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"The tears of captive princes and their or"phan children," replied the.

"Doubtlefs," faid he, "your own, which "flow fo freely, are mixed with them."

"O no!" faid fhe; "during the filling of "that bottle, I was engaged as chief mourner at "the funeral of an affaffin; and all my tears "were fhed for him."

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Now I faw in my dream, that the pilgrim was filled with great amazement; and he cast in his mind who these perfons fhould be, whofe natures agreed fo ill with the excellent names they bore. So he bethought himself of his book, which had ever been his faithful counfellor in times of need; but as he drew it out of his bofom, they who stood by mocked at him; and MENTAL-ENERGY aflured him that it was unfit to engage the attention of a wife man: PHILANTHROPY afferted that all the miferies of mankind had originated in the doctrines which it contained: and SENSIBILITY recoiled with horror from the punishments which it denounced against fuffering guilt. Neverthelefs GooDINTENT grafped the book firmly, not heeding their idle clamours; and, when he had opened it, he found written therein, "Every good tree "bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree "evil fruit; wherefore, by their fruits ye fhall "know them."

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Then he faid to himself, "When I behold “the fruits which these bring forth, can I poffi"bly hesitate to believe that their root is a root "of deceit, and of all ungodliness?" So he put the book into his bofom, and turned himself about to depart.

But they, not willing fo to lose him, sought to detain him, and asked him whither he was going.

"I am going," faid he, "to obey the com"mands of my Heavenly Father, who hath "warned me to flee from all who defpife his covenant, and rebel against his laws; and if, to "an earthly parent, obedience be an inviolable « duty"

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"An inviolable duty!" faid MENTAL-ENERGY, with a fcornful fmile; "it was indeed "imagined fuch in the ages of darkness; but "fo grievous an obftacle to the natural rights of "free-born infants, it was one of our firft "achievements to overthrow."

"What," faid GOOD-INTENT, "would (( you teach a child that he owes no grati


"Gratitude is an unpardonable weakness in "the bofom of a wife man," returned MEN<< hold it to be no part TAL-ENERGY; we "either of justice or of virtue; and an enlarged "mind will fcorn to narrow itself to the fenfe


"of any perfonal benefit which an individual <6 may have conferred."


GOOD-INTENT was ftill more aftonished at this maxim, than he had been at any of those which had preceded it ; and indignantly replied, "It would be lofing time to demonstrate the abfurdity of your doctrines, while the heart "of every man, to whom nature hath not de"nied the common feelings of humanity, must "revolt at the confequences neceffarily deduci"ble from them. Heaven grant to me, that I << may never receive any benefit from the meanest "of my fellow-creatures, without a due and "thankful fenfe of the obligation under which "it lays me; while I conftantly cherish, as the "nobleft principle of my conduct, that bound"less gratitude which I owe to him, of whom C6 my life, and all the bleffings which endear it "to me, are the gifts, and from whose future "bounty his own gracious word encourages me "to hope for that more excellent recompenfe of reward, which he has promised to all those "who faithfully keep his ftatutes unto the end.” "And does thy mercenary fpirit, " faid MEN


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TAL-ENERGY, require the hope of recom"penfe as an incentive to virtue? Learn, ra"ther, from us, the more dignified sentiment, "that virtue is its own reward; and instead of "travelling

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"travelling through defolate regions in fearch of

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a country, which certain friends of ours can "afford thee fufficient proof exifts only in thy

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own imagination, be content to remain with "us, the reprefentatives of VIRTUE upon "earth. Our inftructions fhall gradually difen"gage thy foul from the hideous bonds of pre"judice, and elevate it to thofe liberal princi<< ples, by which the heart is refined, and the

energy of the mind increased;—and as a ten"der relaxation from feverer ftudies, behold our "fifter, SENSIBILITY, who, from thy firft en"trance, has regarded thee with the eyes of af"fection, and who pants to form with thee that

fympathy of fouls, which is pointed out by "reafon and by nature as affording the fairest "profpect of human happiness."

While MENTAL-ENERGY was speaking thus, the countenance and geftures of SENSIBILITY expreffed her acquiefcence in the propofal. At first, she looked paffionately at the pilgrim, and fighed, and wept, and smiled; and when her fifter had ended, and he stood aftonished, and hesitating what to reply, fhe fuddenly fprang forwards, and threw herself into his arms.

GOOD-INTENT, difpleafed and difgufted, fhook off her embrace as foon as he was able. "I pray you, madam," faid he, recollect "yourself

cr yourself a little; I had been told that you "were the wife of another man."

"And if I am," faid fhe, "my conduct is. "not the lefs reconcileable to the ftricteft recti"tude. I experienced in my former connexion "the abfurdity of expecting that the inclinations " and wishes of two human beings fhould coin"cide through any long period of time; but "though my tyrant may imagine that the few "vain ceremonies which paffed between us "have indiffolubly bound me to him for the "whole of my wretched life, what natural "right can he plead to fhackle my free foul, or "to condemn my perfon to that vifionary state "of cold celibacy which NATURE herfelf ab"hors? If, therefore, my heart no longer "acknowledges any fympathy with his, where"fore may it not be both practicable and eligi"ble for me to offer it to another, in whofe re"ciprocation of kindness it may find some in"demnification for its former unmerited fuffer"ings?"

"Undoubtedly," faid PHILANTHROPY," our, "fifter is in the right. All things are law"ful, when taken in their proper connexion; "and NATURE has implanted no defires, of "which it is not our primary duty to feek the "gratification. Since, therefore, happinefs "the ultimate end which that unerring guid

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