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in London, appears to be in contemplation in Edinburgh; the neighbourhood of which, used once to supply the streets of London with stone, Part of North College street there, it seems, is already laid with iron blocks, by way of experiment.

A contagious fever continues to spread through Ireland, originating in filth, want, and confinement; it rages with the greatest fury in the goals aud circuit towns. Mr. Win. Ridgeway, an eminent lawyer, and a most worthy man, has fallen a victim to fever, caught while attending his professional duty on circuit at Trim. Mr. Justice Osborne, one of the judges of the Court of King's Bench, has also died of the same disorder.

A letter from St. Helena, dated in June last, contains the following passage:" Madame Bertrand continues the same gay creature as ever. She was brought to bed a few days ago. Bonaparte paid her a lying-in visit. She took her child in her arms, and presented it to the Emperor, saying,

Sire, I have the pleasure of shewing you a great curiosity-in a word, an unique-the first stranger that ever was allowed to approach your Majesty in this island, without permission from the governor, or an order from the Secretary of State.' Bo. naparte was quite pleased with the bon mot, and laughed heartily."

It has generally been conceived, that to send cotton manufactures to India would be something like sending coals to Newcastle, It appears, however, by the following paragraph in a Glasgow paper of Thursday, that the manufacturers in that quarter have turned such a speculation to account: "It is a flattering circumstance for our manu factures, that the former exportation of muslin for India, from the Clyde, sold at such prices as to encourage a great exteusion of the trade; and considerable sales of fancy muslins have recently been made for that market."

The recent short change of wind brought to Portsmouth from seventy to eighty sail of coasting vessels, colliers, and others, which had been detained a considerable time in the Downs, Ramsgate, and ports to the Eastward, by the long prevalent westerly winds. Twenty five sail of colliers are landing their coal at Portsmouth : ship price from 26s, to 30s. per chaldron, Winchester measure.

In a private letter from Lord Craven dated the 27th of July, he says, they left Venice on the 27th of June for Trieste, from thence sailed to Pola and back to Venice. On the 21st of July they set sail in company with the Wasp sloop of war for Ancona, to see the fair Senegalica, but finding they must perform seven days quarantine, his Lordship determined on going immediately to Corfu. A fair breeze springing up, they ran it in forty-one hours, a distance of 396 miles. In all situations,

his ship the Louisa, has given the greatest satisfaction. They intend going to Zante from thence on to Sicily, and to winter again at Naples. We trust this paragraph will give pleasure to the many, who feel an interest in the welfare of his Lordship and family.

Sept. 10.-The Earl of St. Vincent having lately been on a visit to his friends in the County of Stafford, was on his return to his seat near Brentwood, in Essex, surprised by a present of a novel but agreeable kind, In his hall his Lordship found placed a French Revolutionary flag, and near it a marble Tablet, with the following inscrip. tion, which sufficiently explains the motive, for depositing the flag in that place. The last Tricolor


by the Naval Flag of Britain
the Colours

of L'Etoile captured by the Hebrus
March 27th 1814

Most respectfully dedicated
To John Earl of St. Vincent
the offering

of a grateful Pupil

To an illustrious Master.

It was after a chase of 120 miles and a well fought action of two hours and a quarter under an incessant fire from a French Battery, that the Etoile French frigate was captured by the Hebrus under the command of Captain Palmer, by whom the flag of the captured vessel has been placed, as above stated. The official ac. count of the battle is to be found in the Gazette of April 2nd, 1814. Next to the satisfaction which Lord St. Vincent would feel from conquering his country's enemies, in his own person, is that of seeing them successfully combated by others, who have learned the art of victory under his eye and from his example.

The present, therefore, was a most grateful one. Captain Palmer is the son of the justly celebrated Comptroller of the Post Office, and the inventor of Mail Coaches, a system by which more than by any other discovery of modern times, the internal Commerce and civil intercourse of the Country have been facilitated,

Sept. 9.-A new scheme of finance promulgated in Hanover, an Income Tax of one per cent. its chief feature. Broad hints thrown out in Dublin papers also, of advan tages that would result from the introduction of a direct tax upon income, in lieu of all existing imposts, Mr. Vansittart the imputed father of these hints.

The Camden transport, with part of the 19th dragoons on board, arrived from Quebec in twenty-six days.

English and American Commissioners for tracing bounds of their mutual territories, are going on quietly and satisfactorily therewith.

Mr. Tierney is reported as happily recovering from his long illness.

The funeral of Sir Joseph Mawbey took place at Chertsey, attended by his relations and friends, who, as well as the working classes, evinced a sincere and deep regret for his loss, every attempt to render the ob sequies simple and without pomp, was frustrated by the numerous applications from persons desirous of shewing their last testimony of regard, by following him to the grave-the poor in him have lost a friend, as he performed his duties as a Magistrate with unbiassed rectitude, and by living on his estate, conducted to the benefit of his dependants-such the life of the true country gentleman.

French walnuts, of this year's growth, were sold in Covent Garden Market, at one guinea a bushel in the green husks.

The Bedfordshire Magistrates have directed all publicans within the county to affix in their houses an abstract of penalties against tippling, drunkness, gaming, and profane swearing, and as often as it is defaced, to apply to the Clerk of Petty Sessions for a uew copy.

Three pitched battles were fought at Moulsey Hurst on Tuesday last; the first between Reynolds and Church, in which the former was victorious; the second between Spring and Stringer, the former beat; the last between Purcell and H. Lancaster, Purcell beat. The losing men were all so dreadfully beaten, that they were incapable of walking off the ground: the usual assemblage of black legs were present.

Notice has been given, that application will be made in the ensuing Parliament to enclose the whole of Epping Forest,

The Lord Chancellor sits on the last Monday in October, when his Lordship will hold his first Seal. The Vice Chancellor bas intimated his intention of sitting on the 23d of October, to hear bankrupt petitions, and exceptions to reports,

Mr. Han. Francis Hastings is said to bave made good his title to the Earldom of Huntingdon. He is the lineal descendant of Francis, second Earl of Huntingdon, and Catherine, daughter of George Plan tagenet, duke of Clarence, and is related to the Marquis of Hastings.

Sept. 12.-On Friday last the Thomas, Coutts, Indiaman was launched from Barnes's Yard, Deptford; she is a 1200 ton ship and is to be commanded by Capt. Majoribanks. The day was unusually favourable to the spectacle which attracted an immense company; the platforms were crowded with ladies distinguished for their elegance and beauty; indeed the whole scene was more like a fairy vision than a real matter of business, and filled the spectators with wonder and admiration. When the stays were knocked away the ship glided smoothly into the river in the most majestic style, amid the plaudits of


many hundred voices. Mrs. Coutts ho-
noured the ship by throwing the bottle and
wishing success to its enterprizes.
whole was conducted in the most masterly
manner possible, and not an accident of
any sort occurred, save a little splashing.
which the motley gazers at the foot of the
dock were christened by, when the waters
swelled with the vast body which was
launched into the bosom of the river. The
yards of several ships were manned by the
Marine Society's apprentices, and the
decks of all the vessels at anchor were
filled with genteel company, which added
to the beauty of the scene. Previous to
the launch, a steam boat with the propri-
etors and their friends on board rushed
down the river and moored alongside the
yard, and gave an opportunity for the
thinking mind to indulge in contemplating
the progress of arts and inventions. Ano
ther ship was upon the stocks in the same
yard, a mere skeleton, and formed a pleas
ing contrast with the masterpiece of inge-
nuity which was then completed, and lay
like a great Leviathan in the river. This
being another sinew to the arm of our
Commerce, we wish the Thomas Coutts the
most complete success.

Translation of a Letter from his Majesty
the King of Prussia to the Directors of
the Waterloo Subscription, and for
warded by Prince Blucher to G. H. Rose,
Esq. his Britannic Majesty's Minister;
and by him transmitted to the Directors:

The interest which the Honourable Waterloo Association bas manifested towards the soldiers of my army who were wounded, as well as the widows and orphans of those who fell in the campaign of 1815, by remitting the Field Marshal the Prince Blucher, a further sum of £10,000 sterling, in addition to the important one of 200,000 rix dollars, previously given for the support of those who had lost their protectors in that memorable war, has caused me the most lively pleasure, inasmuch as that gift will not only alleviate the sufferings of those for whom it is intended, but will also, prove to me a pleasing remembrance of the esteem in which the English nation holds the glory acquired by our united armies, This makes me desirous of expressing to the noble Association my unfeigned thanks for their benevolent sentiments, leaving Prince Blucher to make them acquainted, in due time, with the application of their charitable donation.

(Signed) FREDERICK WILLIAM. To the Waterloo Committee, London.

Berlin, June 18.

The French and Dutch papers inform us that the Duke of Wellington intends appealing to a higher Court against the adverse judgment given in his case of libel with the Ghent Editor, The Flemish Journals are in high spirits at this signal defeat, as they call it, of his Grace.

The King of Prussia was present at a review of 20,000 English, &c. on the 8th inst, near Valenciennes,

The object of Marshal Marmont's jour ney to Lyons is still undisclosed-his arrival was attended with the loudest demonstrations of pleasure and outward loyalty to the Bourbons-some of French half-pay officers announce their intentions of joining the Spanish Patriots-Madrid papers keep up the story of Russia assisting Spain in South America-Alexander, they say, is. to send a corps of Cossacks to act against the Patriot Guerilla Cavalry! Very little intelligence lately of operations of the Patriots. American journals report M'Gregor has raised supplies by mortgaging 44,000 acres of land in Florida, for the sum of two hundred and twenty thousand dollars— but Florida is first to be subdued!

The Falmouth, twenty guns, Captain Rich, arrived on Friday from St. Helenaleft July 29-Bonaparte was never in better health-its perfect restoration he attributes to the constant use of the warm bath -he uses it as the greatest of luxuries, frequently staying in it several hours, reading a book; he walks afterwards in the grounds of Longwood, and fills up his hours at billiards.

The Tortoise store ship, from Rio Janeiro, brings accounts of numerous instances of outrage and oppression exercised by the Governor of that port on British merchant vessels, in unnecessarily firing at and compelling ships to anchor, imprisoning boats' erews, and keeping them without provisions-the Tortoise was fired on in this manner, the shot carrying away one of her sails-an officer and boat's crew, sent ashore to remonstrate, were kept prisoners till released by our Ambassador, who has sent home an account of the affair, and, it is rumoured, an apology from the Portuguese.

The Prince Regent has become a member of the Yatcht Club, a society composed of many Nobility and Gentry, for keeping their own sailing vessels.

Letters received in America, from New South Wales, dated November last, state, that two vessels had been taken possession of by some desperate convicts, and that they had proceeded to sea. One of the ships mentioned is his Majesty's brig Kangaroo, commanded by Lieut. Jeffery.

The Madrid Gazette states, that the


Queen of Spain suckles her own child, the Infanta Maria Isabella Louisa.

Miss O'Neil, previous to her return to her professional duties at Covent-garden Theatre, means to take the Bristol waters for the re-establishment of her health.

The King of Prussia is expected at Ber lin on the 25th instant.

It has now been finally determined, that the accouchement of the Princess Charlotte shall take place at Claremont.

PARIS, Sept. 16. - Private letters re ceived from Breslau, state that tranquillity is completely restored there; nor is there any fear of its being again disturbed.

To day, before mass, Marshal the Duke. of Feltre had a private audience of his Majesty.

The Duke de Richelieu and Marshal Goue. vion St. Cyr, the Mini ter at War, succes sively transacted business with the King.

French Funds-Five per cent. 68f, 65c.. Bank Actions, 1377f. 50c.

Sept. 17.-The King having ordered and received an account of the remits to France. of the last season for silk, as to the pro-. duce obtained from silk-worms, and having ascertained that there would not be enough to supply our mannfactories, bas issued an Ordonnance, dated the 10th inst. to facilitate the purchase of foreign raw silk, by a considerable reduction of duty, which, however, is only to be temporary.

BERLIN, Sept. 3.-A certain degree of agitation manifests itself in this capital, as well as in some other cities of the monar chy. An association of pretended liberales, is formed here, who wish to establish principles and innovations but little compatible with the existence of a monarchical government, or perhaps of any government. To attain their end, they demand as a sacred right belonging to men, the unlimited Liberty of the Press. A revolution always begins this way. These innovators meet from time to time, At one of their meetings they resolved to support with all their means and influence, M. Mallinkrodt, a Westphalian Counsellor, and the author of a periodical work which has already incurred two actions for libels inserted in it upon General Thielman.

PETERSBURG, Aug. 25.-The Emperor, who set off to-day, will proceed by Witepsk, Smolensk, Mohilew, Kiow, Pultava, Orel and Tula. He will arrive at Moscow, on the 30th September.


THE Rev. S. Locke, of Farnham, D.D. intituled, on his own petition, to the Rectory of Hilgaye, one of the valuable Norfolk livings.

The Rev. G. W. T. Milner, to the rectory of Larking in Norfolk.

The Rev. Dr. Holland, rector of Poin

ings, to a prebendal stall in the cathedral of Chichester, vacant by the death of the Rev. Charles Birch, A.M.

The Rev. Osborne Shribb Reynolds, to the rectory of Boedge, with the rectory of Debach annexed Suffolk: patron, the Rev. Robert Reynolds.

[blocks in formation]

JAN. 11. At Bombay, Me. De vire, B. Missed, A.M. the Rev. Howell Jones,

collector, to Miss Dora Moore, daughter of the late Colonel Moore, formerly of the 59th regiment.

AUG. 30. Christopher Wilkinson, Esq. wholesale tea-dealer, Basinghall street, to Ann, daughter of Thos. Wm. Hodgson, Esq. SEPT. 1. Mr. John Stevens, of Kings land, to Fanny, second daughter of James Buston, of Layer-ball, Esq.

2. Mr. Robert Slodes of Hunter-street, Brunswick square, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Tyler, Esq. of Cross-lane, Thames


3. Mr. F. N. Devey, of Dorset-street, Fleet-street, to Ann, daughter of Mr. D. Egg, Knightsbridge-Green.

6. Thomas Lewis, Esq. of Cornhill, to Caroline, daughter of H. Reed, Esq. of Woodlands, Tooting common, Surrey.

8. At Paris, Robert Baxter, Esq. of Bombay, to Louisa Elizabeth, daughter of John George Parkhurst, Esq. and the late Dowager Lady Boynton.

9. At Stoke, near Bath, by the Rev.

MONTHLY LATELY, suddenly, the Rev. Mr. John

Tucker, of Sherbourne, perpetual curate of Caundle Marsh,

Lately, in India, the Rev. John Christopher Sapper.

Lately, Mr. Richard Goodison, an eminent training groom at Newmarket, aged


Lately, the Rev. Thomas Heckford, M.A. vicar of Trumpington and Melbourn, Cambridge, and formerly of Trinity College.

JULY 11. At Kingston, Jamaica, of the endemial fever, Major John Lee, of the Royal Scots, senior aid-de-camp to MajorGeneral Conran, commanding his Majesty's forces on that island.

27. At Teneriffe, David Lockardt, Esq. aged 80.

AUG. 12. At Clifton, in the 70th year of his age, Eyles Irwin, Esq.* formerly of the East India Company's civil establish.

* For Portrait and Memoir, vide vol, xv. page 179.

to Miss Gale of Bradford.

10. John Jones, Esq. son of John Jones, of Llanarth-court, Monmouthshire, Esq. to Lady Harriet Plunkett, daughter of the Earl of Fingall,

11. Thomas Jones, Esq. of Ware, ban ker, to Mrs. Win, of the same place.

William Smith, of Moreton-ball, in the county of Worcester, Esq. to Sophia, daughter of John Ward, Esq. of Air-street, Piccadilly.

12. At Enfield, G. H. Ward, Esq, to Mary, the eldest daughter of the late Dr. William Saunders, M.D.

James Sole, of William-row, Tottenham, Esq. to Charlotte, daughter of Robert Yee lis, Esq. of Midford, near Bath.

17. James Baldwin Brown, Esq. of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, to Mary Jane, daughter of William Raffles, Esq. of Princes-street,

23. At Aldgate, Mr. W. C. Chapman, to Hellen Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr. Alexander Hay, of Red Lion-street, Holborn.


ment at Madras, and for many years one of its most distinguished ornaments.

20. At Amsterdam, the Dowager Mar chioness of Sligo, where she was expecting Sir William Scott from Switzerland, in order to return with him to England. Her Ladyship was born on the 9th of Decem ber 1767, and was the youngest daughter and co-heiress of the late gallant Earl Howc. In 1787 she was married to the late Marquis of Sligo, by whom she had a son, the present Marquis. To her second husband, Sir William Scott, she was married about 5 years since. Her ladyship was a woman of much literary accomplishments.

26. The Rev. Wm. Thompson, many years minister of the parish of Ochiltree, Ayrshire.

Mr. Thomas Blackett, of Newgate-street, many years one of the Common Council for the ward of Farringdon within.

27. At Shoulden house, near Deal, John Iggulden, Esq. aged 71.

At Botleys, Surrey, Sir Joseph Mawbey, Bart.

30. At Abinger hall, near Dorking, Peter Campbell Esq. of the island of Jamaica, aged 82.

31. Louisa, eldest daughter of Henry Woodfall, Esq. of Brompton-row, aged 21. In Great Ormond-street, Gamaliel Lloyd, Esq. aged 73.

At Church-lane, Chelsea, George Dobree, Esq. of Oxford-street, in his 70th year.


At Hastings, the Rev John Clack, aged

SEPT. 3. At Perlasco, Lake of Cumo, Mrs. Yeates Brown.

4. At Sandwich, Mrs. Judith Harvey, aged 74, relict of Capt. George Harvey, who fell so distinguished on the memorable 1st of June, 1794, whilst commanding his Majes ty's ship Brunswick, in the honorable post of second to Admiral Earl Howe,

5. At Hemus-terrace. Chelsea, Major Brereton Poynder, aged 79.

At Walworth, Mr. John William Tomkins of the Victualling Office, aged 82.

6. At Sandwich, in the 69th year of his age, Richard Emmerson, Esq. banker, of that town, and one of the jurats of the corporation.

7. Lady Francis Pelham, third daughter of the Earl of Chichester,

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9. The Rev. Wm. Master, 42 years rec

tor of Paulersbury, Northamptonshire, aged 77.

14. At Bird-place, Henley-upon-Thames, Barrett Marsh, Esq, aged 73.

At Esher, Mrs. de Ponthien, mother of the late John de Ponthieu, Esq. M.P. of Portland-place.

15. John Stanley, Esq. aged 72, signer of the bills of Middlesex, and for upwards of 40 years clerk to three of the judges of England.

16. Deeply lamented, Mr. Robert Lum, of Steward-street, Old Artillery-ground, aged 45.

At Bayswater, Mrs. Ansley, wife of Mr. Alderman Ansley, in the 39th year of her age.

At Papplewick, Nottinghamshire, James Robinson, Esq. aged 71.

17. At Chatham, Elizabeth, the lady of Sir Robert Barlow, commissioner of his Majesty's dock-yard at that port..

18. At his house in Serjeant's-inn, Mr. Charles Wells, M. D. F.R.S. L. and E, and One of the physicians to St. Thomas's hospital, deeply lamented by all who have reapects for talents, or science, or learning, or high-minded integrity, and have the advantage of having known him.

24. At his house in Kepnington, aged 60, Charles Hicks. Esq. many years an un derwriter at Lloyd's Coffee House.


THE Collectors of Portraits and Illustrators of Granger's Biographical Dictionary, Seward's Anecdotes, Boswell's Life of Johnson, Biographia Dramatica, Pennant's London, Lysons's Environs, Pursuits of Literature, are respectfully informed, that a FEW proof impressions of the PORTRAITS that accompany this Work, are struck off on Columbia Paper, and may be had separate, price 4s,; but EARLY application will be necessary to secure them, as the number printed is very LIMITED.

In the press.

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Mr. Taylor's edition of the Ethics, in two octavo volumes.

Mr. C. Feist's Wreath of Solitude, and other Poems, in a foolscap octavo volume.

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