Legislative Documents, Том 5Contains the reports of state departments and officials for the preceding fiscal biennium. |
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Страница 132
... in the State of Iowa During 1911 Fire Marine , etc. Tornado Aggregate Gross risks written .. Gross premiums 119,614.15 Losses paid Losses incurred 74,386.27 79,040.15 $ 10,155,235.00 $ 410,461.00 8,049.86 29.00 2.00 $ 1212,642.00 ...
... in the State of Iowa During 1911 Fire Marine , etc. Tornado Aggregate Gross risks written .. Gross premiums 119,614.15 Losses paid Losses incurred 74,386.27 79,040.15 $ 10,155,235.00 $ 410,461.00 8,049.86 29.00 2.00 $ 1212,642.00 ...
Страница 292
Iowa. General Assembly. Name TABLE Showing Business Done in Iowa During the Year 1911 , Number of Policies IOWA COMPANIES American Life Ins . Co .... Bankers Life Co .... Cedar Rapids Life Ins . Co .. Central Life Assur . Society of ...
Iowa. General Assembly. Name TABLE Showing Business Done in Iowa During the Year 1911 , Number of Policies IOWA COMPANIES American Life Ins . Co .... Bankers Life Co .... Cedar Rapids Life Ins . Co .. Central Life Assur . Society of ...
Страница 369
Iowa. General Assembly. Business in the State of Iowa During 1911 Classification . No. Amount Policies or certificates in force December 31 , 1910 , as per last state- ment Policies or certificates written during the year .. Policies or ...
Iowa. General Assembly. Business in the State of Iowa During 1911 Classification . No. Amount Policies or certificates in force December 31 , 1910 , as per last state- ment Policies or certificates written during the year .. Policies or ...
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Agent's balances amount in force Amount of ledger amount paid policy Assets Interest due Assets Not Admitted bility claims bonds and stocks Book value business written prior capital Surplus Code of Iowa companies and banks Deduct Assets Deduct premiums Deduct reinsurance Deduct return premiums Deposit premiums Deposits in trust due and accrued due or accrued ers for losses fire risks running force December 31 Gross amount paid Gross assets Gross premiums written home office Insurance Company Insurance department licenses interest and rents Iowa During 1911 licenses and fees maturity of ledger mortgage loans Non-Ledger Assets Interest paid for losses paid policy hold policies cancelled policies not taken policies or renewals policy holders premiums on policies prior to October process of adjust real estate renewals issued prior Rents-including company's occupancy representing business written Surplus Total deductions Total ledger assets trust companies unpaid claims value of bonds value of ledger Written or renewed