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could it answer any purpose, I mean the law of Mofes as it was given to the Jewifh nation; that it could answer no pur-. pofe but bad ones, which he had more than hinted in his former difcourfe, and by and by designed to affert in the strongeft terms. He now proceeds to show, in what fituation he and his countrymen were while they continued under it.

He had faid, and proved, that they were held in clofe cuftody, confined, as it were, under a guard, that they could not exceed the bounds fet them; a ftate rather more disagreeable to mankind than open fervitude. But that fame confinement was greatly for their interest: it was defigned to continue but for a time until the feed fhould come, by whom all who would accept of that favour were to be tranflated into the glorious liberty of the fons of God. This very naturally led him to another image, verf. 1. & 2. by which he reprefents their condition, viz. that of an heir in his childhood and minority. However large the estate may be which he is heir to, yet until the time come that the father has fet for his entering upon the difpofal and management of it, he differs nothing from a VOL. III. L 1


fervant, as our tranflators modeftly render it: but the Apoftle's word denotes a bondfervant, or what we call a flave. The flave was fecured in food and clothing, fuch as his mafter faw fit to allot him: And the richest heir has no more, except what is neceffary for his education; and even that he has not at his own option, but what his tutors and curators, thofe whom the management of the inheritance is committed to, are pleased to chuse for him.

Such, he fays, was the condition of all who were held under the law: they were in a state of infancy or nonage; and they were held in bondage, with what was equivalent to the drudgery of that ftate, learning the rudiments or elements of what they understood nothing of; but which yet were to be of use to them in their riper age. I need not add any thing to what I had occafion to obferve on the former chapter. What we have here laid before us concerns the employment, or tafk rather, which they who were put under the guardianfhip of the law had impofed on them: and if we understand it right, we will need no further evidence


of their being what the Apostle calls them, little children, in a state of nonage, as we call it.

Our tranflation makes but a very dark account of what they were in bondage under. The elements of the world, the Apoftle's word, does indeed fignify the materials of which any thing is made, before they are put into their due form and order; but it fignifies likewife what we call the rudiments or ground-work, the elements or fundamental principles of any art or science; and which are commonly taught to make way for the more perfect knowledge of that art or science. And fuch they must have been; for they were defigned to lead to Chrift, and that high station in him which the child thus kept in bondage was defigned for. And fuch we find all the inftitutions and ordinances of the law were; wifely framed into a compacted system for answering this purpose; and so neceffary, that without fome good acquaintance with these, it is hardly poffible, I might fay altogether impoffible, to attain a right understanding of the gospel of Chrift, as might eafily be shown almost in every instance. The whole

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whole of the New-Teftament language is
founded on Old-Teftament ufages; par-
ticularly what relates to the fundamental
doctrine of the priesthood and facrifice of
Christ for the putting away fin. The whole
ritual institutions were fubfervient to this
purpose; and there is hardly one circum-
ftance that is not alluded to in fome
or other of the apoftolical writings.


Thus far all is plain and eafy. The only difficulty is, how the Apostle comes to call these divine institutions elements or rudiments of the world, when they anfwered the spiritual purpose of preparing and leading forward the ftudent to the knowledge of Chrift and his falvation; his high office as Saviour, and his fpiritual kingdom. We need feek no further for the reafon of this title. These spiritual and heavenly things were figured, or we might fay, imaged, by fenfible and material things. God fhowed Mofes in the mount a pattern of the tabernacle, and all its furniture contrived by himself, that is, by perfect wisdom; and gave him a charge to make all things exactly according to it. All the materials were earthly; the priests were men of the world;'

world; it food, the Apostle fays, Heb. ix. 10. in meats and drinks, and divers washings;-the blood of bulls and of goats, and the afbes of an heifer, fprinkling the unclean: A worldly fanctuary, a worldly miniftry, and a worldly service. A fhadow indeed, and a fort of figure of good things, very burdenfome, Acts xv. 10. and very unprofitable: “ for it was impoffible that the blood "of bulls and goats could take away fin," nor could all their washings cleanse from its defilement. The utmost effect of them was, "to fanctify to the purification of the flesh," and put them in a capacity of approaching the worldly fanctuary, and drawing near to the material exhibition of the glory of God in the light of fire and cloud, as in the wilderness, and the cherubim of glory fhadowing the mercy-feat.

Had the unhappy Jewish nation learned these rudiments to any purpose, they would have felt and groaned under their bon-dage; and (as those who understood them did) have looked and longed for the promifed Redeemer, who was to bring in everlafting righteousness, to deliver them from all their enemies, and effectually fave them from the capital enemy, the devil and his works,

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