IN SICKNESS. Written in IRELAND, October 1714. IS true To fee my life fo faft decline? But why obfcurely here alone, Where I am neither lov'd nor known?. Before his credit, or his fee. Some formal vifits, looks, and words, I meet perhaps from three or four, In And spare my absent friends the grief Expir'd to day, intomb'd to-morrow, THE FABLE OF THE BITCHES. Written in the Year 1715. On an ATTEMPT to repeal the TEST ACT. A BITCH that was full pregnant grown, By all the dogs and curs in town, Finding her ripen'd time was come, Her litter teeming from her womb, Went here and there, and every where, To find an eafy place to lay-her. At length to Mufick's house she came, And begg'd like one both blind and lame; My only friend, my dear," said she, ་་ "You fee 'tis mere neceflity, "Hath fent me to your houfe to whelp; faith! fhe bit her. Whole baskets full of bits and scraps, And broth enough to fill her paps; *The church of England. + A Scotch name for a bitch; alluding to the kirk. For, For, well the knew, her numerous brood, "That you would with your cubs retire: "Stay till my tender cubs can find "Their way for now, you fee, they're blind; "But, when we 've gather'd ftrength, I fwear, "We'll to our barn again repair." The time pafs'd on; and Mufick came, Her kennel once again to claim; But Bawty, loft to fhame and honour, THE MORA L. Thus did the Grecian wooden horfe Conceal a fatal armed force : No fooner brought within the walls; But Ilium 's loft, and Priam falls. HORACE, BOOK III. ODE II. TO THE EARL OF OXFORD, LATE LORD TREASURE R. Sent to him when in the TOWER, 1716. HOW bleft is he, who for his country dies, Since death purfues the coward as he flies ! The youth in vain would fly from Fate's attack, With trembling knees and terror at his back; Though fear fhould lend him pinions like the wind, Yet fwifter fate will feize him from behind. Virtue repuls'd, yet knows not to repine ; But fhall with unattainted honour fhine; Virtue, to crown her favourites, loves to try Next, faithful Silence hath a fure reward; * The enfign of the lord treasurer's office. PHYLLIS PHYLLIS; OR, THE PROGRESS OF LOVE. 1716. DESPONDING Phyllis was endued With every talent of a prude: ear; She trembled when a man drew near; In church you hear her, through the croud, In church, fecure behind her fan, The writings drawn, the lawyer fee'd, The vicar and the ring bespoke : Guefs, how could fuch a match be broke? See |