Construction authorized. Chap. 637. AN ACT authorizing the superintendent of public works to construct a bridge across the spillway channel of the outlet of Cuba lake, in the town of Cuba, county of Allegany, on the line of the Cuba-Olean state highway, and making an appropriation therefor. Became a law May 16, 1919, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. The superintendent of public works is hereby authorized to construct a plate girder bridge with paved roadway, twenty feet in width, across the spillway channel of the outlet of Cuba lake, in the town of Cuba, county of Allegany, on the line Plans and of the Cuba-Olean state highway. Said work shall be done on plans and specifications to be prepared by the state engineer and specifica tions. Appropriation. Mainte nance of bridge. surveyor. § 2. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of section one of this act, the sum of twenty-four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same to be payable to the order of the superintendent of public works by the state treasurer on the warrant of the comptroller. Said bridge when completed shall be under the control and direction of the conservation commission for maintenance and repair. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. L. 1909, ch. 32, § 50, Chap. 638. AN ACT to amend the insanity law, in relation to salaries of certain officers and wages of certain employees and making an appropriation therefor. Became a law May 19, 1919, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Section fifty of chapter thirty-two of the laws of as amended nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act in relation to the 286, insane, constituting chapter twenty-seven of the consolidated 1917, ch. laws," as last amended by chapter two hundred and eighty-six amended. of the laws of nineteen hundred and seventeen,1 is hereby amended to read as follows: 50. Salaries of certain officers and wages of certain employees prescribed. The officers or employees of the state hospitals now or hereafter classified as occupying offices or positions specified in the schedule at the end of this section shall hereafter receive the salaries or wages per month indicated opposite the name or title of such officer or position, except that where a minimum and maximum rate per month is prescribed, advancement from the minimum to the maximum rate shall be in accordance with the length of service, as prescribed in such schedule. If a minimum and maximum rate per month is not prescribed in such schedule, the salary or wages per month of such officer or employee shall be the amount indicated opposite the name or title of such office or position. Where an increase of salary or wages is allowed at a certain rate per month or otherwise for continuous service, continuous service performed prior to the time this section, as hereby amended, takes effect, in the same position or employment, shall be deemed a part of the continuous service in determining the salary or wages to which such officer or employee shall be entitled under this section. When employees are allowed to board and lodge away from the hospital on account of lack of accommodations in the institution a uniform rate of not less than twenty dollars2 per month shall be allowed in addition to the regular monthly wages, and this amount shall be apportioned at the rate of five dollars per month for each meal and five dollars per month for lodging. Such employees shall, subject to the approval of the commission, be allowed the privileges granted to employees residing in the hospital. In all cases where a minimum and maximum rate of wage is scheduled for any given position, the increase from minimum to maximum will be made at the rate of two dollars per month for each six months of continuous service, and the first of the month nearest the date of employment shall be the date from which the first six months of service shall be reckoned. Where a telegraph office is maintained in an institution an extra compensation of ten dollars per month shall be allowed to the person performing the service of operator. 1 Also amended by L. 1912, ch. 43; L. 1915, ch. 549; L. 1916, ch. 608. 2 Formerly read: "twenty-four dollars." 3 Remainder of section materially amended. When an employee is promoted to a position where the maximum wage of the position from which he goes equals the minimum wage of the position to which he goes, the time served in the lower position at the maximum wage shall count as time served in the higher position at the minimum wage, provided that if the minimum wage of the position to which an employee is transferred or promoted is less than the maximum wage of the position from which the employee is transferred the employee shall receive no less than the maximum wage of the position from which the employee was transferred. Only one secretary and stenographer and one clothing clerk allowed in any institution. |