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Khundoo was accompanied by one or two of his own men, and a few village bheels; and whilst hot on the track of the tiger, one of the latter pointed to what he supposed to be it, concealed in a large bush. Khundoo, doubting the eye of any one but a practised hand like himself, scarce looked to the bush at the time, but taunting his companion with his want of knowledge of what a tiger was, went deliberately up to the edge and stooped to look in. Alas! it was too clearly proved that his game was there, for in the twinkling of an eye, a rush, and the fall of poor Khundoo, discovered the tiger. The whole thing was instantaneous; but an instant under the jaws of a tiger is an age. A litter was procured, and while the most part watched down the tiger, the rest bore the wounded man to Moolleir. While this was happening, we were killing a bear in an opposite direction, and on our return to the tents were apprised of what had occurred. Every thing that could be of use was sent to the sufferer, and on our way to avenge his loss we proceeded to the huts where he was lying. At his request we left him to be attended by the native doctors, and proceeded to the elephants; and a short time sufficed to find the tiger. The jungle was extremely thin, in fact scarcely deserving the name of cover; the ground level, with here and there a small nullah; a road ran close by, and in addition to two or three men whom he had killed outright upon it, not a few have been half-dead with terror on hearing his growl within a few feet of them. The natives, who at last well knew his haunts, declared that, contrary to the practice of tigers in general, he would never move off at the near approach of man, but warned him of his danger by a deep growl, which signal was, it may be supposed, readily taken. In some few cases, however, where the warning was either not heard or disregarded, the death or severe wounding of the unfortunate traveller immediately followed, though in no instance had he been known to eat the

smallest portion of his victim. As I said above, he was soon found, there being nothing to conceal him, and powder and ball came briskly into play. Whenever he had the opportunity he charged furiously, but was each time luckily stopped. Game to the last, when, surrounded by the elephants, he charged gallantly up a steep bank for Hyder, the guns in whose howdah were by no means idle. Six or eight barrels saluted him in succession from that howdah alone, besides others from the opposite side; a shake of the head and a growl told full true each time that the lead had reached its mark. Still determined, he dragged his bleeding body to the charge, and had with tremendous efforts reached within a few steps of the top of the bank, when a finishing shot from the opposite side took him in the back, and down he rolled dead. A finer specimen of a tiger could not be, either as regards size, beauty, or ferocity.

"We returned to our sick patient: his wounds had been dressed, and all that human aid could do was tried; but what art could save a man in the centre of whose shoulder the teeth of such a monster had actually met? The whole of the bones, from the point of the shoulder to the very neck, were almost I may say ground to pieces, and another awful bite through the neck itself would alone have decided his fate. The whole of these tremendous wounds were the work of an instant, and entirely affected by the teeth; he was untouched by the paws. Unremitted attention from master and doctor proved unavailing, and poor Khundoo, after showing symptoms of delirium, expired at ten on the night of the following day." This, as may be supposed, was a damper to the spirits of the party, though it is equally probable that it increased the enjoyment of flooring the next tiger they came across. It is not an ordinary game-bag that would suffice for such sport, as may be seen by the following measurements given of a tiger and tigress killed near Dharwar:


Length from the nose to the end of the tail, 9 ft. 5 in.

Tigress. 8 ft. 4 in.

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If any one will have the kindness to mention a more disconsolate animal than a lieutenant in a garrisontown-even in Edinburgh Castle-we shall be much obliged to him. The peripatetic philosophy is not (imbibed by mere walking, or Prince's Street might be made a school of wisdom. What are the occupations he must have recourse to? - for it is impossible he can exist without some sort of occupation, good or bad. probably either breaks a bloodvessel in playing on the flute, or smokes him self into a consumption. He goes occasionally to a ball he is asked out to dinner in families where the daughters are either all married or all in the nursery. He attends parade he sees the same faces at mess he goes the same dull jog-trot round from one year's end to the other, till at last he is only saved from vague ideas of suicide or colonization, by being marched to some other quarters, where the same scene is to be enacted in all its parts. Take, by way of a contrast, a "spurt" taken one day from the camp at Sholapore, by a couple of jolly Subs., and mark how splendid an enjoyment it is to hunt the bristly boar, even though you have no relish for pork-chops. "Intelligence was received of hog about forty miles from camp, and as there was every hope of good sport for one day only, we determined on having that one day; and every thing having been arranged for that purpose, and two of the party, with all the horses, &c., having gone on ahead, the remaining two (of whom I was one) got into our palankeens on the night of the 4th October, and at half-past three on the following morning found ourselves at Mohol, twenty miles distant from camp. We slept till daybreak, and then got into a nibbs to go the remaining twenty miles by breakfast. By having a fresh horse laid halfway, we contrived to do it by half-past eight, and reached the tents at the village of Marah, an hour and a half sooner than our friends who had gone in advance had anticipated. The khabur on our arrival we found to be puckha; the hog had been seen there the day before, and we were in the highest possible spirits. A hasty breakfast for we were too eager for the sport to eat much-having been dispatched, by half-past nine we were

on our tats, on the road to the huntingground, which was still three miles distant, and which we reached as nearly as possible by ten o'clock.


"The jungle is as pretty looking a patch as one would wish to see. stands on the banks of a small river; is about three hundred yards long by a hundred and fifty deep, the rear protected by the river; in front is a fine plain for about four hundred yards, whenthe ground becomes rather rocky, but still may be considered good. To the right and rear it is much worse ; but as we arranged the beaters so that the hog were not likely to take in either of these directions, we were not under any apprehensions on this point. To the left also the ground is good. On looking about us, we began to be sensible that our trouble in coming thus far would be rewarded with success. The large pugs in the bed of the river, and the rooting up in various parts at the borders of the jungle, convinced us that there were not only hog there, but some prime The jungle was composed of baubul bushes and grass, in some parts very thick, though not very high; and from all we could gather, we felt convinced it was to be a certain find.


"About ten o'clock the beaters were all in line, with their right brought a little forward, to prevent the hog from taking to the bad ground there-as I have before mentioned. On the extreme right, on the verge of the jungle, were stationed a couple of beaters on an elevated piece of ground, on the look-out, and ready to give us the signal by waving cloths so soon as the hog should start. Immediately opposite to these, but on the left flank, were stationed the hunters, four in number; and our position was such that we were almost certain of seeing the hog as soon as they should clear the thick jungle. These arrangements having been effected, we were waiting in that state of suspense when every minute seems an hour, when the report of a pistol, and the dashing of the beaters into the jungle with a shout that might have been heard for miles around, and must have made the hog prick up their ears a few, made us take a good grip of our bridles, and arrange our seats to be ready for them whenever they should break cover.

"The effects of their shouting were soon evident, and five fine hog were

seen breaking cover. We were immediately at their heels, but the thing was not well managed: it would take up too much time to explain how it was;-but to the fact: only one large sow was killed, and one, after having been twice speared, escaped into a sugar-cane field. One of them reached the jungle again, but where the rest went we could not discover. On returning to the jungle, one hog was perceived about a mile off, taking across a fine plain. We gave chase, and were rapidly closing in on her when she took refuge in a sugar-cane field; it served, however, only to give her ten minutes' breathing-time, at the expiration of which we turned her out. She had not half a mile to go to reach the jungle, and was on the point of entering it, when she was speared through, and dropped dead on the edge.

"The day was exceedingly hot, and while the beaters were being put in their original position, we retired under a tree for a sup of grog; and having soon taken up our former station, had not been there five minutes before our friends on the right waved their cloths. On coming up to them, we found that two hogs were coming out, but stopped short on the edge of the jungle: they soon started, but turned back into the thicket. We were send. ing the beaters back to beat it again, and had retired to our post, when we perceived a large hog, who, having crossed the river, was now cantering along the banks. We had heard that there was a large boar there, and now made sure that we had got him. We dashed across the river after him, and perceived him making straight for a small patch of bajjeree. This he reached without being speared; but remained in it only long enough to allow the huntsmen to surround it, when he again took away over a fine plain, and was almost immediately killed; but to our disappointment, instead of being a boar, as we had expected, it was a sow. [Our gallant friend, we can hardly doubt, has spent the greater part of his youth within a few miles of the hill of Howth.]

"We again returned to the jungle, and had not even commenced beating when we saw another single hog taking away in front, at a rapid pace: we were all after her in a twinkling, and after a run of about a mile she was NO. CCXCIII, VOL. XLVII,

killed. We had now had no less than five runs, in which all hands were engaged, the day, as I have before mentioned, being extremely hot; and having only two horses each, completely out of training, and not at all in condition for such violent exercise, we began to find that both men and horses had had nearly enough for one day. However, we knew that there were more hog in the jungle; and as long as our nags could go, (though they had been already twice changed,) we had no idea of giving in. Accordingly, each mounting our freshest horse, we again took post in our old place, and on beating the jungle were again successful; a sounder of twelve now broke out, of which three were killed, and three more lost in the jungle and sugar-cane field after having been speared. With the death of one other ended the sport of the day, and we wound up with eight killed and four more lost after being speared. Our horses were ridden to a stand-still, and besides, two of us were obliged to be at Mohol, halfway back to camp, by sunset, and it was now three o'clock, so we mounted our tits and cantered to the tents. On arriving there we found the dinner ready, and after a hasty meal got into the nibbs at four o'clock, and reached Mohol exactly at half-past six-in the palankeens by seven reached camp at halfpast two on the following morning, and were on parade at gunfire."

This is what we call a very praiseworthy specimen of pluck and bottom; for nibbses are not made by London coachmakers, nor are the roads macadamized. The thermometer was probably at 95°, and galloping after a sounder of twelve hog is not quite an occupation adapted for the dog-days. But glory is a wonderful support in the hottest weather: we doubt not that it is nearly as inspiring as the sup of grog we find so modestly alluded to; and greater glory or more rapturous excitement is nowhere to be met with than in standing the rush of a huge brown boar, and planting your spear right in his bristly neck when his tusk is within a foot of your horse's breast-cutting down a cuirassier is perhaps more exhilarating still, or splitting the turban of a Thug; but, in a quiet way, we are not sure that weshould not prefer transfixing the iracundus aper. And, while we are about it, we


must quote one or two most admirable This strikes us to have the genuine

staves, for the boar-hunters of the " birr."

Deccan are not unknown to song.


Awake! up, up, and away to the wood,
Where the grizzly sounder's sleeping;
Where the panther prowls, and the wild-wolf howls,
And the dun-deer watch is keeping!

Yes, awake and away! all your dreamings dismiss,
And away with all snobbish adorning;
There never was ground of such promise as this :
Then huzza for a hunting morning!

O! who'd the glorious chase forsake,

When the grey bear's track we follow
O'er the mountain top, through the thorny brake,
Or down the steepy hollow ?

Then awake and away, &c. &c. &c.

Though the bowl may yield some joy to the heart,

Of rapture, too, partaking;
Yet it never can rival the sounder's start,
Or the crash of the grey boar breaking.
Then awake and away, &c. &c. &c.

Though some still swear no charm can vie
With beauty's glance and tone,
Yet give ME the flash of the boar's brown eye,
And the roar of his dying groan.
Then awake and away, &c. &c. &c.

Parodies are generally poor enough things. They are something like a practice, very common among the smaller fry of wits, of making ludicrous quotations of Scriptural expressions. "A good man," quoth Samuel Johnson, "dislikes it for its profanity, and a clever man despises it for its facility." But an imitation is a very superior thing to a parody; and what may be called a parallelism is a finer thing still. There are few songs finer, in their way, than "Hurrah for the bonnets o' blue." The tune, to be sure, is a great help to the words, for it stirs the heart of a Borderer like the notes of a trumpet; and, in a foray to Carlisle gates, there is no saying what might be the effect of so dashing a chorus among a set of wild reavers, devoted to pillage and song. " Et mihi, mehercle!" as old Lowth exclaims in a paroxysm of minstrel ardour" plus valuisset unum ̔Αρμόδιες μελος quam omnes Philippicæ orationes!" And we cannot for an instant doubt, that, if the ven

erable professor had known the tune of one of those ballads as well as the words, he would have carried his en. thusiasm to a still higher pitch. Nothing can be better than the rapid roll of the music; and as we ourselves wear a blue bonnet, we are not ashamed to confess, that when we hear that μέλος sung with suitable spirit, very absurd ideas slip into our head of the iniquity of laws against sheep-driving, house-burning, and harrying the English, which we know were the favourite occupations of our forefathers. The "Blue bonnets over the Border" is another dangerous ballad, and ought to be bound over in its own recognisances, as tending to a breach of the peace. Now, what these and similar ditties are on the Border, are some of the songs by our gallant young huntsmen in the Jungles of Hindostan. We should like to see the man whose heart doesn't dance when he listens to such a stave as this:


Here's a bumper to spur and to spear!

A bumper to challenge a song!

A bumper to those, who, where'er the boar goes,

Are spearing and spurring along!

'Tis good to be steady and cool,

'Tis better to dare than to doubt,

'Tis best to keep clear of the snobs in the rear,
And be always thrown in than thrown out!

Then hurrah for the spur and the spear!
Hurrah for the zest of my song!

Hurrah for all those, who, where'er the boar goes,
Are spearing and spurring along!

Here's a cheer for the charms of the chase!

A cheer for a glorious burst!

And who wouldn't cheer, when the bold win the spear;

For the fearless are always the first.
There are some ever in the right place-

There are some who just toddle and trot-
There are many who love every danger to face-
And many, I swear, who do not!

Then hurrah for the spur and the spear!
Hurrah for the zest of my song!

Hurrah for all those, who, where'er the boar goes,
Are spearing and spurring along!

There's a joy when the boar makes his rush-
There's a joy when the monster first bleeds-
There's a joy though to-day has now glided away;
For to-morrow shall double our deeds!

Here's a sigh for the sportsman afar,
A welcome to those who are here-
A health to the whole, who, in spirit and soul,
Are friends of the spur and the spear!

Then hurrah for the spur and the spear!
Hurrah for a jovial song!

Hurrah for all those, who, where'er the boar goes,
Are spearing and spurring along!

The stormy joy of the chase in the morning, and the convivial enjoyments of music such as this, and iced Lafitte at night, are some slight alleviations to the pangs of absence from merry England, the slowness of promotion, and the hot climate of the gorgeous East. Hunting those tameless savages of the wood is a fine preparation for an active campaign; and we will venture a slight wager that not a few of the foremost of the stormers of Ghuznee were heroes of the spur and the spear.

Be it remembered that the view we have here taken is furnished to us, not by the hands of the Mundys and Bacons, and other gentlemen of liter

ary reputation they are the unpremeditated sketches of gay young men, who had no ambition of authorship; but were only inspired by a strong love of sport, and had probably a far more intimate acquaintance with Dundas than with Lindley Murray. The hot sun ripens mere boys into good soldiers and brave huntsmen, much more rapidly in the great plains of Hindostan, than we could imagine possible in our native land, the stormy north. A youth goes out as a cadet at sixteen or seventeen, with a strong predilection for barley-sugar and penny tarts; a dreadful awe of his pedagogue haunts his dreams; he finds the apron-string of his mother

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