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President, HARRY F. WEST.

Vice-President, GEORGE K. JOHNSON.



Executes Trusts,

Secretary and Treasurer, HENRY C. BROWN.


Allows Interests on Deposits,

EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS, President. WILLIAM N. ELY, Treasurer. NATHANIEL B. CRENSHAW, R. E Officer. EDW. SYDENHAM PAGE. Assist. to Pres't.

Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent, Cares for Real Estate.


Historical Collections Relating to Gwynedd. First Edition, 1885.-Second Edition, 1897. Octavo, 464 pages. With 8 Illustrations, including 3 original Etchings, by Blanche Dillaye. By Howard M. Jenkins. Office, 921 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price, $4.00 net. (Postage, 23 cents.)

Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography.

"We have received a copy of the second edition of this valuable contribution. to our local history and genealogy. Within a few years after the issue of the first edition, in 1884, it became exhausted, and the author has now responded to the call for a second edition, which has long been wanted... The ramifications of the families who settled at Gwynedd and vicinity are so extensive that in all probability this edition will be exhausted as rapidly as the first."

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Publisher's Department.

*** "Twenty good Weeklies, of 5,000 each, are five

times the value of one Daily of a hundred thousand."

**Among rose growers there is none more entitled to

confidence than the Conard and Jones Company, West

Grove, Pa., whose advertisement appears in this issue of


***Swarthmore Grammar School'sends us a copy of

a Special Circular, containing many favorable expres-

sions in relation to the school and its work, all of them,

we note, of recent date.


Will be sold on the premises of the late Abel J. Hop-

kins, in New London Township, Chester County, Pa.,

situated about three miles from West Grove, and two

miles from Kelton, on the P. & B. C. R. R., on

Fourth-day, Second Month 16, 1898.


A FARM containing 27 acres, more or less, bounded

by lands of Joel Conard and others. A very desirable

and productive farm, all under cultivation. About one

acre of asparagus, young peach orchard (trees, 1, 2,

and 3 years planted), cherry trees and small fruit, large

apple orchard of excellent fruit. The improvements con-

sist of a large brick house, roofed with slate and tin, well

built and in good repair, containing 13 rooms and excel-

lent cellar with vault; bath-room with modern conveni-

ences and hot and cold water; porches, large lawn, with

fine shade trees. This house is very prettily situated,

hnd should be seen to be appreciated. Barn with ample

shedding, 2-story hog-house, chicken, carriage, and tool

house, and corn crib, all in good repair. Ice house and

pond, constant flow of spring water at barn. Any one

desiring a nice, cheery location for a home will do well to

examine this property before purchasing elsewhere, and

will be shown over the same by Mary E. Hopkins, resid-

ing thereon, or, T. C. Moore, West Grove, Pa.

Sale to commence at one o'clock, sharp, when condi-

tions will be made known by


Executor of Abel J. Hopkins, dec'd.

George B. Johnson, Attorney.

John R. Strode, Auctioneer.

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Primary, Intermediate, High School, and College Preparatory Classes. Send for catalogue containing particulars, references, and letters from parents.


Martin Academy,


Under the Care of Friends. Begins its 23d Year, Ninth Month 6, 1897.

Primary, Intermediate, and Academical Departments. A day school for both sexes. Good boarding in suitable homes at reasonable rates. Prepares for college, business, or teaching. For Catalogues, address,

Kennett Square, Penna.

Friends' Academy,


A Boarding and Day School for Boys and Girls, under the care of Friends.

Thorough instruction to fit for business or to enter college. Board and tuition $150 per school year. New Building with modern conveniences.

For particulars, address

Locust Valley, Long Island, N. Y.

Chappaqua Mountain Institute,


The building is modern, and the location is the hill country thirty-two miles north of New York City. For Circulars, address

Chappaqua, New York.


140 N. FIFTEENTH STREET. re-opened


The rooms are open daily, except First-days, from 8.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. m., and Friends are cordially invited to avail themselves of the facilities afforded, those from without the city and young Friends boarding in the city being particularly desired to do so.

The rooms are designed to be


With Extracts from her Journal, and Selections from her Writings.



Among the Rushes.
What is the World.

Not Changed but Glorified.
Above are uniform with

Peter Noddy.
Tommy's Friend.

The Seed and the Prayer.
What the Sparrow Chirps.
Light After Darkness.

My Times Are in Thy Hands..
Thou Art My God.

12mo., cloth, 286 pages, with two portraits. Price, Making ten in the set. Price, 5 cents each;

$1.00, postage paid.

For Sale by


S. W. Corner 15th and Race Streets, Philadelphia.


full set 45 cents.


S. W. Cor. 15th and Race Sts., Philad'a.


Established 1844.

Fite Journal, 1673.}




GOD, who caused light to shine in this outward world, hath judged it necessary to cause the light of his Spirit to shine inwardly in the heart; and this gives the knowledge of the Scriptures, and the true sense and discerning of inward and spiritual things.


From a Letter to a friend on the Gospel, the Scriptures, etc.


LOST on the drift,-and where the full clouds flow
The steep above him looms,

And strong winds out of the distant regions blow
The snow in streaming plumes,
And yawns the gulf of the crevasse below
In sapphire glows and glooms.

Along the precipice there is no way

That he may surely tread,

Slight is his foothold on the slippery stay
That trembles to his tread,
And chill and terrible the dying day
Fails fast about his head.

Could he but hear some lowing of the herd,
Some mountain bell ring clear,

If some familiar sound one moment stirred
To guide him lost in fear!

He dares not move, some beckoning, leading word
Alas! could he but hear !

In those waste places of the earth and dim.
No star shines forth at all,-

Through awful loneliness enshrouding him
He gives one shuddering call,
While horror of great darkness seems to swim
And fold him in its pall.

Then like blown breath of music in the height
A cry comes far and low,-

He thrills, he springs, he gathers all his might,
He feels new pulses glow!

His Father's voice-he needs nor sense nor sight,
He knows the way to go!

-Harriet Prescott Spofford, in Harper's Magazine.

For Friends' Intel'igencer.



RUSKIN'S economic crusade is the central act of his career. His attack on the political economists constitutes one of the most curious and puzzling incidents in the history of modern thought. We are now perhaps in a position to appraise the measure of truth and misconception on both sides of the great controversy. Certainly Ruskin, and perhaps his opponents too, were under a primary error as to what Political Econ

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omy purports to be. That science does not aspire to be a sufficient guide for human action. It merely attempts to discover what it can of the facts about wealth; and even in its preliminary assumption that men will do what it is their interest to do, it does not pretend that no exceptions and qualifications exist to this, and is very far indeed from asserting that this ought or ought not to be the dominant motive. Indeed the ethical "ought" has nothing to do with a science which investigates what exists, simply. theory of wealth-production may indeed tell us what course of action will be financially safe or profitable. It does not bid us adopt that course, which may be forbidden by higher considerations.


But in 1860, when Ruskin began his campaign by contributing "Unto This Last" to the "Cornhill Magazine," claims were made for Political Economy which are now abandoned. The expansion of English manufactures under Free Trade seemed to be a kind of Promised Land to which the nation had been led by obeying the economic lawgivers, after suffering forty years in the desert of Protection; and so the dicta of the science were exalted into a sort of Sinaitic Tablet of Stone, wherewith to regulate all actions, public and private, dealing with business or with charity. A stony commandment truly. Thus exalted, it made the narrowest, most inhuman creed that ever turned sour the native milk of human kindness, or raised indignant protest from outraged hearts. What! Ignore all motives but self-interest, and let the weak one die in uncared-for pain, as judiciously provided by economic nature, as but one more case of economic friction! Let us settle everything by unfettered competition, that is, by cunning war with our next door neighbor; let no intrusive charity spoil Nature's so successful Laissez-Faire. Let us bow to hard fate and prudently approximate in our personal character to the measure of the standard of the fulness of the economic man, shrewd, laborious, passionless, selfish with the unconscious selfishness of a machine.

Against this degraded ideal rose Ruskin's cry. His cause was a good one, and his message needed. It was briefly to the effect that the life is more than meat, and the body than raiment; that men and nations must press forward to the mark for the prize of a righteous and wholesome life; it is a plea for mercy and helpfulness and enlightened patriotism, a warning of unmitigated directness to do as we would be done by, and to be guides rather than exploiters of the workman and the foreigner. Sweet family life, manly work, strenuous and self-denying endeavor, and a heart at peace; these (he said) are your national riches. Need I point out how he finds the words of evangelist and prophet ready to his hand?

But his method of attack was unfortunate. He flew at John Stuart Mill as though he were the incarnation of the devil's own selfishness. By this method, though his readers catch the always interesting odor of battle, he raised up many mockers, confused the already tangled issues and darkened counsel; and, it is | to be feared, finally ruined in the strife his own health | and nerves. People who knew that economics was no deception but an approximately true science, were stumbled at the abrupt message of Elijah from the wilderness. The outcry was so great that the editor of the "Cornhill" and the publisher of "Fraser" were obliged to ask him to write no more. The man who had been everybody's darling as an art critic was now mentioned with a smile of superior pity.

And yet the prophet was right, as well as the economist; only his books are not economics at all—they are something better; they are ethics-ethical essays of an unsystematic kind, on social subjects. And we, now-a-days, read them with no diminished interest, for they point to an ideal of citizenship which we shall certainly never reach by obeying the maxim that "Business is business."

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This original error in method led to a further peculiarity of form-particularly in "Munera Pulveris. The existing economic manuals being shallow and erroneous, Ruskin felt that he must write a better one, in which he would give due force and due honor to generous impulses-give some better guide to practical duty, and show how men in producing and distributing the fruits of the earth, may best order happy lives. He begins thus: "Political economy regulates the acts and habits of a society, with reference to the means of its maintenance. It is neither an art nor a science; but a system of conduct and legislature, founded on the sciences, directing the arts, and impossible, except under certain conditions of moral culture." And then, not by years of study, not by patient accumulation of facts and sifting of statistics, not by comparing land tenures and wage lists, and investigating trades unions and clearing house returns, but by sheer force of genius, by intuitive meditation in the valleys of Savoy, with a chance newspaper extract or two for text, and for argument and illustration, long discursive examination of remote etymological connections, and the significance of Greek myths and the parables of Dante, did Ruskin attempt a systematic treatise on Economics. The sweet songster of the sky descended from his soaring flight, and took to digging-a skylark with draggled soil-stained feathers, toiling at mud pies. The winged Pegasus had taken to ploughing. What wonder that the furrows struck off suddenly at right angles, and that Pegasus and his broken plough were at times found, strayed and tangled, among the thickets where the flowers grew.

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Wages," or Art, or Education, or Coinage, as the case might be. Ever promising, ever hoping, struggling manfully, if so be by a tour-de-force of genius he might do his self-appointed task, storm the whole citadel, so many bits of which so many men were patiently undermining to extend economics into a universal Gospel-and only finding after all that the bye issues into which a complete guide to human action, public and private, would have to go, were too many for him.

For indeed a science must have its limitations at each end, must assume certain things to begin with, as physics assumes mathematics, and mathematics metaphysics. And it must limit also its subject matter in some definite way. The subject of economics is material wealth. But Ruskin replies, "There is no wealth but life. Life, including all its powers of love, of joy and of admiration. That country is the richest which nourishes the greatest number of noble and happy human beings; that man is richest who, having perfected the functions of his own life to the utmost, has also the widest helpful influence, both personal, and by means of his possessions, over the lives of others. All this is true, but is beyond the economist's task.

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It is a remarkable sight this; genius working the tread-mill of patient science. The opposite phenomenon is commoner; where dull people are set to do the stimulating, to speak the words that ought to thrill. We are familiar with fustian eloquence and conventional inspiration, and machine-made prophecy. Men are apt to crowd into the higher activities. Johnson writing his Dictionary, Carlyle groaning over his Cromwell Letters and Speeches, are not so touching as that poetess-if I may break through language to express my meaning-that poetess, John Ruskin, attempting to lay down by intuition a law of wages, and dealing with Malthus by permitting men to marry at the fixed age of 30, under a State-permit, granted for good conduct and efficiency.

And now, after all, let me recommend all young, all earnest people, all souls of a pure enthusiasm to read carefully "Time and Tide," which is the most sketchy and fantastic, "Munera Pulveris," "Unto This Last," and chiefly "The Crown of Wild Olive." I think this is Ruskin's very best book. Every paragraph is a triumph of art, of peerless and perfect prose, full of humor and all delight. No one who has really appreciated it can hereafter be quite ignorant of what is good and bad in style, or true and delicate in feeling.

Mr. Ruskin's conviction of the wickedness of the economic theory of wisdom and duty was abundantly confirmed by the evil products of much that was done under orthodox economic sanction. He fought against the extension of railways and against steam machinery. His attitude about railways may be gleaned from the following:

"You have despised Nature : that is to say, all the deep and sacred sensations of natural scenery. The French Revolutionists made stables of the Cathedrals of France, you have made race-courses of the cathedrals of the earth. Your one conception of pleasure is to drive in railroad carriages round their aisles and eat off their altars. You have put a railroad bridge over the Falls of Schaffhausen. You have tunnelled the cliffs of Lucerne by

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