New Curiosities of Literature: And Book of the Months, Том 2E. Churton, 1849 |
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Често срещани думи и фрази
according amongst ancient appears autem authority bacon Baptista Mantuanus Bede believe Bishop blow brotherhood bull Cabala called carol celebrated ceremonies Christ Christian Christmas church court custom Decius derived Dioclesian doubt Druids ejus Emperor England etiam fair Fama Fama Fraternitatis feast festival fire flowers folio Freemasonry Freemasons GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE give given Golden Legend Gregory hæc hand hath hence holy honour Idem Jews John kepers kind King Ladie learned London Lord Maçonnes Malchus Martinmas Masons Maximian Mayor means mentioned minstrells month mysteries Nicholas night observed origin Pagan Paganalia pageants Paracelsus Pope priests Pythagoras quæ quam quod quoted reason Romans roses Rosicrucians Sachiel Saint Saint Swithin Saxon secret seems seen signifies Solomon's temple sort Staffordshire steward stone sunt superstition supposed tells thing tion Tutbury wind word καὶ
Популярни откъси
Страница 298 - Come, bring with a noise, My merry, merry boys, The Christmas log to the firing ; While my good dame, she Bids ye all be free, And drink to your hearts
Страница 309 - ... grave and learned matters, I give it entire. The boar's head in hand bear I, Bedeck'd with bays and rosemary; And I pray you, my masters, be merry, Quot estis in convivio. Caput apri defero Reddens laudes Domino.
Страница 302 - Formerly, and still in all the smaller towns and villages throughout North Germany, these presents were sent by all the parents to some one fellow who in high buskins, a white robe, a mask, and an enormous flax wig, personates Knecht Rupert, ie the servant Rupert.
Страница 100 - ... resolved to remove his body into the choir, which was to have been done with solemn procession on the 15th of July. It rained, however...
Страница 231 - As when you joined hands in holy quire. If to these conditions, without all fear Of your own accord you will freely swear, A whole gammon of bacon you shall receive, And bear it hence with love and good leave ; For this is our custom at Dunmow well known, Though the pleasure be ours, the bacon's your own.
Страница 143 - ... tag and rag, men, women, and children, of all sorts and sizes, with all the dogs in the town promiscuously running after him with their bull-clubs, spattering dirt in each other's faces, that one would think them to be so many furies started out of hell for the punishment of Cerberus, &c.
Страница 85 - Masons have a great regard to the reputation as well as profit of their order ; since they make it one reason for not divulging an art in common that it may do honour to the possessors of it. I think in this particular they show too much regard for their own society, and too little for the rest of mankind.
Страница 285 - Moreover, the number and hardness of the rules called the pie, and the manifold changings of the service, was the cause, that to turn the book only, was so hard and intricate a matter, that many times there was more business to find out what should be read, than to read it when it was found out.
Страница 28 - Man told me, that they were looking for a Coal under the Root of a Plantain, to put under their Heads that Night, and they should Dream who would be their Husbands : It was to be found that Day, and Hour.
Страница 14 - These were called bonfires as well of good amity amongst neighbours that, being before at controversy, were there by the labour of others reconciled, and made of bitter enemies, loving friends, as also for the virtue that a great fire hath to purge the infection of the air.