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Petrarch. By Henry Reeve......97b
By A. Hayward........ 97b
By Mrs. Oliphant and F.

Fortnightly Review. vol. 30.
rol. 24.) July-Dec., 1878.


(New Series, Lond., 1878. ...100c Fosdick, C: A. see: Harry Castlemon. (pseud.) Foster, M. A text-book of physiology.

With illustrations; 2nd edition; revised and enlarged. Lond., 1878. 8.54 Francatelli, (': Elme. The cook's guide and housekeeper's and butler's assistant; a practical treatise on English and foreign cookery in all its branches; . . . with upwards of 40 illustrations; portrait of the author. Lond., 1877. 16 .63c Fraser's magazine. New ser. vol. 18, July-Dec., 1878. Lond., 1878. 8...100c Freytag, Gustav. Die Ahnen. Roman. Leipz., 1875-78. 5 Bde in 4: 12...69c

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Der Werth dieses Romans beruht auf künstlicher Verwendung historischer Studien in welchen sich der Verfasser schon durch seine Bilder aus dem Mittelalter" als Meister bewährt hat.. Es ist dem Verfasser gelungen nicht nur in seinen Haupthelden, sondern auch in vielen Nebenfiguren lebendige Gestalten zu schaffen, die ihre Existenz behaupten werden." -Dr. Karl Klüpfel in Lit. Weg. 1870-74.

Ein Cyklus von culturgeschichtlichen ErzähJungen, die durch einen genealogischen Stammbaum sehr locker verknüpft sind eine Art poetischer Ergänzung zu den Bildern aus deutscher Vergangenheit."-Rudolf ron Gottschall, Bl. f. lit. Unterhaltung.

Soll und Haben. Roman. Leipz., 1877. 2 Bde. 12 ...69c


"The best account of the habit- and manners of the E. and N. E. parts of Germany will be │ found in a novel.. Soll und Haben," by

G. Freytag. translated and published under the title of Debit and Credit.' It has merits of a high order, besides graphic descriptions of everyday life, and forms a marked contrast to the common run of German_novels.”—A Hay ward in Sel, essays, rol. I.

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"Der Verfasser zeigt uns in diesem Werke ein Bild aus dem deutchen Gelehrtenleben. Ein junger Professor der Philologie sucht mit leidenschaftlicher Beharrlichkeit eine alte Handschrift des Tacitus, deren Spur er zu haben glaubt... Vieles Einzelne ist in dem Buche

ganz unübertrefflich ausgeführt, aber in der Oekonomie des Ganzen nimmt doch die gelehrte Marotte mit dem Suchen nach der verlorenen Handschrift eine über Gebühr wichtige Stelle ein."-Dr. Karl Klüpfel, Lit. Wegweiser, 1870, Frothingham, O. B. Visions of the future, and other discourses. N. Y., 1879. ..11d


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Geschwister, Die. (Die Ahnen 5te Abth.) Roman von Gust. Freytag..


Gill, Theod. Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America. 1873. 50a Smithson. mise, coll, vol. 13. Gladstone, W: E. Gleanings of past years, 1843-78. vols. 1 and 2. N. Y., 1879. 2 vols.



...75b Contents: Vol. I. The Throne, and the Prince Consort: the cabinet, and the constitution.

1. Death of the Prince Consort, an address delivered at Manchester on the 23d of April, 1862, before the association of Lancashire and Cheshire mechanics' institute.

II., III, and IV. The Life of Prince ConsortCourt of Queen Victoria, vol. III.

V. The county franchise, and Mr. Lowe there


VI. Last words on the county franchise.
VII. Proscription on the county franchise.
VIII. Kin beyond the sea.

Vol. II. Personal and literary,
I. Blanco White, 1845.

II. Giacomo Leopardi.

III. Tennyson.

IV. Wedgwood.
V. Bishop Pattison.

VI. Macaulay.

VII. Memoir of Dr. Norman MacLeod,

"Essays written mainly for reviews and periodicals, from 1818-1878; they are philosophical, biographical, critical, and descriptive. The essays devoted to Prince Albert, Trevelyan's life of Macaulay, Wedgwood, and Tennyson; the letters to Lord Aberdeen; the papers in Germany, France, and England, and kin be yond the sea, have the chief interest." Lit. World.

Speeches of Pope Pius IX. N. Y., 1875. 8 11c. Pamphlets. vol. 544. Godey's lady's magazine.

vol. 97, JulyDec., 1878: vol. 98, Jan.-June, 1879. Phila., 1878-79. 2 vols. 8 ....100c

Godwin, Mrs. Mary, see: Mary Wollstonecraft. Goethe's (Johann Wolfgang ron) corres

pondence with a child. (With portrait of Bettina con Arnim.) Bost., 1876. 12 ..97b - Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe, 1794-1805. Transl. from the 3d ed of the German, with notes by L. Dora Schnitz. Lond., 1877-79: 2 vols. 12 ...97b

and Schiller; their lives and works, including commentary on Goethe's Faust: by H. H. Boyesen.. ...97 Goettingen, Königl. Universitäts Bibliothek. Accessionen 1854-68; v. p. 1855-69. 2 Bde. '8 .78a Golden butterfly. A novel; by W. Besant and J. Rice. .69b Goode, G. Brown. Catalogue of the fishes of the Bermudas. 1876. 50a. Smithson. misc. coll. vol. 13.

— Classification of the collection to illustrate the animal resources of the United States. A list of substances derived from the animal kingdom, with a synopsis of the useful and injurious animals, and a classification of the methods of capture and utilization. 1876. 50. Smithson. misc. coll. vol. 13.

Graf von Benjowsky. Historischer Roman
von Clara M. Mundt...
Grandidiers, Die. von Julius Rodenberg,

Green, J: R: History of the English people
N. Y., 1878-79. 3 vols., 8.

Vol. I. Early England, 449-1071.


England under foreign kings, 1071-1214.
The charter, 1204-1291.
The parliament, 1307-1461.

Vol. II. The monarchy, 1461-1540.
The reformation, 1540-1603.

Vol. III. The Puritan England, 1603-1660.

The revolution, 1660-1688.

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Portrait of Wilhelm Grimm in vol. 1.

Band 4. Erste Abtheilung. 1 ter Theil (ForschelGefolgsmann) bearbeitet von Jacob Grimm, Karl Weigand und Rudolph Hildebrand.

Band 4, Erste Abtheilung, 2 ter Theil; not yet published.

Band 4. Zweite Abtheilung, (H-I-J.) bearbeitet von Moriz Heyne.

Band 5, (K.) bearbeitet von Dr. Rudolf Hildebrand.

Grosse Kurfürst, Der. Historischer Roman von Clara M. Mundt..... ...69c Guernsey, Alfred H. Thomas Carlyle; his life, his books, his theories. N. Y., 1879. 16 ..97b





Karl. Lebensbilder. 1870-74. 3 Bde. Inhalt: Bd. 1. Erzählung. Bd. 2 Novellen und Skizzen: Das Opfer. Das Kastanienwäldchen bei Berlin. Aus Empfangszimmern. Die Wittwe von Bologna. Bd. 3. Prüfe wer sich ewig bindet. Novelle. "Gutzkow gehört jedenfalls zu den eigenartig sten Romanautoren der Neuzeit: sein Stil hat ein Arom von feiner Würzigkeit seine Weltanschauung einen bedeutsamen Zug... Gutzkow's grosse Romane versanden an den Stellen, wo der Fluss der Handlung durch nothwendige breitere Motivirungen gehemmt wird. . . Rudolf Gottschall, Bl. f. lit. Unterhaltung. Haeckel, Ernst. The evolution of man: A popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny. From the German. Illustr. N. Y., 1879. 2 vols. 122

Durch Nacht zum Licht.


An excellent translation of a popular exposition of the latest doctrines of the continental school of evolutionists with respect to the history of man."-Lit. World.

"Dr. Haeckel is fully familiar with all the newest experiments and their results.”—R's Epit. of Lit.

Hale, E: E. Mrs. Merriam's scholars. Bost., 1878. 16 ......70

"Proposes to show the success of certain persons who, under the inspiration of the Four Mottoes, do their best to live hopeful, unselfish, and progressive lives."-Lit. World.

"Mrs. Merriam's scholars is one of Mr. Hale's most characteristic stories, warm, rapid, real, dramatic, and interesting. It is on the old but never worn-out theme, personal influence. The story is mainly of the negro schools in the South and their Northern teachers just before the close of the war, and the lawlessness, chivalry, and heroism of that time are vividly sketched. It is the second of the Ten Times One' series."-Bost. D. Advert.

Hamburg. Stadtbibliothek. Catalog der Hebräischen Handschriften. Von Moritz Steinschneider. Hamb., 1878. 8..78a Geschichte der Hamburger Stadbibliothek. von Christ. Peterson. Hamb., 1838. ...78a


Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. 12...97b Bost., 1879 Hamilton, Allan McLane. Nervous diseases: their description and treatment. With 53 illustr. Phila., 1878. 82....57b A story of American life. ....69b

Hannah Thurston.

By Bayard Taylor. Harney, Gen. W: Selby. Life and military services. By L. U. Reavis. Introduction by Gen. Cassius M. Clay. Portrait. St. Louis, 1878. 8 ...97b

Harold's letzte Fahrt. Von Albert C. Brachvogel. In Hist. Novellen. Bd. III...69c Harper's monthly magazine. vol. 57, June- | Nov., 1878; vol. 58, Dec., 1878-May, 1879. N. Y., 1879. 2 vols. 8^. ..100c Harvard University. Annual report of the trustees of the Peabody Institute. vol. 1, (1868-76.) Camb., 1876. 82. .....51a library. Catalogue. Cambr., 1830. 3 vols. 8.



First supplement. Cambr., 1834. 8 .78a

Catalogue of the maps and charts. Cambr., 1831. 8.. .78a Hassard, John R. G. The wonders of the press. N. Y., 1878. 16°. .....62b Hassaurek, F. Secret of the Andes. A romance. Cinc., 1879. 12.... ....69b "Scene laid at Quito, South America, sixty years after the discovery and conquest of Perù by the Spaniards; heroine, an Indian princess, who desires to liberate her race; she possesses the secret of the great Inca treasure of Quito, hidden in the mountains, which is to be devoted to her purposes; history of her revolutionary scheme, and picture of the time. By late Minister to Ecuador, and author of Four years among Spanish-Americans.'"-T. Slip R.

"The work of depicting the magnificent natural scenery, of peopling the scene with imaginary characters, and of realizing to a modern mind the incidents of the sanguinary and desperate struggle between the Peruvian's and the Spaniards is done well-even strikingly well. Style moderate and manly; . charac ters firmly outlined and discriminated.”—Atlan


"Materials fresh, plan original, but the num ber of characters is bewildering, and the method elaborate almost to the degree of heaviness."-Lit. World. Haverhill. (Mass.) Public library. Catalogue. Haverh., 1878. 8^......78a Hayden, F. V. United States geological and geographical surveys of the territories. Geological and geographical atlas of Colorado and portions of adjacent territory. By F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist in charge ..46 Heart-Hungry. by Maria J. Westmoreland... ......69b Henne-Am-Rhyn, Otto. Allgemeine Kulturgeschichte von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart. (2te. umgearb. Aufl.) Leipz., 1879. 6 vols. 89


Bd. 1. Die Urzeit und die morgenländi schen Völker bis zum Verluste ihrer Selbstständigkeit.

Bd. 2. Die Hellenen und Römer und ihr Machtgebiet bis zum Siege des Christenthums.

Bd. 3. Das Mittelalter. Vom Auftreten der Nordeuropäischen Völker bis zum Wiederaufleben der Wissenschaften.

Bd. 4. Das Zeitalter der Reformation. Vom Wiederaufleben der Wissenschaften bis zum Ende der Religionskriege.

Bd. 5. Das Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Vom Ende der Religionskriege bis zum Ausbruche des Revolutionsgeistes. (Französische Revolution).

Bd. 6. Die neueste Zeit. Vom Ausbruch des Revolutionsgeistes. (Französiche Revolution). Generalregister über alle 6 Bde.

"Ein sehr stoffreiches Werk, welches das Gesammtgebiet der menschlichen Cultur, nämlich das politische, sociale, wissenschaftliche, religiöse und künstlerische Leben in der Art -childert, dass nicht bloss ein allgemeiner Ueberblick gegeben, sondern auch auf das Einzelne eingegangen wird. Der Standpunkt der Betrachtung ist im Allgemeinen der na tionallistich fortchrittliche. In den Reflexio nen kommen hin und wieder absonderliche Ansichten zu Tag."-Dr. Karl Klüpfel in Lit. Wegw., 1870-74.

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"Eine Art von roman comique, leicht, graziös und voll mit Ernst gemischten Scherzes. hat vielleicht seinen grössten Werth als Psychologie einer ganzen bedeutenden Stadt (München) und als Portrait der gesellschaftlichen und künstlerischen Zustände derselben." -Dr. Georg Brandes, Deutsche Rundschau. Tales from the German of Paul Heyse. N Y., 1879. 16° ....69b

Contents: Count Ernest's home. The dead lake. The fury (L'arrabiata). Judith Stern. "Four love stories of the Rhine, Tyrol, Sorrento, Dresden; . . . . Noticeable for simple, pure, forcible style. Author born in Berlin, 1830-still living; wrote In Paradise,' The children of the world,' etc."-T. Slip R.

"Heyse's stories have always a certain charm of freshness and actuality, the world seems wide and life various as one reads. The beauty of lake, wood and sea is vividly and simply indicated, and, above all, in his shorter stories his theories find less place, though they are sufficiently suggested."-N. Y. Nation.

Hill, D: J. American authors.
Washington Irving. N. Y., 1879. 162.97b
W: Cullen Bryant. N. Y., 1879.


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"Holtei ist ein sehr angenehmer Erzähler; wir heben aus seinen Romanen die beiden folgenden (Christian Lammfell' und Die Vagabunden) aus, wovon der erste hauptsächlich durch anmuthige Schilderung schlesischen Lebens anzieht, der zweite Erlebnisse aus dem Künstler- und Schauspielerleben mit unzerstörbarer Laune schildert.”—Dr. Karl Klipfel, Lit. Wegweiser, 1870.

Homer. Stories from Homer. By Alfred J. Church... .70

Hosmer, Jas. K. Short history of German literature. St. Louis, 1879. 8......77

"In twenty-eight chapters, treating of the Nibelungen Lied; Gudrun; the minnesingers; the development of prose; the mastersingers: Luther in literature: the thirty years' war; Lessing; Klopstock, Wieland, and Herder; Goethe; Schiller; the romantic school; Heinrich Heine; the modern era: German style.”—T. Slip R.

"The best book for the general reader."-N. Y. Nation.

· Mr. Hosmer loves his subject; he is a dili · gent and thorough worker in it; he has not got fost in it, like many of his predecessors, but has traversed it with clear intelligence, and he has drawn so lucid and helpful a map of his journey as will enable any other traveller to go the same road with the same success."-Libr. Table.

Howells, W. D. The lady of the Aroostook. Bost., 1879. 129 ...69b

"An American story: heroine a young, beautiful, and unsophisticated New England girl. with a fine voice, who is sent for by her aunt to come out to Venice; she leaves Boston on the · Aroostook,' a sailing vessel, in charge of the captain, and finds herself, through a chain of misunderstandings, the only woman on board, her fellow-passengers being three young men. The love story is evolved out of this unusual state of affairs."-T. Slip R.

"Patriotic and chivalrous purpose to rescue the American woman from the aspersions from which she has suffered of late. A fresh, vivaeious, elevated story."-Lit. World.

"The best work Mr. Howells has yet done."N. Y. Nation.

The story is an altogether pleasing one, piquant in its beginnings, satisfactory in its ending, and delightful all the way through."Appleton's Jour.

(For a general criticism of Howells as a writer see article in the Literary World, Aug. 2, 1879.) Howgate, H. W. Polar colonization. Wash., 1878. 8°.


Hugo, Victor. The history of a crime. N. Y., 1879. 2 vols. 8........ .....94c

The presentation of the coup d'etat of Louis Napoleon, by one who was prominent among the leaders of the opposition. As the subject invites the vehemence and sarcasm which are characteristic of Victor Hugo, the novel-reader will find almost as much entertainment as the student of history.

The testimony of an eye-witness, written immediately after the events. Related with the utmost precision, without declamation, without violence, with a restrained emotion, which gives the book extraordinary power."- Academy. 100 choice selections. See Speaker's Garland. ..73c Illustrirte Welt. Bd. 71. Juli-Dec., 1878. Leipz., 1878. ..100f Im Paradiese. von Paul Heyse. .69c




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Vogel, Prof. The chemistry of light ....65d and photography.......

Van Beneden, P. J. Animal parasites and messmates .....50 Whitney, W. D. The life and growth of language .32 ..69b

In trust. By A. M. Douglas.... Irving, Washington. By D: J. Hill. (Am. authors.) N. Y., 1879. 16 ..... .......97b

"This volume (first of series), based chiefly on Pierre Irving's Life,' has chronology of Irving, and index to names."-T. Slip R. Jameson. Memoirs of the life of Anna

Jameson. By her niece, Gerardine MacPherson. With a portrait (fr. a miniature by her father). Bost., 1878. 8°. ....97b



"Her movements to and fro among English literary people of the last generation give us, in constant succession, glimpses of a society which it is ever a delight to enter. exceptionally interesting volume."-Lit. World. "For the manner in which the biography has been prepared we have only the heartiest praise."-Appleton's Jour.

Japan. Third annual report of the minister of education. 1875. (Japanese) Tokio, 1876. 2 vols. 8 ...31c

Jean Fort de Marconnay. Von Albert C. Brachvogel, In Hist. Novellen. Bd. III. ..69c Jean Teterol's idea. By Victor Cherbuliez.. .....69b Jebb, R. C. (Literature Primers. 1878.

Greek Literature.
Ed. by J: R: Green.)


N. Y., .77 Jessie Graham. By Mary J. Holmes. (Bound with "Daisy Thornton.") ..69b

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Keyes, E. L. see: W. H. Van Buren. (Joint authors.)

Kidder, J. H. Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen Island, made in connection with the American Transit-of-Venus expedition. 1874-75.

1. Ornithology. Ed. by Dr. Elliott Cones.

2. Oölogy, and a study of chionis minor By J. H. Kidder and Elliott Coues, etc. 46. Smithson. mise. coll. vol. 13. Kilmeny. A novel. By W: Black....69b Kiss, and be friends. A novel. By Julia P. Smith... .69b.

Koch, C. F. Die Satzlehre der Englischen Sprache. Cassel, 1878. 8.32 Koenig, Ewald A: Die Geheimnisse einer grossen Stadt. Jena, 1870. 16......69c

"Dieser Roman ist frisch und mit Phantasie geschrieben; auch sind einzelne Charaktere wie 7. B. der Doctor Stein, recht gut geschildert; trotzdem kann der Roman ein höheres Interesse nicht in Anspruch nehmen, denn es fehlt an Originalität. Der Stil ist zu loben, die Sprache ist fliessend, angenehm und natürlich." -Rudolf Sonnenburg, in Bl. f. lit. Unterhaltung. Lady (The) of the Aroostook. By W: D. Howells .69b


Lake breezes. By W: T. Adams.....70
Landolin von Reutershöfen. By Berth.

American Ichthyolgy. 50a. Smithson. mise. coll. vol. 13.

Journal of speculative philosophy. Vol. 12, 1878. St. Louis, 1878. 8

Joyce, Walter Dwyer. Deirdre.


A novel

in verse. Bost., 1876. 16.........67b

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Lane, E: W. See: Arabian nights entertainment ......69d

(L'Arrabiata.) The fury. In: Tales from the German of Paul Heyse... ....69b

Lawrence, G: N. Birds of Southwestern Mexico in the National Museum. 1875. 50 a. Smithson. mise, coll. vol.


Lawrence public library. and bulletins 1-4, books 15, 1873, to Apr. 30, 1874.




Kastanienswäldchen (Das) bei Berlin.

Lebensbilder. Bd. 2., von Karl Gutzkow. ...69c

Catalogue 1873, added from June Lawrence, v.d. .78a

Lebensbilder. Von Karl Gutzkow...69c

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