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ABSTRACT, brief, of Mr O'Fogarty's Blackwood, Mr, letter of Mr Coleridge to,

Journal, 438

Acrostic, 348

Administration, of the Magazine, on the

late Rumour of a Change of, 743. Na-
tional Distress consequent on, ib. Mo-
tives of the Editor on sending in his re-
signation, 744. Consternation of the
Publisher, and the world of Edinburgh,
ib. The Editor relents, and determines
never to part with his office but with life,
745. Rumour of the publisher's death,
and its consequences, ib. Effects of the
rumour of the Editor's resignation, in
London, 746. General meeting in Edin-
burgh on the subject, 748; and its re-
solutions, 749. Rejoicings and illumi-
nations on the Editor resuming his func.
tions, ib. Effects produced by the ru-
mour over Scotland, 750; and by its
contradiction, ib. Remarks on these mo-
mentous events, 751. Proposal for pub-
lishing only one Magazine for the island,

Adventure in the North-west territory, 137
Adventus in Hiberniam Regi svera atque
perfecta historia, 319

Anastasius, or Memoirs of a modern Greek,
remarks on, 200-2

Ancient National Melodies, No. I. 554.
Song 1. Comparisons are Odious, a
Chaunt, ib. Song 2. Cobbett's Com-
plaint, a Dirge, 556

Ancient World, remarks on dramas of the,


Annals of the Parish, letter to the author
of, 666

Apologetical Note, 348
Appointments, military, 236, 356, 487,


Asia, remarks on Captain Cochrane's Jour-
ney to the north-east cape of, 741

Balbogle, Mrs Ogle of, 290
Ballad, a Lyrical, 123
Bankrupts, British, 235, 355, 486, 603
Barker, Mr, expostulation with, 216. His
retort courteous, 415. The Quip-modest
to, 587

Battle of Roslin, the, 299
Beacon, the floating, 270
Bell, the man in the, 373
Birth-day, the King's, in Edinburgh, de-
scription of, 304

Births, list of, 238, 357, 488, 608


[blocks in formation]

Bull, John, the, and the Morning Chroni-
cle, on the personalities of, 315

Buried Alive, the, 262
Byron, Lord, review of his continuation of
Don Juan, 107. Remarks on his Anas-
tasius, 200

Canada, the emigrants' voyage to, 455.
Review of Howison's sketches of, 537
Carder, Martin, the, a tale, 199
Cerebral developement of David Haggart,
remarks on phrenological observations on
the, 682

Characters of Living Authors, by them-
selves, No. I. 69

Chaucer and Don Juan, remarks on, 295
Cheese, civilization, and north country bal-

lads, letter on, 441
Christmas Chit-chat, 493
Christmas in Edinburgh, 691
Christophe, late Emperor of Hayti, letter
relating to, 545
Christopher Agonistes, 409
Cobbett's Complaint, a dirge, 556
Cochrane, Captain, remarks on his journey
from Petersburgh to the North-East
Cape of Asia, 741

Coleridge, Mr, letter from, 243. Selec-
tions from his literary correspondence,
ib. Letter I. From a professional friend,
ib. II. In answer to the foregoing, 244.
On the philosophical import of the words
Object and Subject, 246. III. To Mr
Blackwood, 253. IV. To a Junior Soph,
at Cambridge, 255. Substance of a dia-
logue, with a commentary on the same.
256. V. To a Junior Soph, at Cam-
bridge, 259

Columbus Secundus, the voyages and tra-
vels of, 33. Children's plays in Edin-
burgh, ib. Those of the Boys, 34, of
the Girls, 36. A Scene in the Grass-
market, 38. In Musselburgh, 40. Edin-
burgh Fish Market, 206. A chapter of
blunders, 210. The King's birth-day

5 C

in Edinburgh, 304. Columbus mista-
ken for a highway-man, 308. Leith
Races, 389. Columbus disturbed by a
ghost, 398. Private Note, 403. Christ-
mas in Edinburgh, 691

Comedies, notices of old English.


No. I.
Commercial Reports, 232, 352, 483, 599
Comparisons are odious. A chaunt, 554
Contributors, an expostulatory Round-ro-

bin from fourteen, 116
Coplestone, Dr, on his inquiry into the
doctrines of necessity and predestination,
192, 376

Corbet's, Bishop, remarks on his poems, 88
Coronation, the, Thomas Duffle's account
of the preparations for, 8, and the cere-
mony, 14. Account of a dinner in ho-
nour of, in Edinburgh, 26
Coronation Tragedy, remarks on a, 53
Covenant, the Whigs of the, 665
Cranioscopy, craniology, phrenology, &c.
Essays on, 73. Chap. II. 77

Critics, why are poets indifferent ones?


Edinburgh Review, on the learning and li-
berality of the, 411. On the rise, pro-
gress, decline, and fall of the, 668

Effigies, the, 168
Emigrants' voyage to Canada, the, 455
English Comedies, notices of old ones, 127
✓ English Literature, on the personalities of
the Augustine age of, 312
Epistle Preliminary, the, 3
general, 476

Epistles familiar, from an old friend with
a new face, 43, 200, 217, 312
Expedition against the Pirates of the Per-
sian gulf, proceedings of the, 151
Expostulation with Mr Barker, 216. His
retort-courteous, 415
Expostulatory Round-robin from 14 con-
tributors, 116

Falkland Palace, account of a visit to, 61
Familiar Epistles from an old friend with
a new face. On Hogg's memoirs, 43.
On Anastasius, by Lord Byron, 200.
On the personalities of the Whigs, 217.
On the personalities of the Augustine
age of English literature, 312

Daniel O'Rourke, an Epic poem, Canto Feldberg's Denmark, remarks on, 172

VI. 429

Deans, a Jeanie, in love, 5

Death, singular recovery from, 582
Deaths, lists of, 239, 358, 489, 609
Denmark Delineated, remarks on, 172
Dialogue, substance of a, with a comment-
ary on the same, 256
Dirge, a mother's, over her child, 187
Doctrines of necessity and predestination,
remarks on Coplestone's inquiry into
the, 192, 376

Don Juan, review of the continuation of,

and Chaucer, remarks on, 295
Drama, the modern British, No. I. The
Fatal Unction, 53

Review of the First Murder, a

sacred, 321

✓ Dramas of the Ancient World, by David
Lyndsay, remarks on, 730

Dramatic tale, the Vigil of St Mark, a,


[blocks in formation]

Fifeana, No. I. 60. Visit to Falkland
Palace, 61

Fisheries, remarks on those of Shetland,

Floating Beacon, the, a scene on the coast
of Norway, 270

Fogarty O'Fogarty, letter from, inclosing
Canto VI. of Daniel O'Rourke, 428.
Sonnet and lines to, 437. Brief Ab-
stract of his journal, 438

Funeral of the late Queen, remarks on the
proceedings at the, 222

Gall and Spurzheim, remarks on an in-
quiry into the principles and utility of
the system of, 682
General Epistle, 476
Giorno, Parini's, remarks on, 525
Glenlonely-Trout, Mr Snapflint's visit to

the minister of, 286
Good Town, the, on the propriety of pro-
viding a mansion-house and state-equi-

page for the Lord Provost of, 449
Gracious Rain, 186
Grave, the silent, a sonnet, 300


Haggart, David, remarks on the cerebral
developement of, 684
Hans Beudix; a tale, 264
Harold's Grave, a poem, 651
Haydon's paintings, letter concerning, 680
Hayti, and its late Emperor Christophe,

letter relative to, 545
Historical view of the rise, progress, de-
cline, and fall of the Edinburgh Re-
view, 668

Hogg, James, the Ettrick Shepherd, re-
marks on his auto-biography, 43
Hop-ground, the, 623. Introductory let.
ter, ib. Spring, 625. Summer, ib.
Autumn, 626. Winter, ib

Horæ Cantabrigiensis, No. VII. 552

Howison's Sketches of Upper Canada, re-
view of, 537

Hume, David, letter from, 303

Inquiry into the doctrines of necessity and
predestination, remarks on Coplestone's,
192, 376

Instruction, moral and religious, on its pro-
bable influence on the character and si-
tuation of seamen, 363, 514

Intellect, proposed improvement of, by the
cross-breeds of genius, 81

Ireland, Ode on the King's landing in, 94
-His Majesty's welcome to, 98-Re-
marks on the King's visit to, 224

Irish Melodies, No. 1.613-Song I. To Saint
Patrick, 615-II. Lament of a Con-
naught Ranger, 617-III. Rafferty's
advice, 618-IV. The Gathering of the
Mahonys, 619-V. A real Irish " Fly
not yet," 620-VI. The impassioned
Wave, 622

Italian literature, on the decline of the Tus-
can ascendency in, 328

Italian school of painting, remarks on the,


[blocks in formation]

Lines on the King's landing in Ireland,
dedicated to, 449

Maga, on the outcry against, 217-Disco-
very of a treasonable plot against it, 406
See Administration

Man, the, in the Bell, 373
Man-of-War's-Man, the, Chap. I. 161-
Scene on Leith pier, ib. On board the
Whippersnapper sloop of war, 162-In
the Grab flag-ship, 421
Marriages, 238, 358, 488, 608
Martin, the Carder, a West-Meathian Tale,

[blocks in formation]

Midnight Despondings; a Sonnet, 327
Midsummer-night's Dream, in blank verse,
by Blaize Fitztravesty, 557-Proæmium,
ib. Drouthiness, 561
Moonlight Meditations, 626
Moral and religious instruction, on the
probable influence of, on the character
of seamen, 363, 514
Morning Chronicle, the, and the John Bull,
newspapers, on their personalities, 315
Morsels of Melody, Part II. 188-The
pillow of the tent, ib. Come, Mary, to
me, 189-To Betsy, ib. The evening
invitation, 190-Absence, ib.--The
Wanderer's adieu, 191

Moscow, lines on, written after the invasion
of Russia by the French, 301
Mother's dirge over her child, a, 187
Mount of Olives, the, 654
Murder, the First, a Sacred Drama, review
of, 321

Muse's Welcome to King James, the, 83

National Melodies, ancient, No. 1., 554
Native Melody, the, 301
Necessity and Predestination, on the doc-

trines of, 192, 376
North, Christopher, familiar epistles to,
from an old friend with a new face, 43,
200, 217, 312-Sylvanus Urban and,
103-Letter from Alexander Sydney
Trott, Esq. to, 282-Expostulatory let-
ter to, 292- Letter from, to Miss Sarah
M'Dermid, 446-Letter to, on early
rising, 570-Account of his resignation,
and the resumption of his office of Edi-
tor, 743-See Administration

North-West territory, adventure in the,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Parini's Giorno, 525

Recovery, singular one, from death, 582
Reflections on the sea-shore at sunset, 508

Pauper, the New Forest, a lyrical ballad, Remarks on Hogg's Memoirs, 43-on


Pedant, the true, a sketch, 412
Persia, proceedings against the pirates in

the Gulf of, 151
Personalities of the Whigs, on the, 217

of the Augustan age of Eng-

lish literature, on the, 312
Phrenology, &c. essays on, by Sir Toby
Tickletoby, Bart. 73. Remarks on Es-
says on, &c. 682. Cerebral develope-
ment of David Haggart, 684
Pirate, The, a novel, by the Author of
Waverley, review of, 712

Pirates of the Persian Gulf, expedition
against the, 151

Poetry. Song, Carle, an the King come,
30. Our Gude Auld Man, 32. Ode
on the King's landing in Ireland, 94.
Welcome to His Majesty to Ireland, 98.
Excellent new song, by Dr Scott, 100.
Extempore effusion, by Morgan Odo-
herty, 101. The New-Forest Pauper,
123. Gracious Rain, 186. A Mother's
Dirge over her Child, 187. Morsels of
Melody, 188. Hans Beudix, 264. Song,
284. The Change, 298. The Battle
of Roslin, 299. The Silent Grave, 300.
The Native Melody, 301. Moscow, ib.
The Vigil of St Mark, 341. Acrostic,
348. Ode on Prince Charles-Edward
Stuart's Birth-day, 372. Song, by Mor-
gan Odoherty, 382. Daniel O'Rourke,
Canto VI. 429. Sonnet and lines to
Fogarty O'Fogarty, Esq. 437.
Yellow Leaf, 440. North Country Bal-
lads, 443. On the King's landing in


Bishop Corbet's poems, 88-on Sclavo-
nic traditional poctry, 145-on Feld-
berg's Denmark delineated, 172-on the
question, why poets are indifferent cri-
tics? 180-on the doctrines of necessity
and predestination, 192-on Lord By-
ron's Anastasius, 200-on the personal-
ities of the Whigs, 217-on the proceed-
ings since the death of the late Queen,
222 on the King's visit to Ireland, 224
-on the philosophical import of the
words Object and Subject, 246-on
Chaucer and Don Juan, 295 on the
Augustan age of English literature, 312
-on the decline of the Tuscan ascen-
dancy in Italian literature, 328-on Tom
Brown's Table-talk, 332-on the pre-
sent state of public affairs at home, 334
-on the probable influence of moral and
religious instruction on the character and
situation of seamen, 363-on Latin pro-
sody, from England, 383 on the learn-
ing and liberality of the Edinburgh Re-
view, 411-on the scholastic doctors,
453-on Rouge et Noir, 473-on Pari-
ni's Giorno, 525-on the Italian school
of painting, 528-on early rising, 570-
on Gall and Spurzheim's system of phi-
losophy, 682-on Shelly's Adonais, 696
-on the Prophetic Almanack, 701-on
the Retrospective Review, 707-on the
Shetland Fisheries, 728-on Dramas of
the Ancient World, 730-on Captain
Cochrane's Journey to the North-East
Cape of Asia, 741-on the late rumour
of a change of administration, 743

Rennte, John, Esq, notice of the death of,


Retrospective Review, 707. Literature of
Britain, 708. Old English drama and
poetry, ib. Literature of the northern
countries of Europe, 709. Miscellane-
ous reviews, 711

Review of the Muse's Welcome to King
James VI. 73 of the Continuation of
Don Juan, 107-of Howison's Sketches
of Upper Canada, 537-of the Literary
Pocket Book, 574 of the Pirate, a
romance, 712

--, Edinburgh, on the learning and
liberality of the, 411. Historical view of
the rise, progress, decline and fall of the,

[blocks in formation]

Sclavonian tale, a, from the Bohemo-Scla-
vonian dialect, 149

Scott, Dr, excellent new song by, 100.
His return from Paris, 214
Sea-shore reflections at sunset, 508
Seamen, on the influence of moral and re-
ligious instruction on the character and
conduct of, 363, 514

Selections from Mr Coleridge's Literary
Correspondence, 243
Shelby's Adonais, remarks on, 696
Shetland Fisheries, remarks on the, 728
Shooting Season, visit during the, to the

minister of Glenlonely-Trout, 286
Singular recovery from death, 562
Sketches of Upper Canada, review of, 537
Smuggler, the, a Hampshire story, 630
Snap-flint, Mr, his visit to the minister of
Glenlonely-Trout, 286

Songs-Carle an the King come, 30. Our
Good Auld Man, 32. Excellent new
one, by Dr Scott, 100. Extempore, by
Ensign O'Doherty, 101. From the Lon-
don Magazine, 284. By O'Doherty,


[blocks in formation]

Steam-Boat, the, No. VI. Voyage Third,
3-Tale X. A Jeanie Deans in love, 5.
-Part II. The Preparations for his
Majesty's Coronation, 8-Part III. The
Coronation, 14-No. VII. London Ad-
ventures, 166-Tale XI. The Effigies,
168-Tale XII. The Broken Heart,
170 No. VIII. 655-Tale XIII. The
Wig and the Black Cat, 656-Tale
XIV. Travelling by Night, 658-Tale
XV. The Odontist's Monkey, 660-
Tale XVI. The Covenanters, 661
Stuart, Prince Charles Edward, Ode for
his birth-day, 377

Subject and Object, on the philosophical
import of these words, 246
Substance of a dialogue, with a comment-
ary thereon, 256

Sylvanus Urban and Christopher North,


[blocks in formation]


Visit to the minister of Glenlonely-Trout,


Voyage, the emigrants', to Canada, 455-
-their alarms in a gale of wind, 456-
different characters on board, 458-con-
versation on nautical affairs, 459-ser-
mon on board, 460-a disaster befals
the preacher, ib. the emigrants disturb-
ed by noises in the vessel, 460-story
told by the mate, 461-interrupted by
groans below, 463-their cause disco-
vered, ib. two Irishmen found stowed
among the cargo, 464-second sermon,
465-a dance upon deck, ib. denounced
by the preacher, ib.-who is discovered

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