The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Том 17C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1809 |
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Страница 4
... perhaps more just , in 1587 . To enter into a long disquisition to prove this piece not to have been written by Shakspeare , would be an idle waste of time . To those who are not conversant with his writings , if particular passages ...
... perhaps more just , in 1587 . To enter into a long disquisition to prove this piece not to have been written by Shakspeare , would be an idle waste of time . To those who are not conversant with his writings , if particular passages ...
Страница 5
... [ perhaps wrote comedy ] and Marloe's mighty line - Jonson . [ might assist Lily , ] Perhaps Shakspeare's addi- tions outshone . " Tamburlaine mention'd with praise by Heywood , as Marloe's might be different from the bombast one - and ...
... [ perhaps wrote comedy ] and Marloe's mighty line - Jonson . [ might assist Lily , ] Perhaps Shakspeare's addi- tions outshone . " Tamburlaine mention'd with praise by Heywood , as Marloe's might be different from the bombast one - and ...
Страница 17
... tongue had been all she was condemned to lose , perhaps the au- thor ( whoever he was ) might have escaped censure on the score of poetick justice .. Steervers . Sat. No , Titus , no ; the emperor needs € 2 TITUS ANDRONICUS . 17.
... tongue had been all she was condemned to lose , perhaps the au- thor ( whoever he was ) might have escaped censure on the score of poetick justice .. Steervers . Sat. No , Titus , no ; the emperor needs € 2 TITUS ANDRONICUS . 17.
Страница 20
... Perhaps the old reading is a mere affected imitation of Ro- man phraseology . See Æneid XI , 409 , though the words there are otherwise applied : habitet tecum , & sit pectore in isto . " Steevens . Thou art a Roman , be not barbarous ...
... Perhaps the old reading is a mere affected imitation of Ro- man phraseology . See Æneid XI , 409 , though the words there are otherwise applied : habitet tecum , & sit pectore in isto . " Steevens . Thou art a Roman , be not barbarous ...
Страница 34
... double hunt were heard at once , ] Hence , perhaps , a line in a well known song by Dryden : " And echo turns hunter , and doubles the cry . " Steevens Saturn is dominator over mine : 4 What signifies my 34 TITUS ANDRONICUS .
... double hunt were heard at once , ] Hence , perhaps , a line in a well known song by Dryden : " And echo turns hunter , and doubles the cry . " Steevens Saturn is dominator over mine : 4 What signifies my 34 TITUS ANDRONICUS .
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Aaron ancient Antiochus Bassianus Bawd Boult brother Cerimon Cleon Confessio Amantis Coriolanus corrupt Cymbeline daughter dead death Demetrius Dionyza doth dramas dramatick edition editor emendation emperor Enter Exeunt Exit expression eyes father folio Gesta Romanorum give gods Goths Gower Hamlet hand hath heart heaven Helicanus honour King Henry King Lear lady Lavinia live lord Lucius Lychorida Lysimachus Macbeth Malone Marcus Marina Mason means metre mistress murder musick never night noble Noble Kinsmen old copies read Othello passage Pentapolis Perhaps Pericles piece play poet Prince of Tyre queen revenge rhyme Rome Romeo and Juliet Saturnine scene sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's Simonides sons sorrow speak speech Steevens suppose sweet Tamora tears tell Thaisa Tharsus thee thine thou art thou hast thought Titus Andronicus Todd tongue Twine's translation unto Winter's Tale word