REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE IN RELATION TO THE CRIMINAL RETURNS OF THE STATE OF IOWA. FOR THE YEARS 1886 AND 1887. FRANK D. JACKSON, Secretary of State. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. DES MOINES: GEO. E. ROBERTS, STATE PRINTER. STATE OF IOWA, OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE, DES MOINES, December 1, 1887. To His Excellency, WM. LARRABEE, Governor of the State of Iowa: SIR-In compliance with law, I have the honor herewith to report an abstract of the criminal prosecutions in the several counties of the State for the years 1886 and 1887, as returned to this office by the clerks of the District Court, pursuant to the provisions of section 203 of the Code, and chapter 22, acts of the Eighteenth General Assembly. FRANK D. JACKSON, |