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to make you productive of a part necessary to complete the mystical body of Jesus? And let me add, are you not pleased that he is so soon arrived at this inexpressible honour? Yes, Madam, I know you are. Nature sometimes recoils, but grace preponderates; and you'll sing and say, It is well!- The whole of the above, you see, proceeds upon the belief of the assured happiness of your dear little infant; and, indeed, of this I have no doubt, nor of the happiness of any dying in infancy, whose parents are in covenant themselves; as, I trust, you both are. I mourn not then for your son; but would congratulate you both upon his dignity and honour: yet, as I know the bowels of a parent, must yearn over such a child, I have dropped the above hints, as the best cordial in such distress, and the most solacing support in such a trial. Thanks be to God, you know their value!—you relish their sweetness; and, I trust, will be enabled to act such a part, as to evidence to all around, that you sorrow not as those who have no hope! Yet a little while, you and I, yours and mine, must also pass the galph; and oh! how conifortable would the prospect be, all to meet in yonder happier clime, where all tears are for ever wiped away! Let this hope be our cordial while we travel thro' the wilderness; and may our glorious Joshua at last divide Jordan's streams, that we may pass safely over! I offer my most affectionate and respectful compliments, as do my wife, to you and your husband, and I am,



yours, &c.

DURING the late unhappy commotions in Ireland, a private soldier in the army of Lord Cornwallis, was daily observed to be absent from his quarters and from the company of his fellow-soldiers. He began to be suspected of withdrawing himself for the purpose of holding intercourse with the rebels; and on this suspicion, probably increased by the malice of his wicked comrades, he was tried by a court-martial, and condemned to die. The Marquis hearing of this, wished to examine the minutes of the trial; and, not being satisfied, sent for the man to converse with him. Upon being interrogated, the prisoner solemnly disavowed every treasonable practice or intention, declared his sincere attachment to his Sovereign, and his readiness to live and die in his service:he affirmed, that the real cause of his frequent absence was, that he might obtain a place of retirement for the purpose of private prayer; for which his Lordship knew he had no opportunity among his profane comrades, who had become his enemies merely on

account of his profession of religion. He said, he had made this defence on his trial; but the officers thought it so impro. bable, that they paid no attention to it. The Marquis, in order to satisfy himself as to the truth of his defence, observed, that if so, he must have acquired some considerable aptness in this exercise. The poor man replied, that as to ability, he had nothing to boast of. The Marquis then insisted on his kneeling down and praying aloud before him; which he did, and poured forth his soul before God with such copiousness, fluency, and ardour, that the Marquis took him by the hand, and said, he was satisfied that no man could pray in that manner who did not live in the habit of intercourse with his God. He not only revoked the sentence, but received him into his peculiar favour, placing him among his personal attendants; where, it is said, he still continues in the way to promotion.

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On reading the above, every serious mind will be led to reflect on the remarkable intervention of Providence in behalf of this man of prayer; for this is the most prominent feature in the Christian character. He could not live without prayer, though he thereby exposed himself to the suspicion and hatred of his associates, and even endangered his life; but the God whom, like Daniel, he served, knew how to deliver him in the perilous hour; and not only heard his prayers, but made the exercise of this duty itself the mean of his deliverance.-O how does this reproach those who live without prayer, though they have every opportunity for retirement, unseen and unsuspected!

This anecdote also does real honour to the character of the illustrious Marquis and to the British nation; who can boast of commanders warmly attached to that religion and piety which so many, in the present day, treat with contemptuous




DURING the late war; the Ambuscade Dutch frigate lav for a very considerable time in the port of Sheerness, where Capt. Mackay, a pious and well-informed Christian, and six or seven other officers attended, with regularity and seriousness, the ministry of Mr. F. During their stay, Lieut. S., who was a professed Infidel, and a great admirer of Voltaire (having all his works) and who had frequently ridiculed his brotherofficers for their attachment to religion, was prevailed on to accompany them to the house of God; and, the second Sabbath that he attended, it pleased the Lord to apply the word with power to his heart. On his return to the ship, he got rid of Voltaire, purchased a Bible, and some other religious books; and, when he left the port, was an humble enquirer after the truth as it is in Jesus!

T. S. F.


THE force of the First Query, seems to rest on the sense attached to the word translated borrow; which appears more properly rendered, in the old translation, ask for although it be a part of the character of the wicked, that he borroweth and payeth not again; yet the transaction referred to in the query, was of a quite different nature. The Egyptians had for a long time oppressed the Israelites, and had doubtless been enriched by their labours, without rendering them an adequate recompense and now, at the critical juncture of their departure, the fear of them, and of that Being who had so wonderfully interposed for them, had so fallen on the Egyptians, that they 'were ready to give them whatever they required; to which, they were certainly influenced by that God who has immediate access to our spirits, and can dispose of them as he pleases.Their justification consisted in its being the command of God, who has an undoubted right to the persons and possessions of all his creatures and we are not warranted, from the Scripture account of the matter, to suppose that any criminal view disposed the Israelites to require t, or keep what was given them.

The meaning of the passage referred to in the Second Query, must be obvious to every person accustomed either to the lan"guage of the Bible, or the course of the world.-Wicked men, through the criminal indulgence of their passions, and their excess and abuse of God's good gifts, evidently shorten (in many instances) the already contracted span of human life! Either anxiety and over-solicitude about those things which perish in 'the using, corrodes their mind, and drinks up their spirits; or sensuality invites the approach of disease, which undermines their mortal tabernacle, and thus many die in the meridian of life; and their death, though certainly foreknown in the appointments of God, yet is as certainly accelerated by their own wickedness and they do not live out half the days they might, had they lived soberly, as well as righteously and godly. Another sense may be given to the words.-To live, often signifies to enjoy life; to live to good purpose. Thus, the wicked and ungodly, however long their lives may be, do not truly enjoy half their days!-They live under the frown of God! a dreadful sound is in the sinners ears!


terrors are upon him and though he fare sumptuously every day, and be an

The original verb() signifies in general to ask, beg, request; and in some few inftances only, to borrow. See Deut. x. 12. Josh. xv. 18. Judg. v. 25. 1 Sam. i. 20, &c. where the same word is used. Ainsworth renders the passage before us exactly literal. They" asked of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and garments. And Jehovah gave the people grace in the eyes of the Egyptians, and they gave them their asking; and they spoiled the Egyptians." EDITOR.

+ See old translation, Exod. 11 2,


object of envy to all around him, yet is he a perfect stranger to that tranquillity, that peace of mind, that hope in God,and that bright prospect as to the future, which God's people are favoured with the possession of, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who came into our world, that we might live through him, as to the proper enjoyment of things present, as well as through him, obtain Eternal Life!





To the Editor.

IN the month of October last, I was itinerating in different parts of the North Riding of Yorkshire, where Evangelical preaching is much needed; and in some places earnestly desired. In my way home, I called at the residence of the Rev. Mr. M. at K-, a pious and zealous curate in the establishment, who has laboured for many years in this neighbourhood with success. My disappointment was not little, upon being informed that the good old man was not at home. This, however, was compensated by the pleasing conversation I enjoyed with his amiable partner. After entertaining me with the outlines of her husband's life, including his conversion, persecutions, success in the ministry, &c. she particularly informed me how good the Lord had been to them in circumstances of pecuniary distress. "Once," she said, "when in great want of the neeessaries of life, a five-guinea note was sent us by the carrier; but from whence, or whom, we never could learn." On another occasion, their stock, both of coals and money, was exhausted. Having no prospect of a supply, they retired to rest that evening," Cast down, though not in despair." In the morning, this afflicted pair cried more earnestly to their Heavenly Father, and "were heard, in that they feared." Mr. M. in order to pray and meditate with more composure, took a walk out upon the highway which leads to S. where he was met by the post. He could assign no reason why he felt an impression which led him to ask, "Have you a letter for me?" to which the person replied in the affirmative. Upon receiving the letter, he immediately broke open the seal; and, lo! an anonymous epistle, enclosing a note (I think) of five pounds value! Bus this was not all; for soon after, a friend brought a cow for their service; and toward evening, another sent them a cart-load of coals. Thus, without making known their case to any one, ex cept the Lord God of Elijah, they received in one day a seasonable supply of money, milk, and coals.

Should you deem this account worthy of a place in your valuable Miscellany, the insertion of it may strengthen the faith and excite the gratitude of many. Your's affectionately,

Green Hammerton.

J. J.



mortal tabernacle is dissolved, 1 have a building of God; an house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens !" As her debility increased, she would say, "My heart and my flesh fail; but God is the strength of my heart, and will be my portion for ever!" Her religious views were truly evangelical. A person saying to her, 'It was well for her she had made her peace with God,'-she instantly replied, with great, fervour, "No, I have not; but my Jesus has made it for me!" Two days before her death, she desired that the Hymn, entitled, "The Dying Christian," might be sung by those about her; in which she joined in holy extacy. When

THE subject of this Memoir, was well known as a constant hearer, for many years, at Tottenham-court Chapel; where she had attended with her husband, Mr. J. Withey, an intimate friend of the late Rev. Mr. George Whitefield. During a widowhood of twentyeight years, Mrs. Withey maintained a consistently religious character; and taught her children to remember their Creator in the days of their youth. At the commencement of her last illness, she greatly lamented she had not guarded more against that overchargedness of heart, which is but too incident to the providing for a numerous and the words, "O death, where is thy young family. The retrospect of sting?" were repeated, she exalted this (as every heart best knows its her voice, and said, "My Lord own sins and infirmities) caused her has taken it away." Each of her to entertain some suspicions as to grand-children she separately and the sincerity of her Christian pro- appropriately conversed with refession; but it pleased the Lord, specting eternal things; shewing after he had humbled her soul be- them, that none were too young to fore him, to afford her strong condie, or to stand before the judgsolation, and a blessed assurance, ment-seat of Christ. Being informthat "in the 'Lord she had righte- ed of the news relative to the preli ousness and strength." When her minaries of peace being signed, she children were around her, she said, said, "I have a better peace, "I have no dependence for eternal peace which passeth all understandhappiness on any thing I have ing!" Often repeating, "Come done;" and added, "Whatever I ye that love the Lord, and let your have been to you, my dear chil-joys be known," &c. On the dren, as a mother, it was because morning of her decease, being told God so inclined my heart :- Give it was the Sabbath Day, she exGod the glory!" Then earnestly pressed her hope that she was going expressing her desire that God to begin an eternal one with her would reveal his mercy to her Lord. On the near approach of mind, she appeared to give up all death, she said, "Come, come, my her worldly concerns, and possess- Heavenly Father, come! come ed a most cheerful resignation to the divine will, after saying, "I am not afraid to die; -I long to depart and to be with Christ!" She requested her children to pray for her; and the Lord indeed heard their prayers, which redounded to their own consolation, in the joyful faith and humble confidence which she manifested in God's abounding Inercy. When asked how she did, she would answer, "When this

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Lord Jesus, come quickly!" Then
thrice added, "Come Holy Ghost;
thy sacred witness bear in this glad
hour." Being asked, if she then
experienced that Christ was preci-
ous to her as a Saviour? She re-
plied, “ Very precious indeed! I
long to be gone!" Her daughter
observing that the Lord would re-
lease her in his own good time,
she said, "I know he will; but he
is long a coming," A little time

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