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This subject-index contains a reference un der its appropriate head to every digest of cur-
rent opinions which has appeared in the volume. The references, of course, are to the pages
upon which the digest may be found. There are no cross-references, but each digest is in-
dexed herein under that head, for which it would most naturally occur to a searcher to look.
It will be understood that the page to which reference, by number, is made, may contain more
than one case on the subject under examination, and therefore the entire page in each in-
stance will necessarily have to be scanned in order to make effective and thorough search.

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Adverse Possession-Claim of Right, 92, 182;

Color of Title, 128, 146, 380; Consent, 164;
Constructive Possession, 74; Continuousness,
164; Conveyance, 416; Coverture, 146; Cul-
tivation and Improvement, 362; Defined, 344;
Dedication, 56; Direction of Verdict, 146;
Dower, 110, 380; Easement, 290; Evidence,
272; Hostile Title, 92; Intent, 398; Over-
lapping, 218; Ouster, 254; Payment of Taxes,
146; Possessio Pedis, 254; Prescription, 128,
200, 218, 236; Public Way, 308; Remainder-
men, 56; Statutes of Limitation, 182, 380;
Taking Possession, 362.

Aliens-Naturalization, 218; Presumption, 128;
Rights of, 200.

Alteration of Instruments-Effect of, 92; Estop-
pel, 56; Filling of Instruments, 434; Imma-
terial Alteration, 74; Materiality, 38, 110,
182, 398.

Animals-Agister's Lien, 164; Joint Tortfeasors,
272; Loss of Use, 218; Mitigation of Dam-
ages, 164: Negligence, 452; Running at
Large, 200; Trespass, 92; Vicious Dog, 362.

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Attorney and Client-Appearance pro se,


Attorney Fees, 146; Authority, 200; Bill of
Exceptions, 146; Burden of Proof, 254; Com-
pensation, 92, 236; Compromise, 74; Conceal-
ment by Attorney, 146; Contingent Fee, 230;
Contract, 416; Cross-Examination, 236; Dis-
barment, 182, 218, 272, 398, 452; Disburse-
ment, 290; Divorce, 128; False Representa-
tions, 326; Fees, 20; Fraud, 380; Husband
and Wife, 416; Lien, 38; Lien for Services,
182; Lien of Fund, 56; Misconduct, 128; Pre-
sumption, 362; Professional Misconduct, 182;
Public Policy, 272; Quantum Meruit, 416;
Ratification, 182: Scope of Authority, 236,
380; Stipulations, 110; Undue Advantage,
308; Voluntary Services, 308.

Auctions and Auctioneers-Unlawful Sale, 218.

Bail-Presumption of Gift, 344: Production of
Principal, 272; Surrender of Accused, 236;
Vacating Judgment, 452.

Bailment-Bad Faith, 20; Care, 146; Conversion,
452; Delivery, 146; Gratuitous Bailee, 254;
Negligence, 308; Return of Property, 128.

Banruptcy-Abuse of Discretion, 326; Act of,
308, 452; Allowance of Claim, 362; Ancilliary
Procedings, 326; Annuity, 146; Appeal and
Error, 128; Appointments, 38; Assignment,
434, 452; Attachment, 128, 326; Attachment
Lien, 290; Auctioneer, 326; Burden of Proof,
362, 452; Chattel Mortgage, 128; Composi-
tion, 20, 290; Concealment, 182, 362, 452; Con-
ditional Sale, 128; Contempt, 38, 74, 236,
326; Contract, 344; Corporation, 74, 146, 272,
308, 326, 380; Creditor, 56; Custodia Legis,
362; Dummy Corporation, 363; Election of
416; Deception, 38; Delivery, 308; Depository,
92; Discharge, 128, 200, 236, 344; Distribu-
tion of Estate, 362; Dormant Judgment,
Trustee, 398; Equity, 20, 200, 344; Equitable
Property, 236, 434; Estoppel, 452; Evidence,
182. 363, 380; Exemption, 38, 56, 290, 398;
Fraud 363; Fraudulent Transfer, 182; Hin-
dering Creditors, 363; Injunction, 308; In-
solvency, 452; Insurance, 272; Insurance
Policies, 363; Insolvency, 74, 182; Interven-
tion, 128; Involuntary Proceedings, 344;
Judgment, 182; Judgment Appealed from,
182; Judgment Creditor, 182; Jurisdiction,
164, 218, 236, 290, 398, 434, 452; Liens, 20,
92, 128, 146, 164, 236, 272; Mortgage, 56;
Notice, 182; Parties, 20, 128; Partnership, 56,
290; Pledges, 236, 254; Practice, 146, 416, 434;
Preference, 56, 74, 110, 128, 182, 236, 416,
434, 452; Priority, 146; Proof of Claim, 183;
Provable Debt, 147, 452; Receiver, 110; Re-
claiming Property, 92, 363, 380; Record of
Conveyance, 308; Referee, 147; Registra-
tion, 38; Rent Reserved, 290; Review of
Orders, 236; Sale by Referee, 380; Schedules,
183; Set-Off and Counterclaim, 92, 398, 416;
Special Fund, 20; State Law, 38; Stock Sub-
scription, 218; Subrogation, 290; Summary
Proceeding, 326; Surrender of Lease, 129;
Suspicion of Insolvency, 236; Taxes, 38, 344;
Tort, 326; Trust Fund Doctrine, 344; Trus-
tee, 164; Unliquidated Claim, 272; Volun-
tary Assignment, 20; Waiver, 308; Widow's
Allowance, 56.

Banks and Banking-Bank Stock, 272; Business
of, 110; Certified Check, 218, 308; Check,
272, 326; Constructive Notice, 92; Criminal
Law, 380; De Facto Corporation, 20; De-
posits, 56, 272, 363, 380; Deposit and Draft,
20: Dishonor of Check, 164; Dividend, 183;
Draft, 380; Estoppel, 452; Federal Reserve
Board, 183; Forgery, 74, 129, 290, 308, 434;
Holder in Due Course. 164; Indorsement,
363; Insolvency, 164; Interest. 183; Laches,
452; Liability, 218; Matured Debt, 380; Mis-
appropriation, 434; Negligence, 326; Notice,
56, 326, 363; Officers, 56, 147, 236; Prefer-
ence, 308; Savings Bank, 309; Set-Off, 254,
416; Special Deposit, 236; State Examiner,
38; Statutory Construction, 200; Title to
Check, 309; Trust Company, 56; Trust
Funds, 290; Ultra Vires, 164, 183.

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Bills and Notes-Acceptance, 380; Accommoda-
tion Indorser, 129; Accommodation Maker,
309: Ackowledgment of Indebtedness, 129;
Attorney Fee, 380; Bona Fides, 363; Bona
Fide Holder, 74, 218; Burden of Proof, 20,
38, 74, 110, 218, 237; Certificate of Deposit,
237. 363, 452; Collateral Security, 380; Con-
ditional Delivery, 56; Consideration, 56, 74,
164. 200; Contribution, 363; Corporate Of-
ficer, 344; Damages, 309; Defenses, 434; De-
livery of Check, 237; Direction of Verdict,
183; Evidence, 237, 452; Exchange, 363; For-
eign Corporation, 110; Forgery, 63; Fraud,
363; Future Promises, 434; Holder for Val-
ue. 129, 434; Holder in Due Course, 164;
Holder in Good Faith, 254; Holder in
Due Course, 290; Indorsement, 254, 380:
Indorser, 363, 453; Innocent Holder, 309, 363;
Inquiry, 237; Law Merchant, 416; Merger, 38;
Negotiability, 20, 38; Notice, 416; Notice to

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Brokers Agency, 165; Commissions, 165, 219,
237, 363, 416; Compensation, 200; Completion
of Sale, 363; Contract, 165, 345; Conversion,
219; Course of Sale, 291; Damages, 165;
Dual Agency, 39, 434, 453; Estoppel, 453;
Middleman, 219; Misrepresentation, 92; Par-
tial Performance, 345; Principal, 326; Prin-
cipal and Agent, 453; Procuring Cause of
Sale, 345; Rescission, 237; Revocation, 254;
Scope of Authority, 381; Sub-Broker, 254.

[blocks in formation]

Carriers of Goods-Animals, 129; Bill of Lading,
39, 57, 74, 183, 219, 327, 364, 381; Carmack
Amendment, 291, 327; Cattle, 345; Common
Carrier, 434; Connecting Carrier, 37, 75, 129,
327; Consignee, 434; Contributory Negli-
gence, 57; Corpse, 364; Custody, 39; Dam-
ages, 165; Delay, 272, 416; Delivery, 39, 147,
237, 381; Discrimination, 129, 364; Evidence,
237; Furnishing Cars, 75, 219, 237; Hepburn
Act, 255; Initial Carrier, 129, 327, 416; In-
spection, 327, 364; Insurer, 129; Interstate
Commerce Commission, 327; Invitee, 57;
Limitation of Liability, 93; Live Stock, 255,
364: Local Expressman, 327; Measure of
Damages, 291; Mileage Ticket, 57;
scription of Goods, 165; Negligence, 57, 129,
364; Negligence per se, 75; Notice, 327; No-
tice of Damage, 200; Place of Contract, 129;
Notice to Shipper, 291; Perishable Goods,
291; Presumption, 255; Protection, 57; Pub-
lication of Rates, 453; Rates, 21, 93, 237;
Reconsignment, 398; Switch-Track, 57:
Through Contract, 93, 237; Trespasser, 57;
Waiver, 21, 39, 129; Warehouseman, 364.

Carriers of Live Stock-Bill of Lading, 291; De-
lay, 416; Limitation of Value, 434; Notice,
75; Stipulations, 453.

Carriers of Passengers-Alighting, 21, 165, 219,
237, 345, 364, 435; Assisting Passenger, 147;
Assumption of Risk, 237; Boarding Car, 39,
327; Care, 93. 183; Care of Premises, 237;
Contributory Negligence, 237; Duty of Pas-
senger, 255; Duty to Passenger, 381; Ejec-
tion, 75; Elevator, 327; Employe, 327, 398;
Evidence, 237: Exemplary Damages. 183;
Expulsion from Train, 345; Insults and Hu-
miliation, 398; Jitneys, 309; Limitation of

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