TO GEORGE-NIM-DAN-DEAN, Efq. Upon his incomparable VER SE S, &c, By Dr. DELANY, in SHERIDAN's Name *. AIL, human compound quadrifarious, Yet let me blefs, in humbler ftrain, Thefe were all written in circles. Q3 Where Where every line, as huge as seven, If stretch'd in length, would reach to Heaven : Against thy verfe Time fees with pain, Thou haft alone the skill to feaft Oh thou, of all the Nine infpir'd! Thy verfe (Ye Gods! I cannot bear it) To what, to what fhall I compare it? 'Tis like, what I have oft' heard spoke on, The famous ftatue of Laocoon. "Tis like, O yes, 'tis very like it, The long, long ftring, with which you fly kite. To Mr. THOMAS SHERIDAN, Upon his Verfes written in Circles. By Dr. SWIFT. T never was known that circular letters, IT By humble companions, were fent to their betters: And, as to the fubject, our judgement, meherc'le, Is this, that you argue like fools in a circle. But now for your verfes; we tell you, imprimis, The fegment so large 'twixt your reafon and rhyme is, That we walk all about, like a horse in a pound, And, before we find either, our noddles turn round. Sufficient it were, one would think, in your mad rant, To give us your measures of line by a quadrant. But we took our dividers, and found your d-n'd metre, In each fingle verfe, took up a diameter. But how, Mr. Sheridan, came you to venture George, Dan, Dean, and Nim, to place in the centre †? "Twill appear, to your coft, you are fairly trepann'd, For the chord of your circle is now in their hand. * At Gaulstown, there is a remarkably famous echo. + An allufion to the found produced by the echo. Their figures were in the centre of the verfes. The chord, or the radius, it matters not whether, As her betters are us'd, shall be lash'd round the ring,. That the makes of your verses a hoop for Mifs Tam†,- On Dr. SHERIDAN'S CIRCULAR VERSES. By Mr. GEORGE ROCH FORT. ITH mufick and poetry equally bleft, W! A bard thus Apollo most humbly addreft: "Great author of harmony, verfes, and light! "Affifted by thee, I both fiddle and write. "Yet unheeded I fcrape, or I fcribble all day, "My verfe is neglected, my tunes thrown away.. Thy fubftitute here, Vice-Apollo †, difdains "To vouch for my numbers, or lift to my strains; *The lady of George Rochford, esq. Mifs Thomafon, lady Betty's daughter. See "Apollo to the Dean," p. 183. Thy "Thy manual fignet refufes to put "To the airs I produce from the pen or the gut. "Be thou then propitious, great Phoebus; and grant "Relief, or reward, to my merit, or want. "Though the Dean and Delany tranfcendently fhine,. "O brighten one folo or fonnet of mine. "With them I'm content thou shouldit make thy abode: "But vifit thy fervant in jig or in ode. "Make one work immortal: 'tis all I request."` Apollo look'd pleas'd; and, refolving to jeft, Reply'd, "Honeft friend, I've confider'd thy cafe: "Nor diflike thy well-meaning and humourous face. "Thy petition I grant: the boon is not great; "Thy works fhall continue and here's the receipt. "On rondeaus hereafter thy fiddle-ftrings fpend: "Write verses in circles: they never shall end." : ON DAN JACKSON'S PICTURE, CUT IN SILK AND PAPER. TO fair Lady Betty, Dan fat for his picture, And defy'd her to draw him so oft' as he piqu'd here. He knew the 'd no pencil or colouring by her, That his thin lantern jaws all her art would defeat. Lady |