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not resist giving in the translator's own words "The black horseman turned away his horse,and said with a gloomy solemnity -Thou dost know me! The very hair of thy head, which stands on end, confesses for thee that thou dost! I am He whom at this moment thou namest in thy heart with horror! So saying, he vanished, followed by the dreary sound of withered leaves, and the echo of blasted boughs falling from the trees beneath which he had stood !"

All persons concerned in the bringing forward of this wondrous drama appear to have been inspired with an anxiety to do their parts to the utmost. The little bogtoads crawl about, as if they themselves were terrified at the scene. Braham, as Rodolph, not only sang better than ever on the first night, but acted with a feeling which we never before detected in him. But the effect of the music was upon him, and he was, in truth, under the influence of a charm. He performed and gave a Grand Scena, which seemed to roll around the air like thunder. Mr. E. P. Cooke was Zamiel. He is by far the best bad spirit that ever stalked the earth-he is so good, that we only wish he may be able to give up the part when he pleases.

It remains but to speak of the music, which, of its kind, is really beyond all ordinary praise and conception. Some of the critics have said it is not so sweet or so good as Mozart's :-Pshaw! it was never intended to be sweet! it is appalling, terrific, sublime! It giveth not "Airs from Heaven," but, "Blasts from Hell." From the Overture to the very last note, the composer, Weber, seems to have called upon Zamiel, and to have offered up to him notes which would go into his very soul ! There is a depth, a wildness, which frights

the mind while it charms the ear; and we will confidently say that no music, not even Mozart's, was ever heard with such breathless attention and earnestness as this extraordinary production of Weber. It is a great work!


A Gentleman of somewhat pious turn of mind having undertook to reform a younger brother, who from a water-drinker had become inordinately attached to the bottle, would frequently with a view of giving more effect to his lectures, quote texts of Scripture in which the sin of wine-bibbing is denounced. The brother having exhausted every ingenuity in defence of his favourite habit, referred his Bible-searching monitor to the 5th chap. 1st book of Timothy, 23rd verse, which reads thus:-" Drink no longer water, but use a little wine, for thy stomach's sake and thy often intities "Thus intrenched, he deemed himself invulnerable; but it is plain that the Apostle limits the portion to a very small quantity, and that his advice is confined to a particular case and to the "often infirmities" of the sufferer. In a word, that the wine was to be taken occasionally as a medicine.


A house having fallen down one day dur ing a heavy gale of wind, a wit most provokingly congratulated the owner on his windfall.


A source of danger from the use of culinary vessels of copper, has recently been discovered by Sir H. Davy, viz. that weak solutions of common salt, such as are daily made by adding a little salt to boiling vegetables and other eatables in our kitchens, act strongly upon copper, although strong ones do not affect it.


The following affords no mean specimen of genuine wit among the lower order of the Irish. A brewer in Dublin, a man possessing capital, and at the head of an tensive business, and moreover a consummate dandy, passing one day along the street was espied by a dirty, ragged Patlander, who knowing the person and circumstances of the brewer, remarked to his companion in rags, "Sure, an' don't the small beer carry a fine head now ?"

A woman in Switzerland having refused to her husband the taking of some of her personal property in order to go to Ameriica, he assassinated her, and set fire to a village by which 25 houses were destroyed.


On Saturday, Mr. French, the barrister, laid a complaint against certain debtors in Whitecross-street prison. The Learned Gentleman having been arrested, and conveyed thither, was surrounded on his entrance by about twenty persons, who demanded the usual fee of 14s. The Learned Gentleman resisted it, but was instantly carried into the ward-room before the President of the Ward. Mr. French proceeded to state, that when he was brought into the ward-room, the person in the chair, with great gravity, commanded strangers to withdraw, and said to him, "I understand you refuse to pay your fees. Before we proceed against you, you shall hear the regulations read." What was called the first regulation was then read. It declared that any person brought into the ward should, within 48 hours, pay 14s. On hearing this, he (Mr. French) observed, that there was justice even among pirates; he was not 48 hours amongst them, and why should they compel him to pay before the time? The Judge Advocate seemed staggered, and a pause ensued; but a voice soon cried out that he was a lawyer; it was a legal quirk, and would not do. This was re-echoed by the whole assembly, and the Judge Advocate told him it was decided to be a legal objection merely, and he must pay without delay. He was all this time under apprehension of personal violence, to prevent which, he offered the money they demanded, at the same time declaring it was extorted from him. They refused to take it in this way, and brought him close to a large fire, and compelled him to sit

there, though he told them he was ill, and must be roasted or baked in a short time, if kept in that situation. When he had been there about a quarter of an hour suffering torture, a turnkey came for him, but they refused to allow him to leave the room till the turnkey undertook to bring him back. On leaving the room he procured his release, and he thought it necessary to call for punishment on the persons by whom he had been so ill-treated, in the expectation that it might prevent the recurrence of similar outrages. Mr. Alderman Ansley, who was in the Justice-room, went to the prison, for the purpose of Mr. French's identifying the persons who had been active in committing the violence.-All the inmates of the ward were mustered, but Mr. French could not identify more than one, as being a party to the proceeding, and against him Alderman Ansley granted a warrant.


For ensuring the sweetness of fish conveyed by land-carriage, the belly of the fish should be opened, and the internal parts sprinkled with powdered charcoal.The same material will restore impure or even putrescent water to a state of perfect freshness. The inhabitants of Cadiz, who are necessitated to keep in tanks the water for culinary uses, were first indebted to our informant, during the late Peninsula war, for the foregoing simple yet efficacious remedy of an evil which they had long endured.

"The theatre at Sydney appears to be in a very flourishing state," said a gentle, man to John Kemble, speaking of the Botany Bay theatricals. "Yes," replied the tragedian, "the performers ought to be all good,for they have been selected and sent to that situation by very excellent Judges."

Quin thought angling a very barbarous diversion; and on being asked why, gave this reason: "Suppose some superior being should bait a hook with venison, and go a Quinning, I should certainly bite, and what a sight and a sufferer should I be dangling in the air!"


On Saturday week, an inquest was held at Hurst, Ashton-under-line, on the body of Daniel Grimshaw, a child of fourteen days old, who died on the Thursday previous, in consequence of having been circumcised It appears that the followers of Joanna Southcott, who are still very numerous in and near Ashton-under-line, have adopted the strange notion that they are bound to comply with the injunctions of the Mosai cal law, respecting the rite of circumcision. All, or nearly all, the male believers in that neighbourhood, have consequently submitted to the operation, and have had it performed on their children, on the eighth day after birth. The case excited a very intense interest; and there was a great crowd collected about the house. The Coroner said, that as the case was one of complete

novelty, before calling for their verdict, he should write to Mr. Raincock, the barrister, and take his opinion on the subject. To give time to do this, he should adjourn the inquest.-The inquest was then adjourned.

On Friday the Jury re-assembled, when the Coroner read an opinion from Mr. Raincock. It was, that if any person chose to perform such an operation as circumcision, unless it was surgically necessary, they must take the consequences upon themselves; and if death should ensue from their unskilfulness, they would, in his judgment, be guilty of manslaughter. The learned gentleman added, that there would perhaps be an exception in the case of Jews, who were expressly enjoined by their law to perform the rite; but as it was no part of the ordinances of the Christian religion, no Christian would be justified.in performing it.-The Jury deliberated for a short time, and then returned a verdict of "Manslaughter" against Henry Lees.Mr. Lees was in custody, and will, of be committed to take his trial for the offence.



A chef d'œuvre painted by Rafaelle, the subject The Tribute Money, was picked up the other day, at a broker's shop, for a few shillings. The present proprietor has the modesty to ask for it £10,000.

The total of copies distributed by the British Bible Society, from its institution, amounts to 3,875,474; to this may be added about 2,000,000 by the auxiliary socie, ties, distributed over all points of the globe. An entire Bible in the Chinese language, being the first attempt of the kind, is now completed.

The Edinburgh Star, mentions that an old man, in the village of Branent having a diseased foot, it was decided by his medical attendants to amputate his leg, and they went the next day to perform the operation, when, to their utter astonishment, they found the leg already amputated vowed she would allow no one to put a and dressed by his beloved helpmate, who knife into her dear Cherry (the name her husband goes by) except herself: what is still more extraordinary, the man was doing wonderfully well.

The Duke of Sussex has the most stu

pendous collection of Theological Works extant-between 60 and 70,000 volumes. Among which there are upwards of 140 editions of the Bible, and it is reported his

Royal Highness means to bequeath the en

tire collection to one of the Universities.

The population of Hamburgh is estimated at 300,000; above 1,000 English now reside there. Mr. M'Adam's system of road-making is already introduced there.

Miss Farren, now Countess of Derby, Miss Brunton, now Countess of Craven, and Miss Bolton, now lady Thurlow, by their distinguished marriages, and exemplary lives, give indisputable testimony of the

improved moral character of the British Stage since the days of King Charles II.

THE LADY OF THE LAKE. reverend gentleman, named Hammersley, residing on the borders of one of the beautiful Cumberland Lakes, was awoke a few nights since by a violent knocking at the street door. Alarmed by the arrival of a visiter so unexpected at such an hour, the reverend gentleman himself went to the door, where he found a rustic, who apologized for his intrusion, by telling him that an apparently young lady was sailing in a small boat on the lake, totally unaccompanied, and that he considered from so unusual a circumstance, that the poor lady was not right in her mind. The reverend gentleman, with great humanity, immediately put his own little wherry in requisition, and proceeded in search of the mysterious object. The night being moonlight he soon espied her under the lee of a neighbouring island, when, as he neared her, he distinctly heard the wild notes of a favourite mountain air, which she, apparently heedlessly, was chaunting On getting nearer to her, he soon discovered, from her disordered dress, that the peasant was right in his surmises. He approached her with the greatest good-nature, and attempted to get from her an explanation of her mysterious appearance in such a situation, at such an hour; but she replied to his interrogatories with the archness and evasion often peculiar to persons of deranged intellect. With considerable difficuity the divine prevailed on her to accompany him to his home, where she was kindly received by his wife, and every attention paid her which her melancholy situation and the dictates of humanity prescribed. The following day her friends came into the village in search of her, and she was restored to them amidst tears of joy and gratitude. It appears that her husband was a naval officer, who fell in battle at the storming of Algiers under Lord Exmouth, and that he was peculiarly attached to the little island near which she had been discovered, and where she often accompanied him during his lifetime on parties of pleasure. She was under the care of friends, but had in the dead of night contrived to elude their pursuit, and to get to the still much cherished spot.


When Lord Cochrane was deprived of his rank in the British Navy, despoiled of his honours, his knighthood, banners of the Bath, &c. kicked out of Henry VII's chapel, after the memorable verdict and sentence following the Stock Exchange persecution, his Lordship, among other things, was required to give up the medallion, &c. of the Order of the Bath, possessed by him as one of the Knights. This he declared he never would do, except into the King's own hands. Those honours had resulted from Royal favour, and the King only should personally take from him such customary peculiarities of the Order as were in his power. The

medal he accordingly kept; but it is now understood he has, by the recent arrivals from South America, returned the medal, with a letter addressed to the King, to be forwarded to his Majesty.-Lady Cochrane is now in this country, and Lord Cochrane is positively coming home; and it is inferred, from his Lordship having so sent the medal, as well as from the speech made by Sir J. Mackintosh in the House of Commons as to the propriety of restoring him, that Lord Cochrane has some expectation, in the event of his returning to England, that he would be restored to his rank in the British Navy. Lord Cochrane certainly returns home, and it is added that he feels so little indebted to "politics," as not to be likely to mingle in party-feuds hereafter. The composition of the letter accompanying the medal is spoken of in the highest terms.

Frederick North, some short time since, on his return from the opera, found the house of his next neighbour but one on fire, and hastened to volunteer his exertions to extinguish it. In order to do this more efficiently, he got on the roof of his own house, and crossed over to that of the house in danger. Here he mistook a window in the roof for leads, and, unluckily, stept on it; of course he broke through, and came down through the entire house, tumbling down the welled staircase. He received some fractures, and was taken up senseless. It was a long time before he recovered. When he did, he had totally forgotten every thing connected with the accident. He remembered going to the opera, and returning from it; but the fire, and the fall, had totally been obliterated from his brain. Those about him informed him of all these things, and added among the rest, that the gentleman, in whose house he was hurt, had been unremitting in his visits to inquire about him. "Aye," said North," he was returning my call; for, you know, I dropped in on him the other night."

Mr. Campbell has a new poem in the press, entitled "Theodoric," together with a collection of his minor pieces.

Our readers will be pleased to hear that a Second Series of the masterly Sketches entitled "Sayings and Doings," is nearly ready for publication.

A Second Series of the popular Tales entitled "Highways and By-ways," is in a forward state.

Amongst all the inventions of human wit, there is none more admirable than writing; by means whereof a man may copy out his very thoughts, utter his mind without opening his mouth, and signify his pleasure at a thousand mile's distance, and this by the help of twenty-four letters. The several ways of combining these letters amount, as Clarius the Jesuit has taken the pains to compute, to 4,852,616,738,497,664, 000 ways.

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THE winds are pillow'd, the sun is shining,
As if it delighted to cheer the land;
Though Autumn's tints are around declining,
And Decay rears altars on either hand.
O'er western mountains the dark clouds hover,
Foretelling the chill of approaching showers;
The Summer pride of the woods is over,

And droop in languor the seeded flowers.

Behold the fields that so lately nourish'd
For man their treasures of golden grain ;
Behold the gardens that glowing flourish'd

With all the splendours of Flora's train ; Behold the groves that with leaf and blossom Murmured at eve to the west wind's sway,--Lo! all proclaim to the pensive bosom,

We are of earth, and we pass away!

Oh, thus hy the wimpling brook's meander,
On a Sabbath morn, when all is still,
It is pure and serene delight to wander,
For peace encompasseth vale and hill ;
And the warning tints of the earth before us,
And the chasten'd hues of the skies above,
And the red ash leaves that dangle o'er us,
Like lessons of Faith to the spirit prove.

'Tis now that the thoughtful heart, pervaded
By a spell that quenches all earthward strife,
In submission broods over prospects faded,
And in colours real sees mortal life.
Oh, shame now to the dark revealings

Of anger and spleen towards brother man!
Oh shame to guilt, and all sullied feelings,
Which midnight consciences shrink to scan!
When we list to the hermit robin singing,
With a warning voice, 'mid fading bowers,
Think we not then how life is winging

On to the tomb, which must soon be ours!
The past the past, like a mournful story,
Lies traced on the map of thought unfurl'd;
And the future reveals the promised glory
Of unending spring in another world!
Where are the visions that flash'd and cheated,
With aurora beauty, our youthful sight?
The hopes that we nursed, are they not defeated?
Are the loves that bless'd us not quench'd in night?
And thus, in abstracted meditation,

Over vanish'd beauty the spirit grieves,
Joys lost-friends gone to death's silent nation,
Are to the heart but its wither'd leaves,


[blocks in formation]

Long years rolled on; and I saw again
His form in hoary age;

His forehead was deeply furrowed then,
In life's last feeble stage.

O be thy crown, old Man! I said,
Of the yew and the cypress made,
A garland meet for thy silvered head,
Ere it low in the tomb be laid.

And such is Life, and such is Man
In his fleeting course below;
His little day, that in joy began,

Must proceed and end in wo;

But another day shall weave for him

A garland that will not die,

And his cup of bliss shall o'erflow its brim,He shall live eternally,


"Then stretch out and pull away, jolly boys,
To the mercy of fortune we go;
We're in for it now,-'tis a folly, boys,
To be down-hearted, yo, ho!"


me see-let

me see

"That was a

cotch'd him, and give him two dozen
for running away; how the giants at
Paddygonia were fifteen feet high, and
carried their head under their arms;
how the New Zealanders were sava-
ges, and eat human flesh, and he called
them Anthonypopinjays, I think, or
some such name; how kind all the la-
dies were at the Sandwich Isles; and
last, how poor Cook was killed. Jem
had a kindly heart, and after weather-
ing many a gale and fighting many a
battle, he was wrecked in the St.
George 98, upon the coast of Jutland;
but his life was saved.
dreadful night indeed, (said Jem ;)
our ship lay struggling upon her beam-
ends, groaning and writhing like a
giant in the agonies of death, and the
darkness which surrounded us was the
darkness of the grave. Oh with what
anguish we heard the shrieks of our
messmates as they buffeted with the
waves, and saw their dark forms for a
moment while struggling on the white
foam of the billows; and then the sea
closed over them, and they sank to
rise no more! The jury-masts were
gone, and every hope had vanished.
Hundreds had been washed away by
the breakers that beat over us, and the
ship could not be expected to hold to-
gether much longer. It was determin-
ed to get the Admiral upon deck, for
he had retired as every exertion was
unavailing. I and another descended
through the sky-light into the cabin;
the lamp was still burning, and threw
its dim rays so as just to lighten up
gloomy scene. The Admiral sat in
his chair, which was lashed to the
deck, his arms folded on the table, and
his head resting on them. He raised
himself as we approached; but never
shall I forget the countenance.
was a father-he was a husband, and
his heart fainted within him. Only
those who have been in danger like
ours can tell the nature of the feelings
at such a moment, when every blast is
the seaman's knell, and every wave a
summons to eternity. He did not
fear to die, but he thought of the an-
guish of those whom he should never
see again. I yet see before my eyes
the sickly paleness of his face and the

-who was the last man? Oh, aye, Jack Junk, Billy C, and the grey mare; and that reminds me too that the grey mare is often the better horse;-ax Sir else which on 'em carries the Admiral's flag? But I sharn't spin my yarn to-day, though I've got Junk to work upon, if I don't turn the winch better. Jack Junk was a manof-war's-man every inch of him. He was brought to bed-no, no, I mean born in an arm-chest, cradled in a frigate, rocked by the billows, and nursed by the Captain of the forecastle. He soon came to be a plaything for all hands, quaffed his grog and chewed his pigtail like an angel. As soon as he could speak, the Boatswain's Mate tutored him in the vulgar tongue, taught him to wind his whistle, and whistle to the wind. At six years of age, he had larned to read from the lids of bacca-boxes; and then he served as a powder-monkey under Hawke, and took to squinting because he would watch two guns at the same time, but he supplied his own the best. His head-sheets were flattened in by a spent wad. Well, he went through the usual gradations, from Boatswain's boy to Quarter-master, and always did his duty like a Briton. Jack's in Greenwich now, (for he lost his arm in Duckworth's action in the West Ingees,) and we often cuff away an hour talking about the Barge and old times. Alongside of him, upon the same thwart, was Jem Headfast, a steady old boy, who had been round the other side of the world, and outside of the world, along with Cook. Many a mid-watch he's kept our ports open listening to his tales about their discoveries off Cape Flyaway, and drinking grog with the man in the moon; how he carried the princess Lotochechowquanquischechimo, sister to King Longtomjackjemjerryjoe, at one of the Society Isles; how he convarted them all, and was going to be made head chief, when the Captain


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