FREMONT COUNTY-CONTINUED. .$ 200.00 50.00 Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year ... G. D. BATCHELDOR, Clerk of the District Court. Saloon-keeper Yes. English Bad. English Bad. Irish 1 Disfiguring another 1 Incest 2 Larceny 1 Lewdness 3 Riot Unknown. 625 00 10.00 4,105.55 Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year 576.34 Assault with intent to commit murder 1 Forgery and passing counterfeit money 1 Forgery 1 Larceny Jail 4 months.. Penitentiary 15 months. Penitentiary 15 months. Fined $50 and costs.. Laborer Farmer Painter Laborer. Laborer ... Yes American Bad. German Bad. Yes. ... .$ 150.00 150.00 238.05 175.00 Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year 1 Selling intoxicating liquors. Total amount of fines collected and paid into the county treasury during the year Total expenses of the county on account of criminal prosecutions (not including district attorney's fees) during the year Total amount paid county or district attorney by the county on account of criminal prosecutions during the year N. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk of the District Court. Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year Total amount of fines collected and paid into the county treasury during the year Total expenses of the county on account of criminal prosecutions (not including district attorney's fees) during the year Total amount paid county or district attorney by the county on account of criminal prosecutions during the year F. M. HOPKINS, Clerk of the District HAMILTON COUNTY-NO CONVICTIONS. Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year. ... HANCOCK COUNTY-NO CONVICTIONS. Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year. ISAAC SWEIGARD, Clerk of the District Court. 2 not sentenced, 1 fined $20. Jail 7 days. $ 2,025.00 507.78 Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year. 340.00 J. K. MILNER, Clerk of the District Court. $4,250.00 650.00 Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year Total amount of fines collected and paid into the county treasury during the year. Total expenses of the county on account of criminal prosecutions (not including district attorney's fees) during the year 8,849.00 Total amount paid county or district attorney by the county on account of criminal prosecutions during the year.. 500.00 THOS. ARTHUR, Clerk of the District Court. 1 Malicious mischief 1 Selling liquor. 6 Selling liquor 1Violating fish law. 2,100.00 302.50 Total amount of fines imposed by the district court of said county during the year. ... |