the approaching tide Will shortly fill the reasonable shore, That now lies foul and muddy. Not one of them That yet looks on me, or would know me. As I was sometime Milan: quickly, spirit; Thou shalt ere long be free. Ariel fings, and helps to attire him. Where the bee fucks, there lurk I; After fun-fet merrily. Merrily, merrily, shall I live now, Pro. Why, that's my dainty Ariel; I shall miss thee; But yet thou shalt have freedom. So, fo, fo. Under the hatches; the master, and the boatswain, To the king's ship, invisible as thou art ; There shalt thou find the mariners afleep Ari. I drink the air before me, and return Or ere your pulse twice beat. [Exit. Gon. All torment, trouble, wonder, and amazement Alon. Be'st thou he, or no, Or some inchanted trifle, to abuse me As late I have been, I not know; thy pulse Th' affliction of my mind amends, with which I fear a madness held me; this must crave (An if this be at all) a most strange story: Thy dukedom I resign, and do intreat Thou pardon me my wrongs; but how should Prospero Be living, and be here? Pro. First, noble friend, Let me embrace thine age, whose honour cannot Be measur'd, or confin'd. Gon. Whether this be, Or be not, I'll not swear. Pro. You do yet taste Some fubtilties o'th' ifle, that will not let you I'll tell no tales. Seb. The devil speaks in him. Pro. For you, most wicked fir, whom to call brother [To Anthonio. Would :" Would even infect my mouth, I do forgive Thou must restore. Alon. If thou be'st Profpero, Give us particulars of thy preservation ; How thou hast met us here, who, three hours since, (How sharp the point of this remembrance is!) My dear fon Ferdinand. Pro. I'm wo for't, fir. Alon. Irreparable is the lofs; and patience Says, it is past her cure. Pro. I rather think, You have not fought her help, of whose soft grace, And reft myself content. Alon. You the like loss ? Pro. As great to me, as late; and, insupportable To make the dear lofs, have I means much weaker Than you may call to comfort you; for I Have lost my only daughter. Alon. Only daughter? O heav'ns! that they were living both in Naples, Pro. In this last tempeft. I perceive, these lords Το |