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work and re-wrote his history: the latter is thought
to have been much less perfect than the original
copy. The writer last alluded to says-]
"If doctor Gordon was compelled to leave out of

guilty of such an outrageous act. A few days after this conversation, we met at Doctor Gordon's, (the author of the history of the American Revolution), who then lived at Roxbury. I introduced the subject again, when Doctor Gordon spoke of Nesbit's his book some atrocious truths from dread of the conduct in the strongest terms of reprobation; and, pains and penalties of the British laws and customs,

on being asked whether he had noticed the event in his history, he produced the manuscript, and read to me a detail of that transaction, which, with the observations and reflections connected with it, would make three or four pages of his work.

he, on the other side, voluntarily left out some mat. ters to the discredit of America, which things he read to me from his manuscript, at his residence in Roxbury. I refer here particularly to the subject of negro slavery. He was also persuaded to soften his harsh picture of the illustrious Exempt."

There are very few of the present generation, who have any idea of the humiliations to which their ancestors were subjected, while under a colonial government, from the contumely and insolence of upstart officers, who, in their own country, had been as servile as the spaniel, but on their arrival here, aped the port and authority of the lion. Not only humiliations, but other severe sufferings

In 1790 I embarked for England, where I was introduced to a relation of Doctor Gordon, of whom I inquired how the Doctor had succeeded in his his. tory? He smiled and said, "It was not Doctor Gordon's history!" On my requesting an explanation, he told me, that on the Doctor's arrival in England, he placed his manuscript in the hands of an intelligent friend, on whom he could depend, who, (after perusing it with care), declared that it was not suited to the meridian of England, consequently would never sell. The style was not agreeable-it and privations were endured by them, with patiwas too favourable to the Americans-above all, it ence and fortitude, and with a moral rectitude, was full of libele against some of the most respecta- which would have done honor to Greece or Rome, ble characters in the British army and navy-and in their most virtuous days.

that if he possessed a fortune equal to the duke of After the battle of Lexington, the egress of a Bedford's, he would not be able to pay the damages part of the inhabitants of Boston was prohibited that might be recovered against him, as the truth by a breach of faith on the part of Gen. Gage, and would not be allowed to be produced in evidence. those who were permitted to depart, were obliged The doctor had returned to his native country, and to obtain passports, as mentioned in my last com. expected to enjoy "otium cum dignitate." Over- munication. whelmed with mortification, and almost with de- It was not until the fifth of June that my fa spair, he asked the advice of his friend; who recom-ther became determined to leave the town. On mended him to place the manuscript in the hands that day he directed me to make out a schedule of of a professional gentleman, that it might be new the family, agreeably to the rules instituted by modelled, and made agreeable to English readers; general Gage, and demand a pass of major Cain, of this was assented to by the doctor, and the history the army, who was empowered to perform that serwhich bears his name was compiled and written from his manuscript, by another hand!

If any of our historical or antiquarian societies, could obtain Gordon's original manuscript, it would be an invaluable document.

vice. Such was the crowd of citizens, eagerly pressing to obtain passports, that it was not until several hours of exertion that I was enabled to reach the door of the major's apartment, and when it was opened, I was so forcibly urged on by the crowd behind, that, on entering the chamber, I lost my balance, which caused me to rush violently into the room, and though he must have perceived that the act was involuntary, yet he had the brutality to exclaim (in broad Scotch) "hoot, hoot mon! are you going to murder me?" I was obliged to bear this insolence in silence, though my countenance must have exhibited marks of indignation, and I walked to a window which looked into the court yard, [Another writer agrees generally in the fact, as to where my feelings were still more excited by a certain alterations in Gordon's history-but states view of my fellow citizens, who, with countenances that the author, indignant at the purgation, went to almost bordering on despair, were waiting a favor

On hearing the foregoing narration, I had the cu. riosity to look into Gordon's history to learn what the "professional gentleman” bad said of col. Nesbit and his exploits, when,to my surprise, I found he had devoted only a few lines to that subject, vol. 1, page 307, American edition. The whole of this statement evinces that all histories published in England, in which that country is concerned, cannot contain the whole truth.

able moment to obtain admission. The first reflec- scowling eyes, he said with great asperity, “Your tion which presented itself to my mind was, what father, young man, is a damn'd rebel, and cannot be acmust be the indignation of our king, if he knew commodated with a pass." Not at all intimidated by how his faithful, loyal, and affectionate subjects, his brutality, I asserted with much vehemence, that were abused, insulted, and driven into acts of reluct- my father was no rebel, that he adored the illustriant resistance. Which brought to my recollection ous house of Hanover, and had fought for good king a part of Warren's oration, on the preceding 5th George the 2d, in forty-five. Whether it was, that of March, in which he observes, that "The royal he himself had been a real rebel in Scotland, in 1745, ear, far distant from this western world, has been as- or whether my mentioning that number reminded assulted by the tongue of slander, and villains, trai-him of Wilkes' North Briton No. 45, a paper pubtorous alike to king and country, have prevailed up lished in London, and peculiarly obnoxious to the on a gracious prince to clothe his countenance with Scotch-or whether he thought my expression of wrath." Even then a reconciliation was fondly hop- the house of Hanover, was intended as an insinused for by many of the most strenuous assertors of tion against his own loyalty, (which it really was), the rights of the colonies, although blood had been whatever may have been the cause of his irritashed at Lexington; and even after the battle of tion-the moment I had finished speaking he rose Bunker's Hill, the congress presented an humble from his chair, and with a countenance foaming with petition to the king, and an affectionate address to rage, he ordered me out of the room with abusive lan. their fellow subjects in England, in which, (with guage. The centinel at the door had an English much feeling), they say, "We have not yet learnt countenance, and, with apparent sympathy, very cito rejoice at a victory obtained over Englishmen," and villy opened it for my departure, which I made humbly entreated that their grievances might be without turning my back on my adversary. redressed. Ardent hopes were entertained that On inquiry it was afterwards ascertained, that these conciliatory and loyal measures, would in- what constituted the crime of my father and caused duce the king to change his ministers, and take to him to be denominated a rebel, was his having been his councils a Chatham, & Cambden, and a Råcking. a member of the Whig club!

ham. Most fortunately, however, for the eventual The Whig club, in consequence of the perturbed prosperity and happiness of America, they pursued state of the times, had not assembled or met for their mad schemes of burning our towns, hiring more than a year. The gentlemen that had comthe savages of the wilderness and foreign merce-posed it, were James Otis, Dr. Warren, Dr. Church, naries, to spread death and desolation through the Dr. Young, Richard Derby, of Salem, Benjamin Kent, land, which finally weaned us from our fond at- Nathaniel Barber, William Mackay, col. Bigelow, of tachments to an ungrateful and cruel mother, and, Worcester, and about half a dozen more. Through on the glorious 4th of July, 1776, we passed the the instrumentality of my father, I was sometimes Rubicon!!—Never! never! never! to return again admitted to hear their deliberations. There was under her subjection, but to establish a government always at each meeting, a speech or dissertation by of our own, founded on the principles of justice one of the members, on the principles of civil liberand equal laws, the influence of whose example, we ty, and the British constitution. They professed hope, will eventually emancipate the world from loyalty to the king, but were in violent opposition to tyranny and despotism. America! recollect the the encroachments of the parliament, and their dis. awful and solemn responsibility which reposes on cussions tended to a consideration of what would be your conduct.

"Contemplate well; and if perchance thy home
"Salute thee with a father's honored name,
"Go call thy sons-instruct them what a DEBT
"They owe their ancestors, and make them swear
"To pay it, by transmitting down intire

the duty of Americans if those encroachments were continued. For this purpose they corresponded with some society in London, the name of which I have forgotton, (probably the Revolution society). Among the names of their correspondents I recollect "Those sacred rights, to which themselves were born." Wilkes, Saville, Barre and Sawbridge. A few years But to return to the object of my communication-previous to the revolution, they sent the London after waiting nearly an hour the major accosted me society two green turtle, one of which weighed 45 with, "Well, young man, what do you want?" I hand- and the other 92 pounds. Those who are acquainted him a schedule of my father's family, including ed with the history of those times, will easily underthat of his sister's (the widow of a clergyman). He stand to what those numbers alluded. On their ar. examined a small book which contained what the to- rival in London, a grand dinner was prepared, st ries called the "black list," when slowly raising his which col. Barre presided, and among other distin

guished guests I recollect hearing the names of earl nies. Let the king ask of us our aid, and we will grant Temple, lord Cambden, and the lord mayor; and more than he will demand; but we will not be 'drove, among the toasts, "The Whig club of Boston,” and we will not be taxed by the parliament.”

"The ninety-two patriots of Massachusetts Bay," were drank with three times three cheers.

Tea-There have been some doubts concerning

Had the government of Great Britain been as conciliatory to Americans, as the honest good hearted About the time of the burning the British govern- Montague was to the collier, we should probably ment schooner Gaspee, at Newport, a few years pre- now be subjects of George IVth!-"The ways of vious to the revolution, admiral Montague, who then heaven are dark and intricate."-We should still be commanded the ships of war at Boston, took several servile dependants. We should not have a beautiof his officers and proceeded to Newport, to make ful star-spangled banner, peeping into every port personal inquiry into the affair. On his return to in the world, in pursuit of enterprize and wealth.-Boston, not far from Dedham, a charcoal cart ob. We should not now have merchants whose capital structed the passage of the coach, when the coach. in trade is equal to that of a province, and making man, feeling much consequence from his exalted magnificent presents in support of literature and station, in driving a British admiral, and knowing science that would dɔ honor to princes. Let Ame that his master was to dine that day with Mr. B. call- ricans be thankful for these mercies, and a thousand ed, in an insolent manner, to the collier to turn out others and study to appreciate them. and make way for admiral Montague!—who, (not at all intimidated by the splendid equipage, imposing manner, and rich livery of the knight of the whip,) the destruction of the tea on the 16th of Decemreplied that he was in the king's high way, and that ber, 1773. The number of the ships, and the place he should not 'turn out' for any one but the king where they were situated is not quite certain.-One himself, and thanked fortune that he had the law to gentleman, now living, over 70 years of age, thinks support him. The admiral finding an altercation they were at Hubbard's wharf, as it was then called, had taken place, on discovering the cause, told his about half way between Griffin's (now Liverpool) coachman to get down and give the fellow a thrash and Foster's wharf, and that the number of ships ing, but the coachman did not seem disposed to was four or five. Another gentleman, who is 75 obey his commander. One of the officers in the years of age, and who was one of the guard detachcoach, a large athletic man, alighted, reproached the ed from the new grenadier company, says that he coachman with being a coward, and was proceeding spent the night, but one, before the destruction of to take vengeance of the coal driver, who, perceiv- the tea, in company with gen. Knox, then a private ing so potent an adversary advancing, drew from his in that company, on board of one of the tea ships; cart a stake, to use as a weapon of defence, and plac- that this ship lay on the south side of Russell's ing himself between his oxen, in an attitude of de- wharf; and that there were two more on the north fence, he exclaimed—'Well, I vow, if I must, darn side of the same wharf, and he thinks one or two at me! but I'll tarnish your laced jacket if you don't Griffin's wharf. A gentleman now living, who came keep off.'-By this time the admiral and the other from England in one of the tea ships, thinks there officers had left the coach, and finding that no lau- were but two, but he is uncertain where they lay. rels were to be obtained in such a contest, he made A song, written soon after the time, tells of "Three a conciliatory proposition, and condescended to ask ill-fated ships at Griffin's wharf." The whole evithat as a favor, which he had ordered his coachman dence seems to result in this, there were three ships to obtain by force.-Ah! now said the collier, you-but whether at Russell's or Griffin's wharf, or one behave like a gentleman, as you appear, and if you or more at each, is not certain. The number of had been as civil at first, I vow I would have driven chests destroyed was, according to the news-papers over the stone wall to oblige you-But I won't be of the time, 342. There was a body meeting on drove; I vow I won't-The coal driver made way, this 16th of December, 1773. This matter of the and the admiral passed on.-When he tea was the occasion of the meeting. The meeting arrived at Mr. B's he related the occurrence with began at Fanueil Hall, but that place not being much good humour, and appeared much gratified large enough it was adjourned to the Old South, with the spirit and independence of the man. Mr. and even that place could not contain all who came. B. assured the admiral, that 'the collier had exhi- Jonathan Williams was moderator. Among the bited a true character of the American people, and spectators, was John Rowe, who lived in Pond that the story he had then related was an epitome street where Mr. Prescott now lives; among other of the dispute between Great Britain and her colo- things, he said,-"Who knows how tea will mingle


Robert Morris
B. M'Clennaghan 10000

A. Bunner & Co. 6000
Tench Francis 5500
James Wilson 5000
William Bingham

Richard l'eters 5000
Samuel Meredith 5000
James Mease
Thomas Barclay
Samuel Morris, jr.
Robert L. Hooper
Hugh Shield
Philip Moore

Abraham Bickley 12000
Robert Bass
Owen Biddle

with salt water”—and this suggestion was receiv-] it together, a number of patriotic gentlemen gave
ed with great applause. Governor Hutchinson was their bonds to the amount of about two hundred
at this time at the house on Milton hill where Bar- and sixty thousand pounds, in gold and silver, for
ney Smith, esqr. lives. A committee was sent from procuring them. The provisions were provided-
the meeting, to request him to order the ships to the army was kept together, and our independence
depart. While they were gone, speeches were was finally achieved. The amount of the bonds was
made, for the purpose of keeping the people toge-never called for, but it is well to keep in remember.
ther. The committee returned about sun set with ance the names of those who in the times that tried
his answer, that he could not interfere. At this men's souls, stepped forward and pledged their all
moment the Indian yell was heard from the street towards the support of those who were contending
Mr. Samuel Adams cried out, that it was a trick for our liberty. The following is a list of some of
of their enemies to disturb their meeting, and re- their names, with the sums respectively subscribed
quested the people to keep their places-but the by them.
people rushed out, and accompanied the Indians to
the ships. The number of persons disguised
as Indians is variously stated-none put it lower
than 60, none higher than 80. It is said by per
sons who were present, that nothing was destroyed
but tea-and this was not done with noise and tu-
mult, little or nothing being said either by the
agents or the multitude,-who looked on. The im-
pression was that of solemnity, rather than of riot
and confusion.-The destruction was effected by
the disguised persons, and some young men who
volunteered; one of the latter collected the tea which
fell into the shoes of himself and companions, and
put it into a phial and sealed it up;-which phial is
now in his possession,-containing the same tea.
The contrivers of this measure, and those who carried
it into effect, will never be known; some few per.
sons have been mentioned as being among the dis-
guised; but there are many and obvious reasons why
secrecy then, and concealment since, were necessa.
ry. None of those persons who were confidently said
to have been of the party, (except some who were
then minors or very young men), have ever admit-
ted that they were so. The person who appeared
to know more than any one, I ever spoke with, re-
fused to mention names. Mr. Samuel Adams is
thought to have been in the counselling of this ex-John Pringle
ploit, and many other men who were leaders in the
political affairs of the times;-and the hall of coun-
cil is said to have been in the back room of Edes

and Gill's printing office, at the corner of the ally
lea ding to Battle street church from court street.
There are very few alive now, who helped to
empty the chests of tea, and these few will pro-
bably be as prudent as those who have gone before
Daily Adv.

Matthew Irwin
Thomas Irwin
John Benzet
Henry Hill
John Morgan
Thomas Willing
Samuel Powell
John Nixon



John Gibson


Charles Petit


5000 John Mitchell


Robert Knox


John Bullock



Joseph Red



Francis Gurney



George Campbell 2000


John Wharton



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ARMS OF THE UNITED STATES. Although the study of heraldry may not be very amusing to our readers, yet as the eagle with extended wings, grasping the arms of war and the olive of peace, is constantly presented to our eyes, in At a critical period of the revolutionary war, some way or other, it may not be uninteresting to when there was great danger of the dissolution of give a history and an explanation of the arms of our the American army, for want of provisions to keep country.


In June, 1782, when congress were about to form The pyramid on the reverse, signifies strength and an armorial device for a seal for the union, Charles devotion; its unfinished state refers to the infancy Thompson, esq. then secretary, with the honorable of the American government. The eye over it, and Dr. Arthur Lee and E. Boudinot, members of con- the motto, "Annuit cœptis," "he sanctions our gress, called on Mr. William Barton, and consulted endeavours," allude to the many and single interpohim on the occasion. The great seal, for which Mr.sitions of Providence in favor of the American cause. Barton furnished these gentlemen with devices, was adopted by congress on the 26th of June, 1782. The device is as follows:

[Nat. Recorder.]


The author of the "Systeme de La Nature" says➡ Arms-Paleways of thirteen pieces, argent," gules, a chief azure, the escutcheon on the breast of the "What imports it to me, that Maupertuis is a good American eagle, displayed, proper, holding in his geometrician, if he be a despotic and merciless predexter talon an olive branch, and in his sinister asident, and if I be obliged to live in his domain or bunch of thirteen arrows, all proper; and in his beak a scroll, with the motto "Epluribus unum." The crest-Over the head of the eagle, which appears above the escutcheon, a glory, or, breaking through a cloud proper, and surrounding stars, form. ing a constellation, argent, on an azure field.

Reverse-A pyramid unfinished.

In the zenith an eye in a triangle, surrounded with a glory. Over the eye these words, "Annuit cœptis."

his academy? A beneficent man is, in my opinion, much more estimable, than a being who is learned, but cruel.”—Mirabeau the Elder. Not so with our Dr. Franklin-for, "Whatever he writes, his fellow citizens read with eagerness, delight and pleasure -and whatever he performs the civilized part of the world approves.”—Targol to Dr. Price.

From among "the political, miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces of Dr. Franklin, printed in London, 1779, p. 297," is extracted the following, and CIVIS. placed at your service.

Remarks and explanations-The escutcheon is "At the conclusion of the peace of 1762, when composed of the chief and pale, the two most honorable ordinaries. The thirteen pieces pale, repre-certain projectors advised the English ministers to sent the several states in the union, all joined in one solid compact entire, supporting a chief which unites the whole, and represents congress. The motto alludes to the union.

leave the French in possession of Canada, in order that they might check the too rapid increase of the English colonies, the celebrated doctor Franklin observed 'It is a modest, word, this CHECK, for masThe pales in the arms are kept closely united by sacreing men, women, and children; and for all the the chief, and the chief depends on that union, and other horrors of Indian warfare." It was being very the strength resulting from it, for its support, to de-far-sighted indeed, to feel so soon the necessity of note the confederacy of the states, and the preser-checking the excessive population of the then Eng. vation of the union, through congress.

lish colonies. 'But,' continues this truly great man, with that Socratic simplicity which is the peculiar characteristic of his writings, 'If it be, after all, thought necessary to check the growth of our colo'nies, give me leave to propose a method less cruci. 'It is a method of which we have an example in the

The colours of the pales are those used in the flag of the United States of America. White signifies purity and innocence; red, hardiness and valor; and blue, the colour of the chief, signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. The olive branch and arrows denote the power of peace and war, which is exclu-scripture. The murder of husbands, of wives, of sively vested in congress.

The crest, or constellation, denotes a new state taking its place and rank among other foreign


The escutcheon, borne on the breast of an Ameri. can eagle, without any other supporters, denotes that the U. States ought to rely on their own virtue.

'brothers, sisters and children, whose pleasing socie'ty has been for some time enjoyed, affects deeply the respective surviving relations: but grief for the 'loss of a child just born is short, and easily sup 'ported. The method I mean is, that which was dictated by the Egyptian policy, when the infinite 'increase of the children of Israel was apprehended as dangerous to the state; and PHARAOH said unto his priests, behold the people of the children of Israel are and azure blue; where these colors cannot be emblazoned, they are represented on seals, &c. as fol- 'more and mightier than we; come on, let us deal wisely lows: Argent, by a perfect blank: red by perpen-with them, lest they multiply, and it come to pass that dicular, and azure by horizontal lines. The chief when there fulleth out any war, they join also unto our in our arms, on the horizontal lines in the upper quarter of the escutcheon, or eagle's breast.

*In heraldry, argent signifies white, gules red,

Venemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out

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