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Johnston, Robert, v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Joyce, Bridget M., v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Kershaw, James H., v. Commonwealth.

ers. Pending.

Referred to commission

Keyes, George H., v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners.


Keyes, Henry F., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Lafrade, Peter, v. Commonwealth.


Referred to commissioners.

Landy, Chas. C., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Lawrence, George D., v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners. Pending.

Levi, Sarah, v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners. Pending.

Lienhardt, Andrew, v. Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board.


Longley, George H., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Lovell, Angeline E., et al. v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners. Settled.

Lovell, David B., v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners. Pending.

Lundren, Per Arvid, v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Mackesey, Thomas, v. Commonwealth. Settled.

Moran, John E., v. Commonwealth.

Nault, David, v. Commonwealth.



Referred to commissioners.

Newton, Silas, v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners.


O'Brien, John F., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Ohnsman, Alexander, v. Commonwealth. Trial by jury.

Peters, Stephen R., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Prescott, Martha E., v. Commonwealth. Referred to commis

sioners. Pending.

Roger, William, et al. v. Metropolitan Water Board. Settled.

Sawin, Charles B., v. Commonwealth. Referred to an auditor.

[blocks in formation]

Stone, John E., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Sweeney, Austin, v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Tay, Ida E., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Thomas, A. Mason, v. Commonwealth. Referred to commission

ers. Settled.

Tobin, Mary A., v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners.


Tonry, Margaret F., v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners. Pending.

Tyson, Caroline E., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Warfield, Samuel R., v. Commonwealth.

sioners. Settled.

Referred to commis

Warfield, Samuel R., v. Commonwealth. Settled.

Warner, Mary J., v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners.


Warner, Mary J., v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Warner, William H., v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Welch, James E., v. Commonwealth. Pending.
West Boylston v. Commonwealth. Pending.
West Boylston v. Commonwealth. Pending.
White, Lucy, v. Commonwealth.


Referred to commissioners.

Referred to commis

Whiting, Alfred N., v. Commonwealth.

sioners. Pending.

Wilder, Francis A., et al. v. Commonwealth. Referred to com

[blocks in formation]

Wood, Willie B., v. Commonwealth. Referred to commissioners.




Petitions to the Superior Court for a jury to assess damages alleged to have been sustained by the taking of land, or injury to land, by said commission. Under agreement with the Commonwealth most of these cases are defended by the various towns in which the land is situated.

Barnstable County.

Crowell, Thomas H., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Bristol County.

Davis, Charles H., v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Lynch, George, et al. v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Ryder, Nancy G., v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Seabury, Henry C., v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Seabury, Phoebe W., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Essex County.

Dow, Clara B., v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Dow, Granville S., v. Commonwealth.


Flanders, Betsey S., v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Flanders, Betsey S., et al. v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Salem Savings Bank v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Franklin County.

Hale, Francis A., v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Wait, Myra J., v. Commonwealth. Settled.

Hampden County.

Alvord, Edwin H., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Barnes, Alice V., v. Commonwealth.


Hafey, James J., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Middlesex County.

Donovan, James H., v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Fisher, Caroline F., v. Commonwealth.


Griffin, John, et al. v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Hudson Co-operative Bank v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Temple, Theodore, v. Commonwealth.


Thimineur, Joseph, v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Norfolk County.

Richards, John M., v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Wellington, Margaret J., v. Commonwealth.


Plymouth County.

Daly, Julia M., v. Commonwealth. Pending.
McIntire, Bernard, v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Worcester County.

Haas, Mary A., et al. v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Loring, John S., v. Commonwealth. Settled.
Sullivan, Timothy J., v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Twiss, Michael F., v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Warren, Alice E. M., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

4. BOARD OF HARBOR AND LAND COMMISSIONERS. Petitions to the Superior Court for assessment of damages caused by the taking of land by said commissioners.

Plymouth County.

Damon, John B., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Suffolk County.

Bent, William H., et al. v. Commonwealth. Trial by jury.
Butler, Philip H., v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Lamb, George, et al. v. Commonwealth. Pending.
Lamb, George, et al. v. Commonwealth. Pending.

Bristol County.

Chace, Charles A., trustee, v. Commonwealth et als. Action of tort for damages caused by defects in State highway. Pending.

Seabury, Henry, v. Wm. R. Farnham et al. Petition for injunction to restrain defendants from entering upon plaintiff's premises in construction of State highway. Dismissed. Seabury, Henry, v. Wm. R. Farnham et al. Action of tort for damages. Dismissed.

Essex County.

Hagerty, Hannah, administratrix of estate of Thomas Meehan, v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Lynn & Boston RailAction of tort to recover damages for personal injuries received on State highway. Dismissed.

road et al.

Bogigian, Hagop, Commonwealth v.


Middlesex County.

Action of tort for trespass.

Information to restrain Settled.

Bogigian, Helen J. C., Commonwealth v.

trespass on Commonwealth's land. Bradford, Edward S., Treasurer and Receiver-General, v. Charles A. Hall. Action of contract to collect betterments assessed by Metropolitan Park Commissioners. Settled.

Bradford, Edward S., Treasurer and Receiver-General, v. Mary

A. Dowd. An action of contract to collect betterments assessed by Metropolitan Park Commissioners. Settled. Cosgrove, Thomas E., Commonwealth v. Bill of complaint to compel defendant to remove buildings from line established by park commission. Pending.

Crowley, Patrick, estate of. Petition to enforce performance to convey real estate. Decree.

Gilmore, Jerome, administrator of estate of Alexander Gilmore, v. Dennis Shannahan et al. and Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board, trustees. Action of tort to recover damages for personal injuries. Pending. Mulready, William, Commonwealth v.

Bill of complaint to require defendant to remove buildings from line established by park commission. Pending. Murray, John B., v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Lynn & Boston Railroad et al. Action of tort to recover damages for personal injuries received on State highway. Pending. Pike, Sophia F., v. Metropolitan Park Commissioners. Action of tort to recover for personal injuries to plaintiff. Settled.

Norfolk County.

National Contracting Company et al., Commonwealth v. Action of contract to recover on bond. Pending.

Suffolk County.

Baker, Catherine A., v. Henry H. Sprague et al. Action of tort for damages caused by use of impure water furnished by water board. Pending.

Baker, Fred W., v. Henry H. Sprague et al. Action of tort for damages caused by use of impure water furnished by water board. Pending.

Baker, Freda E., v. Henry H. Sprague et al.

damages caused by use of impure water
board. Pending.

Baker, Walter J., v. Henry H. Sprague et al.

damages caused by use of impure water
board. Pending.

Action of tort for furnished by water

Action of tort for

furnished by water

Bent, William H., et al. v. Henry W. Swift et al. Action of tort growing out of taking by Harbor and Land Commissioners of land and flats in South Bay.

Boston, City of, v. Commonwealth.


Petition under R. L., c. 12, §12, St. 1903, c. 161, to recover taxes on land taken by water board. Pending.

Chadwick, Everett D., v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al. Bill in equity to determine party entitled to award by Metropolitan Park Commission for land taken in Milton. Settled.

Conness, John, v. Commonwealth. Petition for a writ of certi orari to quash betterments assessed by Metropolitan Park Commissioners. Disposed of.

Connolly, Mary E., v. Charles G. Craib. Action of tort to recover damages for personal injuries. Pending.

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