Jan. 10, 1859, to amount received trom F. M. ... $35.00 Jan. 11, 1859, to amount received from Wm. 210.00 Jan. 25, 1850, to amount received from E. J. Toof, on his note. 125.00 .... Jan. 31, 1859, to amount received from W. A. 100.00 July 2, 1859, to amount rec'd from B. Hugel, on his note,........ 100.00 Oct. 28, 1859, to amount received as interest on State loans.... .27,047.90 Nov. 4, 1859, to amount received as interest on State loans.. ...... 619,90 $29,574.01 CR. Oct. 28, 1859, by amount included in apportionment of March last, and transferred to Revenue to re-imburse the same for Warrants issued under Chap. 158, Sec. 8, Acts of 1858. Oct. 31, 1859, by amount transferred to prin Nov. 4, by amount transferred to Revenue, as above.. Nov. 7, 1859, by am't on hand to balance... $28,659.50 194.61 619.90 100.00 $29,574.01 Jas. C. Gibbs. 8,109 69 21ST-STATEMENT "Е." Showing receipts of School Fund Commissioners and County Treasurers of the several counties, filed in this office, for Five per cent Fund distributed by the State Treasurer. COUNTIES. | S. F. Commissioners. | Date of Receipt Adair. Alamakee.... W. F. Ross.. Amount. Audubon..... Amherst Heath April 14, 1857 120 09 Appanoose... Dan'l P. Sparks...... April 29, 1857 2,357 68 Adams.. Benj. Neal.. June 11, 1857 432 94 Black Hawk.. John Kerr.. April 23, 1857 2,348 11 March 20, 1857 1,494 30 Thos. Downing.... April 15, 1857 1,368 67 A. Z. Speer.... April 22, 1857 1,367 38 Buchanan.... Wm. Logan.. Cerro Gordo.. A. B. Miller.. .... April 10, 1857 2,032 71 J. H. Morton. ... .. April 11, 1857 907 99 April 30, 1867 267 97 Calhoun.... Carroll. Roma Maranville..... July 6, 1858 50 45 S. L. Loomis. May 8, 1857 106 43 March 24, 1858 3,503 50 April 26, 1858 1,124 13 ... May 12, 1858 5,761 91 Clarke. Martin Hood. .. March 30, 1858 1,656 67 No date. 4,807 17 168 33 22D-STATEMENT "F." SHOWING THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE INTEREST OF THE SCHOOL FUND, AS MADE ON THE 17TH DAY OF MARCH, 1859. Amount Reported | Am'nt Delinquent Number of Amount Appor A'mt of Warrants Excess payable into on State Revenue State Treasury. Adair..... Adams.. $250 87 $ 267 28 349 $ 216 38 $ 34 49 432 16 52 00 457 283 34 148 82 Alamakee. 3,639 2,256 18 4,688 97 Appanoose. 1,758 16 729 78 4,707 2,928 34 1,160 18 Audubon. 119 73 78 124 90 Benton... 1,275 94 Calhoun. 47 29 14 29 14 Cerro Gordo. 297 171 74 171 74 Chickasaw 1,490 00 1,167 724 78 618 22 Clarke. 1,540 73 1,963 1,217 06 1,391 11 Clayton. 1,918 28 2,930 75 6,442 3,994 04 2,075 76 Clinton. 2,063 23 1,761 12 5,596 3,469 52 1,406 29 Crawford. Dallas.. 541 36 COUNTIES. Children. tioned. 6,945 15 198 68 Black Hawk 1,885 92 Boone.. 811 14 1,002 54 191 40 Bremer. 2,920 47 2,290 14 1,417 878 54 2,041 93 Butler. 575 53 Buchanan. 1,089 84 Carroll. 67 00 Cass... 43 29 Cedar. 3,829 14 106 56 2,608 17 313 63 129 79 98 461 38 2,654 04 1,532 56 1,894 1,174 28 1,479 76 |