Rey. Very good, my Lord. He does-what was I about to say? I was about to say fomething-where did I leave ? Rey. At, closes in the consequence. Pol. At, closes in the consequence-Ay, marry. He closes thus;-I know the gentleman, Videlicet, a brothel, or fo forth. See you now; So by my former lecture and advice Shall you my fon. You have me, have you not? Rey. My Lord, I have. Pol. God b'w' you. Fare you well. Rey. Good my Lord Pol. Observe his inclinations in yourself. Rey. I shall, my Lord. Pol. And let him ply his musick. Rey. Well, my Lord. a general word of compliment as diftinct from fir; nor do I con ceive why any alteration should be made. It is a common mode of colloquial language to use, or So, as a flight intimation of more of the fame, or a like kind, that might me mentioned. We might read, Good Sir, Forsooth, or Friend, or Gentleman. Exit. 1 SCENE II. Enter Ophelia. Pol. Farewel. How now, Ophelia, what's the matter? Oph. Alas, my Lord, I have been so affrighted! Pol. With what, in the name of heav'n? Oph. My Lord, as I was sewing in my closet, Lord Hamlet, with his Doublet all unbrac'd, No hat upon his head, his stockings loose, Ungarter'd, and down-gyred to his ancle, Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other, And with a look so piteous in purport, As if he had been loofed out of hell, To speak of horrors; thus he comes before me. Pol. Mad for thy love? Oph. My Lord, I do not know: But, truly, I do fear it. Pol. What said he ? Oph. He took me by the wrist, and held me hard Then goes he to the length of all his arm; As he would draw it. Long time staid he so; 6-his flockings foul'd, Ungarter'd, and down-gyved to his ancle.] I have restored the reading of the elder quarto's -his stockings loose. The change, I suspect, was first from the players, who saw a contradiction in his stockings being loose, and yet shackled down at ancle. But they, in their igno At last, a little shaking of mine arm, Pol. Come, go with me, I will go feek the King. This is the very ecstacy of love, 1 That does afflict our natures. I am forry; Oph. No, my good lord; but, as you did command, I did repel his letters, and deny'd His access to me. Pol. That hath made him mad. I'm forry, that with better speed and judgment 7 I had not quoted him. I fear'd, he trifl'd, And meant to wreck thee; but beshrew my jealoufy; It seems, it is as proper to our age............ To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions, As it is common for the younger fort To lack difcretion. Come; go we to the King. 7 I had not QUOTED him.-] The old quarto reads coted. It appears Shakespear wrote NOTED. Quoted is nonfenfe. WARB. To quote is, I believe, to reckon, to take an account of, to take the quotient or result of a computation. 8- it is as proper to our age To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions, As it is common for the younger fort VOL. VIII. : To lack difcretion.--] This is not the remark of a weak man. The vice of age is too much fufpicion. Men long accustomed to the wiles of life caft commonly beyond themselves, let their cunning go further than reason can attend it. This is always the fault of a little mind, made artful by long commerce with the world. N This 9 This must be known; which, being kept close, might move More grief to hide, than hate to utter, love. [Exeunt. SCENE III. Changes to the Palace. Enter King, Queen, Rosincrantz, Guildenstern, Lords, and other Attendants. King W ELCOME, dear Rofincrantz, and Guild enstern! : Moreover that we much did long to see you, To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather, This must be known; which, being kept close, might move More grief to hide, than hate to utter, love. i. e. This must be made known to the King, for (being kept secret) the hiding Hamlet's love might occafion more mischief to us from him and the Queen, than the uttering or revealing of it will occafion hate and resentment from Hamlet. The poet's ill and obscure expression seems to have been caused by his affectation of concluding the sene with a couplet. WARB. Hanmer reads, More grief to hide hate, than to utter love. So So much as from occafions you may glean, Queen. Good gentlemen, he hath much talk'd of you; And, sure I am, two men there are not living, Rof. Both your majesties Guil. But we both obey, And here give up ourselves, in the full bent, : King. Thanks, Rofincrantz, and gentle Guildenstern. Queen. Thanks, Guildenstern, and gentle Rofin crantz. And, I beseech you, instantly to visit Guil. Heav'ns make our prefence and our practices Pleasant and helpful to him! [Exeunt Rof. and Guil. Queen. Amen. Enter Polonius. Pol. Th' ambassadors from Norway, my good Lord, Are joyfully return'd. |