M.-TRANSPORT VEHICLES (other than Mechanical Transport Vehicles, provided in Vote 6, Sub-Head M.) N.-MISCELLANEOUS ORDNANCE STORES - £. Vote 10. WORKS AND BUILDINGS. I. AN ESTIMATE of the Sum which will be required in the Year ending 31st March 1908 to defray the Expense of BARRACK CONSTRUCTION, of Purchases of LAND, and of WORKS, BUILDINGS, and REPAIRS, at Home and Abroad, including STAFF in connection therewith. II. Two Million Four Hundred and Thirty-six Thousand Pounds. SUB-HEADS under which this Vote will be accounted for. BARRACK CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT. 1907-08. 1906-07. INCREASE. DECREASE. (a) Now provided under Sub-Heads Q and T respectively. (6) Includes £2,466 for pay of staff for electric light, &c., in hospitals, formerly provided under Vote 2, Sub-Head E. (c) Includes £1,500 for pay of Balloon Factory and kite-flying staff, now provided in Vote 1, Sub-Head M, and £600 for pay of sanitary engineer, now provided in Vote 13, Sub-Head A. Note. The amounts included in this Vote for Works do not include the cost of transport of materials after they are in possession of the Royal Engineers or the Barrack Construction Department, as the case may be, nor any sum for stores supplied by the Army Ordnance Department (Votes 8 and 9). Military labour is employed by the Royal : Vote 10.-WORKS and BUILDINGS-continued. 1907-08. 1906-07. INCREASE. DECREASE. Brought forward Part L.-New Works, Additions, L.-FORTIFICATIONS AND ARTILLERY newals, and Repairs, amounting M.-ARMY ORDNANCE BUILDINGS, &c. to 2,000l. each and upwards W.-RENTS (other than those of Buildings hired to supplement Barracks, provided in Deduct, X.-APPROPRIATIONS IN AID (Other than Sub-Head F.) ALSTRACT OF PROVISION MADE FOR WORKS IN 1907-08 (INCLUDING BARRACK CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT). (a) These amounts include hospital services, provided in 1906/7 under Sub-Heads C. and 1). (b) These amounts include sums of £500, £500, and £1,000 respectively, transferred from Civil Votes in respect of the cost of construc tion and maintenance of administrative telegraphs and telephones. (c) Includes £21,000 for hire of certain buildings, now provided in Vote 6, Sub-Head C. (d) Includes £10 for jumps for Cavalry School, now provided in Vote 1, Sub-Head K. NEW WORKS, additions, alterations, improvements, renewals and repairs, amounting to 2,000l. each and upwards. (a) Estimate reduced from 8,300%. (b) 99,500l. of the cost will be repaid by the Admiralty. A sum of 7,540%. is included under Sub-Head D for repayment in 1907-8. (c) Estimate increased from 5,500l. |