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THE Directors have lately received some interesting communications from Africa and France. tention to insert in the first Number of their periodical Publication The particulars of the former, it is their inwhich will be published immediately after the publication of the General History of the Transactions of the Society, which is now the press. The accounts contain several circumstances of a pleasing and encouraging nature, intermixed with some instances of trial and difficulty. The Missionary settlement at Algoa Bay, under the direction of Dr. Vanderkemp, appears to have been disturbed by a number of the uncivilized natives, for the purposes of plunder; and they succeeded so far as to carry of the cattle, but they were afterwards recovered. This happened after the departure of the English garrison; and, no doubt, the absence of an European force induced the attempt; at Algoa Bay would most probably be re-occupied by a military force soon afterwards, we hope the peaceful and useful labours of our Brethren but as the station there would meet no further interruption. The general aspect of Missionary concerns in that colony is encouraging; but as we have reason to expect that Brother Kicherer will shortly visit Europe, with the pro fessed view of returning back with his aged mother, we shall then learn the exact state of our concerns there.

Our Letters from France state, That our correspondent had for two months suffered a severe and dangerous indisposition. This circumstance has unavoidably retarded, in some degree, the accomplishment of the objects committed to him. The New Testament, however, is printed, and also the Essay on the Divine Authority of the New Testament, as well as the Catechism; and they are now considering of the best means for their cira culation. He speaks in terms of gratitude of the kind family under whose roof he resides; and mentions, that when the state of his health permitted, they had much enjoyment in the worship of God on the mornings and evenings of the Lord's Day. That his study was then converted into a chapel; in which a few well-disposed persons in the vicinity also united with them. He mentions several individuals who are desirous of the opportunity of hearing the Gospel, and of having their children brought up in the Protestant faith.

He adds, "You will be pleased to hear, that wherever I have distributed either the Tracts or the Catechisms, they have been uncommonly well received. To a person occasionally employed in the house, I gave one of each she has an aged and infirm mother, to whom she read them. The next time she called, she told me, with tears of joy, that they had given her aged mother such comfort, that she could never thank me enough! She lent them to two Catholic priests, who lodge and board with them; who declared they had never read such sweet little books in their lives; and were exceedingly anxious to buy such to give among the people they could hardly believe they were Protestant books, because they contained nothing against the Catholic religion, and expressed the wish to see thousands suck reprinted and distributed. An aged woman, who, while sitting at the door of one of the churches, was railing against the wicked Jacobins who had shut them up,-on being questioned, wha hope she had of her salvation? replied, She believed in the church. But when asked, What would have become of her had she died when there was no church to go to she was confounded, and ingenuously confessed * Sir, I see clearly this moment, that if I had then died, I should have been lost,-for I did not believe in the Saviour; but trusted to myself,my prayers and fastings to save me." She was pricked to the heart,

and cried bitterly, “O my poor soul! my poor soul will be lost !"— After speaking some time, she appeared comforted; was all ears, and took the books eagerly. I wish much to see her again, but have not been


“A very acute infidel, who fills an important station in society, to whom I presented a Catechism, read it all through, and could scarce find terms to express his approbation in. He requested another for his son; and expressed his determination, that he should never be educated in his own, but in the Protestant principles."


By a

We have repeatedly mentioned the late Revivals of Religion in America, attended with many peculiar and uncommon circumstances. publication just received from the United States, it appears that a like extraordinary work has appeared in both Carolinas; concerning which we give the following short Extracts from a Letter from the Rev. S. McCorkle, of North Carolina, dated Jan. 8, 1802, leaving our Readers to form their own reflexions.

“I now sit down to give you a narrative of the transactions at Randolph; commencing on Friday January 1, 1802, and continuing until the ensuing Tuesday:

"On Thursday, the last day of the last year, I set out from home for Randolph; and lodged in Lexington, with some preachers and a number of people, mostly from Iredel, going on to the same place. The evening was spent in prayer and exhortation, without any visible effect. Next day the preachers arrived at the Randolph meetinghouse; but the Iredel company lodged five miles behind.

"On Saturday, in the interval of two sermons, the congregation (near 2000) were informed, that the Iredel company were religiously exercised, in a sudden and surprizing matter at evening-prayer, in the family or house where they lodged.

"This struck with seriousness every reflecting mind; because the effect did not appear to arise from oratory or sympathy, the causes commonly assigned for this work.

"The second sermon was delivered, and the benediction pronounced as usual; but the people paused, as if they wished not to part, nor go either to their homes or encampments.

"Just then rose a speaker, to give a short parting exhortation; but, wonderful to tell, as if by an electric shock, a large number, in

every direction, men, women, children, white and black, fell and cried for mercy while others appeared, in every quarter, cither praying for the fallen, or exhorting bye-standers to repent and believe.

"This, to me, perfectly new and sudden sight, I viewed with horror; and, in spite of all my previous reasoning on revivals, with some degree of disgust. Is it possible, said I, that this scene of seeming confusion can come from the Spirit of God? or can he who called light from darkness, and order from con fusion, educe light and order from such a dark mental or moral chaos as this? Lord God, thou knowest!

"The first particular object that arrested my attention, was a poor black man, with his hands raised over the heads of the crowd, and shouting, "Glory, glory to God on high!" I hasted towards him from the preaching-ten:; but was stopped to see another black man prostrate on the ground, and his aged mother on her knees at his feet, in all the agony of prayer for her son. Near him was a black woman, grasping her mistress' hand, and crying, O mistress, you prayed for me when I wanted a heart to pray for myself! Now, thank God, he has given me a heart to pray for you and every body else i

"I then passed to a little white girl, about seven years old. She was reclining, with her eyes closed


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"But the most remarkable of all
was, a gentleman of a strong con.
stitution, and a mind enlightened
and enlarged by science and know-
ledge of the world, and, in the
school of infidelity, a master.

"This gentleman I saw soon
after he was struck. He passed a
night in horrors indescribable. I
heard him declare the next morn
ing, that he believed this to be a su
pernatural work; and urged in proof
the first of the above young men,
whom I knew (said he) to have
both strength of nerves and energy
of mind,
and yet he fell.”

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Society for propagating the
Gospel at home, in Scotland.

In the Society's report for last
year, the public were informed,
that twenty-eight young men, edu-
cated for the ministry, were put
under their charge. Three of these
were sent to Ireland. The recep

"I asked her several questions relative to her views of sin, -a Saviour,-happiness and Heaven; and she answered with propriety; and, as I thought, rather from proper present feelings, than from past doctrinal or educational information they have met with is highly tion: for when I was afterwards called to examine her, in order to communion, I found her defective in this kind of knowledge; and dissuaded her from commumcating at that time, though she much desired it. This I have since re. gretted; for I do believe, on cool reflexion, that she possessed that experimental knowledge of salvation, which is infinitely preferable to all the doctrinal or systematic knowledge in the world without it."

The following Letter relates to the

Meeting at New Providence. "At this meeting has been demolished an inficel objection, That only weak nerves and minds are affected in this work. Here I saw prostrate, a young man, remarkable for the robustness of his body and energy of his mind; and for opposition, resolute and determined.

"O God! (were his very words) and must I shrink now? Must I lie here a humble spectacle to the gazing crowd ?” - After a pause, O God have mercy! !" -but after another, "Did I ever ask it before? No; but often for curses."


encouraging; and the Society have
the satisfaction to state, on the tes-
timony of much respected charac-
ters in that country, that their la
bours have been abundant and suc-
cessful. The remaining twenty-
five were stationed in various parts
of Scotland. One of them, having
the Gaelic language, was appointed,
at the Society's expence, to itiner
ate in Kintyre. Many of the peo-
ple there discover an ardent thirst
for the gospel; and some appear to
have been brought to the know.
ledge of the truth, Two others,
acquainted with Gaelic, were fixed-
in situations where preaching in
that language is needed, and the
reft in various quarters, where En-
glish alone is understood. Besides
their stated labours on the Lord's
Day, they preach in the neighbour.
ing villages during the week, and
are directed to visit the sick, and
to jnstruct children. Evident to-
kens of the divine blessing have ac-
companied their labours, especially
in some places, of which, members
of the Society, as well as others,
have been witnesses. Villages, not
long ago remarkable for open wick.
edness, are now greatly reforined;

and many pleasing inftances have occurred of hopeful conversion. A very interesting account of the work of God in one of these villages, is subjoined to this report. Three Missionaries, long in the service of the Society, continue to labour, solely at their expence, one in a southern district, and two in different parts of the Highlands. The Society have the best reason to believe, that their labours also have been acceptable and useful. And they were much gratified in receiving, a few weeks ago, a very decided testimony respecting one of them from a much-esteemed minister of the established church.

Beside the labours of those in the stated service of the Society, they have enjoyed, as usual, the occasional assistance of ministers from England, and this year, of two from Ireland, who have itinerated, as far as their stated labours on the Lord's Day admitted. The expences of several ministers in different parts of the country, itinerating in their neighbourhoods, have also been defrayed by the Society. This is one very powerful means of diffusing the knowledge of the gos pel; and, according to the plan of the Society, they pay the travelling charges of Evangelical Ministers of various denominations, who engage in this labour of love.

The Society continue to distribute gratis, large quantities of Catechisms and Tracts, in Gaelic and English.

Such are the outlines of their exertions during the past year. But they have the satisfaction to inform their friends, that every year the Lord is graciously pleased to extend the sphere of their usefulness. They have the prospect, by the beginning of March next, of engage ing a very considerable number of

additional labourers. Of these it is intended to send a good many to Ireland. Above thirty new applications for Preachers have been received from various parts of Scotland, which the Society intend to answer. It is their wish, however, to employ as many as possible as ge. neral itinerants, whom they mean to send, at their own expence, to the most destitute parts of Scotland. One of these has already been sent to Shetland, another to Órkney, and

a third to Banffshire.

London Itinerant Society.

By a late report of this Society, it appears that, by their laudable exertions, schools have been established, and interests raised, in Bromley, where the Society has a small chapel; Dulwich, Ealing. Enfield Highway, Garrat, Lewisham, where the Society has a chapel and school-room; Merton, Mortlake, where the Society are erecting a small place of worship and school-room; Norwood, Southend, Streatham, Sydenham, Scotland-green, Wimbledon. In this generous service, about fifty persons, who have given themselves up to labour for the Society, are employed on the Lord's Day as teachers or preachers. About 600 children now learn to read, and are receiving religious instruction.

In visiting the sick, such cases as have fallen under the notice of the Society, have been attended to, and temporal relief has been administered where real distress was apparent. Considerable presents of religious tracts have been received from different individuals, and distributed in the villages. James Neal, Esq. is Treasurer to this Society; and the Rev. W. F. Platt, Secretary.


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THE EAST KENT Association held their half-yearly Meeting at Dover, Oct. 6, 1802. Mr. Gurfren, of Canterbury, preached in the morning, from Cor. i. 30.; Mr. Atkinson, of Margate, in the evening, from 1 Phil. i. 21.; Mr. Vincent, of Deal, the evening before, from a Cor. ii. 15, 16. The services were truly pleasant and profitable, through the presence of the King of Zion. At noon, the sacramental banquet was administered. Mr. G. Townsend prayed, and, broke bread; and the Independent brethren distributed the elements. This also was a season of divine refreshment.

The next Meeting is appointed to be held at Mr. Atkinson's, at Margate, April 27, 1803. Mr. Mather, of Dover, to preach in the morning; and Mr. Atwood, of Folkstone, in the evening. In case of

failure, Mr. Gore, of Sandwich, and Mr. Giles, of Eyethorne. The preceding night, Mr. Young, of Canterbury; or Mr. Drew, of Folk.


Ar a Meeting of the WARWICKSHIRE Association, held at Coventry, Jan. 25th, the Lord's Sup per was administered in the even. ing, to the members of various churches; some of whom, notwithstanding the severity of the season, came many miles. Ten or twelve ministers engaged in exhortation, prayer, and distributing the elements. A solemn attention prevailed among a numerous auditory, -and both communicants and spectators expressed the highest degree of satisfaction; so that a repetition of this agreeable service is looked forward to, on future occasions, with no small expectation,


Auc. 20, a new chapel was opened at Laxton, Nottinghamshire, in the late Countess of Huntingdon's connexion. In the morn, ing, Mr. Rowlands, of Gainsbo rough, preached from Deut, xii. 5. In the afternoon, Mr. Start, of Newark, preached from Matt. xvi. 18.; and Mr. Griffiths, of Lincoln, fron Exod, x 34. In the evening, Mr. Rowlands, from Gen. xix. 18. This chapel was erected at the sole expence of Mr. Hazard, a gentleman of that place.

Nov. 11, was opened a neat and convenient place of worship at Marshfield, Gloucestershire. Rev. Mr. Hey, of Bristol, preached from Rev. xxi. 3, in the morning; and Mr. Jay, of Bath, from Matt. vi. 33.; Mess. Sibree, Maud, Dun, Muston, Lowell, Honeywell, and Porter, engaged in other parts of the service. Mr. Hey introduced the gospel in this place about eleyen years ago, and was followed by

various ministers till 1799, when Mr. G. Bourne was chosen pastor of the united churches of Marsh field and Colerne.

Nov. 29, was opened a place of worship at Ryde, in the Isle of Wight. In the morning, Mr.Styles began the service with prayer and reading the Scriptures; Mr. Grif, fin, of Portsea; and Mr. Potticary likewise engaged in prayer; and Mr. Winter, of London, preached from Rev. iii. 20. In the evening, Mr. Davies (a student at Gosport) and Mr. G. Clayton, of Southampton, prayed; Mr. Bogue preached from Luke x. 2.; and Mr. Frey (a converted Jew, under the care of the Missionary Society) concluded the service with an attecting Address to Jehovah, in behalf of Jews and Gentiles. - The place was crowded, and the audience attentive and serious.

The place owes its origin to an unknown gentleman, of London

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