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The EDITOR desires to associate this illustrated edition of The TEMPLE SHAKESPEARE with the names of the late J. 0. HALLIWELLPHILLIPPS, the zealous collector of Shakespeariana, the late F. W. FAIRHOLT, author of Costume in England,' &c., as a dutiful tribute to their joint labours.


THE present edition of The Temple Shakespeare aims at the elucidation of the text by means of illustrative drawings from old books, broadsides, antiquarian objects, maps, &c., belonging, for the most part, to the poet's own times.

The adequate carrying out of the task has been rendered possible owing to the rich stores of Shakespearian rarities collected by the indefatigable labours of the late J. O. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, reproduced by the pencil of the late F. W. Fairholt in the monumental edition of the works of Shakespeare issued during the years 1853-61, in fifteen great folio volumes, to some 150 subscribers.

For permission to avail himself of this rich treasury, the editor desires to express his sincerest thanks to Mr HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS's trustees, and more especially to Ernest E. Baker, Esq., F.S.A. of Weston-super-mare.

The realistic method of illustrating Shakespeare's text will, it is believed, prove of greater use and more attractive than more imaginative embellishments.

Some few changes have been made in the text, but every departure from the scholarly Cambridge edition' has been carefully noted: it need hardly be said that these changes have not been hazarded recklessly.

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