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In Père Eudes, the editor of Les Saints series had a subject well suited to give him scope to display his distinctive method of writing hagiology. Père Eudes was an apostolic man of action who, on a prominent stage, played a part in scenes and struggles which belong to the history of the Church in France. A contemporary of M. Olier and St. Vincent de Paul, he was a fellow-worker with them in the movement which "reconstituted the religious soul of France in the seventeenth century." He entered the religious life in the Oratory. After spending some years in it he withdrew; and established, successively, the Company of the Blessed Sacrament, the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, and the Congregation of the Good Shepherd. He was, besides, an ardent defender of the devotion to the Sacred Heart against the Jansenists.

The story of his life runs through the troublous currents of Jansenism and Gallicanism. He was in relations with Richelieu, Mazarin, Anne of Austria, and, at the close of his life, with the then young Louis XIV. More than one episode of his career illustrates the extent to which the French monarchy exercised, and the still greater extent to which it claimed to exercise, native authority over the Church in France.

An incident that occurred towards the end of Père Eudes' life throws some light on the importance which this question enjoyed at the time. Père Eudes was considered one of the great missionaries and preachers of France. He was respected by Anne and her son, although, or because, he did not hesitate to reprehend the frivolous life of the court. In 1671 he preached a jubilee before the court; and Louis was so pleased that he gave Père Eudes two thousand pounds for his works. Shortly afterwards he was spoken of as coadjutor to the Bishop of Évreux. He did not wish to accept the appointment and he had enemies enough to assist him to escape it.

When, many years previously, he was endeavoring to obtain the approbation of Rome for the Congregation of the Good Shepherd, one of his agents, in a petition to the Curia, declared that the Congregation wished to bind itself to defend all opinions, even doubtful ones, of a nature to support the authority

* Les Saints. Le Vénérable Père Eudes (1601-1680). Par Henri Joly. Paris: Victor Lecoffre.

of the Pope. Père Eudes had never signed such an engage


Somebody ferreted the document out of the files of the Congregation of Bishops, and published it. Louis XIV. was angry. Père Eudes wrote a solemn disavowal of the document. He received a lettre de cachet ordering him to quit Paris within twenty-four hours, which he obeyed, April, 1674. Only after many supplications, full of grief and humility, was he allowed to return, in 1679. He died the following year. The orders which he instituted are spread throughout the world. The cause of his beatification is under consideration at Rome. The biographer has given us a volume of powerful edification, and at the same time an excellent historical monograph.


In this delightful study of the artistic, intellectual, and moral life of Mozart, the compilers have given to musical literature an admirable collection of such writings and sayings of the great master as serve to reveal concisely, uniquely, and convincingly the greatness of his genius and the beauty of his character. The book possesses the exceptional value of an unconsciously written autobiography annotated with memoranda which epitomize in historical form the principal events of the artist's life.

While much has been written concerning Mozart, the master and composer, we are here brought into intimacy with Mozart, the man. We follow him into the privacy of his musical" workshop," and again into the glare of his public career. We are taken with him to public musical performances; we enjoy the benefit of his opinions concerning his works and those of his contemporaries; we are made acquainted with his strivings and labors, and, difficult though it be to associate the idea of sorrow with cheerful, sunny Mozart, we have occasion to sympathize with him as we find him at times suffering under criticism, affliction, and poverty.

Throughout his life, Mozart is first of all musician and artist. In the self-revelation of himself recorded in this volume, his significance in this respect is attested as clearly as in the magnificent productions he has given to the world.

*Mozart the Man and the Artist, as revealed in his own words. Compiled and annotated by Friedrich Kerst. Translated into English, and edited, by Henry Edward Krehbiel. New York: B. W. Huebsch.

The book does not deal with the technicalities of music to an appreciable extent, though the musical reader can gather much that is of technical value.

Mother Mary Loyola.


'Being home for the holidays and home 'for good' are quite different matters, and it is her (a girl's) business to see that her settling

down in the home circle is distinctly for good-her own good and the good of all around her." This passage, which occurs in one of the later chapters, might be prefixed to Mother Loyola's new book for the instruction of girls, as an announcement of its purpose and scope. Passing, usually with no "reluctant feet," from the boarding school, where she has passed several years, to the home, in which during the same period she has been but an occasional, and generally a much-indulged, visitor, the young girl finds herself more her own mistress, subject to new calls of duty and new allurements to pleasure and self-indulgence. Her character is still plastic, and its future largely depends on how the girl now responds to the irreconcilable competitors for her preferences.

To girls at this crisis Mother Loyola offers herself as a Mentor. She lays the foundation of her instructions by insisting on the seriousness of life, the duty incumbent on everybody to employ it to some serious purpose, and to guide it by the life of faith. She unfolds, very persuasively, the motives which urge, and the methods which conduce to, the formation of a noble, unselfish, useful character; and lays bare the processes by which petty vices and ugly traits, that afterwards spoil a woman's life, are formed. Mother Loyola does not deal in abstractions and generalities. She writes as if she were living amid a family of young persons, and taking occasion of the incidents of daily life to point her moral. She does not preach; she converses; and she permits her audience to have their turn, which they employ usually to put forth reasons for preferring the primrose way to the stern, hard road-reasons which, it is unnecessary to say, Mother Loyola resolves into pitiful excuses, or unavailing subterfuges of selfishness or frivolity.

Though intended for English girls, and English girls of a certain class people of wealth and leisure-Mother Loyola's * Home for Good. By Mother Mary Loyola. New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons.

counsels are sufficiently broad and catholic to be useful over a wider sphere. Mother Loyola, however, must suffer the penalty of her skill. She has so nicely adjusted her instructions to the condition, character, and needs of her young English sisters, that they will not quite so perfectly fit girls of a different mentality. A young American girl, who is "home for good," would probably acknowledge the first chapter or two to be mature enough in tone to merit her respectful consideration. But when she would pass on to the subsequent chapters, she would, we fear, very often, gently, or impatiently, according to her character, close the book with the reflection: "Pshaw! this is for the juveniles." In that case, she would prove herself a benefactor to her younger sisters and friends by passing Mother Loyola's book on to them.

The excellent taste and care of the book-making and the literary selections shown in the Mosher Publications are too well-known to need comment. A number of Mr. Mosher's latest publications have just reached us, and they are a delight to the eye and refreshment to the mind. Among them is a truly poetic collection: A Little Book of Twenty-four Carols, by Katharine Tynan; the famous letter, Father Damien, by Robert Louis. Stevenson; The Children's Crusade-queer, and in great measure horribly fantastic tales from the French of Marcel Schwob, by Henry Copley Green; the preface gives a good estimate of this eccentric Frenchman's literary work; Stars of Thought, extracts from the writings of Emerson, made by Thomas Coke Watkins, with index; the beautiful Legend of Saint Julian Hospitaler, from the French of Gustave Flaubert, by Agnes Lee, who gives a short appreciation of the French author; A Little Garden of Celtic Verse, containing selections from Samuel Fer guson, W. B. Yeats, Nora Chesson, Moira O'Neil, Ethna Carbery, Lionel Johnson, and others; and The Sweet Miracle. From the Spanish of Eça de Queiroz, by Edgar Prestage.

All the books are printed and bound with exquisite taste.

*Thomas. B Mosher, Portland, Maine.

The Tablet (28 Sept.): In a reprint from the Daily Chronicle of a letter written by Rev. G. Tyrrell, and one from his subsequently published explanations, a considerable divergence of opinion is pointed out.-The Right Reverend Abbot Gasquet is appointed Chairman of the Committee for the revision of the Vulgate.

(5 Oct.): Father Tyrrell's comment on the Encyclical published in the Giornale d'Italia is deplored.-Cardinal Logue in an important speech in Derry gives warning against socialistic tenets.

(13 Oct.): The criticism of the Encyclical from The Times. The ecclesiastical seditions of a century surveyed editorially.An account of the death and the work of Father H. I. D. Ryder, of the Birmingham Oratory.

(19 Oct.): The attendance of ecclesiastical students at civil universities as defined by the Encyclical.

The Month (Oct.): Attention is given to the Catholic Conference held at Preston this year. Dr. Windle's appeal for Catholic literature, expressed in his paper "Scientific Facts and Scientific Hypotheses," elicited considerable discussion. The proposition to establish a daily newspaper, suggested by a member of the clergy, was regarded as impracticable. It was urged that an appropriation be made for the translation of the anti-socialistic publications of German Catholics.—A critique of the life and works of the German writer Novalis is given by Harold Binnis. The novels of William de Morgan receive attention from Rev. Herbert Thurston. He suspects that the name of the author given is a pseudonym. He says that the novels, Joseph Vance and Alice-for-Short, have a highly commendable philosophic value. While he considers that, in part, they are ill-constructed, yet there is no fiction since that of George Eliot so effulgent with epigrammatic brilliance as is displayed in these two books. The Dublin Review (Oct.): Dr. Barry reviews the Papal Deposing Power as a product of the evolution of Roman Law. -The Trilogy of Joris Karl Huysmans reveals at once, says Rev. P. J. Connolly, S.J., his characteristic gifts of

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