second appropriation 177 506 third appropriation fourth appropriation fifth appropriation sixth app appropriation instruction debt service, canals.. 177 695 177 739 644 1728 644 1739 deaf and dumb institutions, separately enumerated, support and special educational institutions, pupils, support and instruction.. highways Palisades interstate park. Saratoga Springs state reservation. state forest preserve deficiency appropriation bill, text. Delhi State School of Agriculture and Domestic Science. dental examiners, state board of. second appropriation 177 672 177 446 177 752 177 753 177 754 177 755 177 754 25 37 177 478 177 427 644 1735 Appropriations - Continued: Chap. departmental reports, statistics of crimes, secretary of state's office... 177 Eastern New York Reformatory, Napanoch. i Eagle Paving Company..... second appropriation third appropriation fourth appropriation fifth appropriation education building second appropriation elections, secretary of state. second appropriation state superintendent second appropriation third appropriation embalming examiners, state board of... North American conference, expenses of delegate. employment offices, establishment and maintenance. second appropriation executive department second appropriation Page. 348 177 745 367 1081 25 46 177 586 executive mansion 177 343 feeble-minded criminals and defectives, counsel under L. 1912, ch. 445. 177 669 feeble-minded, state commission on. 177 744 Fire Island state park. 177 620 forest preserve, debt, interest for 1919-20, sinking fund appropriation. 612 1616 fourth appropriation 530 1458 Franklin, George W.. 177 676 Fraser, Samuel 177 662 Fredonia Normal School.. 177 435 second appropriation 177 671 highways, construction, reappropriation. 177 750 construction and improvement under highway law, article 6..... 588 1578 Cuba lake bridge, construction. 637 1722 Eagle Paving Company, reimbursement for deposit on contract bid. 367 1081 Essex county, construction and improvement. 222 821 Franklin county, state aid. Greene county state route construction 177 749 177 631 highway department improvement, state and county highways, maintenance, repair and construction, Albany-New York routes. 177 749 Indian reservations, state aid... 102 197 interest on debt, sinking fund appropriation. 612 1614 rural post roads, United States aid, construction and improve- ment, state's share.... 163 318 second appropriation 177 749 sinking funds state and county highways, construction by prisoners. maintenance and repair. town highways, state aid. war contracts, unfinished work, excess cost of... hospital development commission. hospitals, state, see state hospitals. Hotaling, C. R.. Hotel Onondaga, Syracuse. House of Refuge, Randall's Island. second appropriation third appropriation Hudson River State Hospital. second appropriation third appropriation fourth appropriation fifth appropriation sixth appropriation hydrographic surveys, state engineer and surveyor. Indian affairs commission to confer with congress. Cayugas, annuities Onondagas, agent, annuities, medical aid and attendance, salt. poor, maintenance and out door relief. St. Regis, annuities, attorney, medical aid, and attendance. physician through Spanish influenza epidemic. Senecas, attorney, annuities. schools, additional personal service. inspector teachers on reservation. Thomas Indian School. second appropriation third appropriation Tonawanda band of Senecas, attorney. industrial commission, state. industrial safety congress. industrial teachers, New York city. 177 384 177 667 403 1152 629 1668 644 1735 591 1585 177 398 177 444 Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, New York city.. 177 446 second appropriation third appropriation insurance department International Sunshine Society... interstate bridge commission. second appropriation investigations: legislative contingent fund. New York city, port investigating commission. John Boyd Thacher state park. judgments against state, costs. second appropriation court of claims. 177 672 644 1737 177 636 177 448 177 734 618 1621 177 366 177 734 177 626 177 356 177 661 177 665 fifth appropriation 177 741 Lake Champlain, installation of pile fenders at terminal dock in Port Henry Lake George battleground park second appropriation 177 711 Lake George, preserving island shores. 177 710 land account, office of comptroller. 177 353 land office, commissioners of.. 177 618 second appropriation 177 682 Law Printing Company. 592 1586 Leary, John, and Lucy, Daniel. 177 677 LeCouteulx Saint Mary's Institute for Improved Instruction of Deaf- Mutes, Buffalo .. 177 447 second appropriation 644 1736 legislature second appropriation third appropriation 177 662 fourth appropriation 177 732 fifth appropriation 405 1156 sixth appropriation 644 1733 seventh appropriation 646 1761 civil practice simplification, joint committee, reappropriation. 25 37 investigation of bridges, joint committee. 644 1733 judiciary, subcommittee, assembly. 239 842 printing miscellaneous documents, messages and reports. 177 662 Sheehan memorial services committee. 644 1733 second appropriation 177 674 third appropriation 177 691 fourth appropriation 644 1743 |