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the lieutenant governor and crown officers deter-] mined to circulate them, resolved to counteract all their movements, and obtain possession of the stamped paper.

rence with the daring spirit of the man, who was always foremost in danger.]

"His next oration was delivered March 5th, 1775. It was at his own solicitation that he was appointed "About one hundred and fifty volunteers were to the duty a second time. The fact is illustrative soon organized and armed for the purpose; and two of his character, and worthy of remembrance.nights after, boats being provided at Lamboll's Some British officers of the army then in Boston, bridge, on the west end of South Bay, they formed had publicly declared that it should be at the price and marched towards that place for embarkation. of the life of any man to speak of the event of From thence, they proceeded in boats across Ash- March 5, 1770, on that anniversary. Warren's soul ley river, and landed, after twelve o'clock at night, took fire at such a threat, so openly made, and be on James' Island, between Style's plantation and wished for the honor of braving it. This was reathe fort. They then proceeded towards the dily granted, for at such a time a man would profort, and halting at a small distance from it, a bably find but few rivals. Many who would spurn reconnoitering party was sent forward. This par- the thought of personal fear, might be apprehenty proceeded to the draw-bridge unnoticed, or sive that they would be so far disconcerted as to challenged by sentries; and finding it down, through forget their discourse. It is easier to fight bravethe omission of the garrison, they immediately re- ly, than to think clearly or correctly in danger.— turned and reported the same. Passion sometimes nerves the arm to fight, but dis"The whole body of volunteers then advanced turbs the regular current of thought. The day upon the fort; and arriving at the bridge, they cross-came, and the weather was remarkably fine. The ed it without opposition-pressed through the in- Old South meeting-house was crowded at an early ner gate, which was not secured, and immediately hour. The British officers occupied the aisles, the possessed themselves of the fort. Only one sol-flight of steps to the pulpit, and several of them dier was found awake; and before he could give the were within it. It was not precisely known whealarm, the remainder of the garrison was secured, ther this was accident or design. The orator, with except Lloyd, its commander, who had not slept the assistance of his friends, made his entrance at there that night. The garrison were then placed the pulpit window by a ladder. The officers, seeunder a guard-the bridge was drawn up-and a ing his coolness and intrepidity, made way for him search commenced for the obnoxious stamped pato advance and address the audience. An awful per. This, to the great joy of the volunteers, was stillness preceded his exordium. Each man felt the at length found in one of the rooms of the barracks, palpitations of his own heart, and saw the pale but, and a guard was placed over it. Preperations were determined face of his neighbour. The speaker then made for maintaining the fort against any at. began his oration in a firm tone of voice, and protack which might be made upon it by the sloop of war, when day light should arrive; and for this purpose, the cannon on the platforms were loaded with ball and grape shot, matches were provided, and a number of men were stationed at each gun; and a flag, shewing a blue field, with three white crescents, which the volunteers had brought with them for the purpose, was hoisted on the flag staff of the fort.


ceeded with great energy and pathos. Warren and his friends were prepared to chastise contumely, prevent disgrace, and avenge an attempt at assas


The scene was sublime; a patriot in whom the flush of youth, and the grace and dignity of manhood were combined, stood armed in the sanctuary of God, to animate and encourage the sons of liberty, and to hurl defiance at their oppressors. The orator commenced with the early history of the country, described the tenure by which we held our li

[It is well remembered, that this ardent patriot berties and property-the affection we had constanttwice mounted the rostrum to address his fellow ly shown the parent country, and boldly told them citizens on the subject of the massacre of the how, and by whom these blessings of life had 5th of March; but the occasion of his second ap- been violated. There was in this appeal to Britain pointment for that purpose is not generally known in this description of suffering, agony and hor-Mr. KNAPP, in his "biographical sketches," ror, a calm and high-souled defiance which just published, has given the following very in- must have chilled the blood of every sensible foe. teresting explanation of it, which is in concur- Such another hour has seldom happened in the his

tory of man, and is not surpassed in the records of Gen. Washington, unwilling to relinquish the obnations. The thunders of Demosthenes rolled at a ject, requested major general Parsons to select a distance from Philip and his host-and Tully pour person, in whom he could confide, voluntarily to ened the fiercest torrent of his invective when Cata-gage in the enterprize; the latter being well ac line was at a distance, and his dagger no longer to quainted with the heroic spirit, the patriotism, and be feared; but Warren's speech was made to proud the firm and steady courage of the deceased above oppressors resting on their arms, whose errand it mentioned, immediately communicated the plan and was to overawe, and whose business it was to fight. the offer, which he accepted, observing that his life If the deed of Brutus deserved to be commemo- was at general Washington's service. After prac rated by history, poetry, painting and sculpture, tising the machine, until he understood its powers should not this instance of patriotism and bravery of balancing and moving under water, a night was be held in lasting remembrance? If he,

fixed upon for the attempt. General Washington, "That struck the foremost man of all this world,' and his associates in the secret, took their stations was hailed as the first of freemen, what honors are upon the roof of a house in Broadway, anxiously not due to him, who, undismayed, bearded the Bri- waiting the result. Morning came and no intellitish lion, to show the world what his countrymen gence could be had of the intrepid sub-marine nadared to do in the cause of liberty? If the statue of vigator, nor could the boat who attended him, give Brutus were placed among those of the gods, who any account of him after parting with him the first were the preservers of Roman freedom, should not part of the night. While these anxious spectators that of Warren fill a lofty niche in the temple rear-were about to give him up as lost, several barges ed to perpetuate the rememberance of our birth as were seen to start suddenly from Governor's Island, a nation?"

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FROM THE COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, NOV. 1821 DIED, at Lyme, (Connecticut), on the 29th ult. Captain EZRA LEE, aged 72, a revolutionary offi. cer. It is not a little remarkable, that this officer is

the only man, of which it can be said, that he fought the enemy upon land-upon water-and under the water; the latter mode of warfare was as follows:

(then in possession of the British), and proceed towards some object near the Asia ship of the line, -as suddenly they were seen to put about and steer for the Island with springing oars. In two or three minutes an explosion took place, from the surface of the water, resembling a water spout, which aroused the whole city and region; the enemy ships took the alarm-signals were rapidly given-the ships cut their cables and proceeded to the Hook, with chains, and with difficulty prevented their afwith all possible dispatch, sweeping their bottoms frighted crews from leaping overboard.

When the British fleet lay in the North River, op posite to the city of New-York, and while general Washington had possession of the city, he was very desirous to be rid of such neighbors.— A Mr. Bush- During this scene of consternation, the deceased nell, of Saybrook, (Conn.)who had the genius of a came to the surface, opened the brass head of his Fulton, constructed a sub-marine machine, of a coni- aquatic machine; rose up and gave a signal for the cal form, bound together with iron bands, within boat to come to him, but they could not reach him, which one person might sit, and with cranks and until he again descended under water, to avoid the skulls, could navigate it to any depth under water. enemy's shot from the Island, who had discovered In the upper part was affixed a vertical screw for and commenced firing in his wake. Having forced the purpose of penetrating ships bottoms, and to himself against a strong current under water until this was attached a magazine of powder, within without the reach of shot, he was taken in tow and which was a clock, which, on being set to run any landed at the battery amidst a great crowd, and regiven time, would, when run down, spring a gun- ported himself to general Washington, who expresslock, and an explosion would follow. This Marine ed his entire satisfaction, that the object was effect Turtle, so called, was examined by gen. Washing-ed, without the loss of lives. The deceased was ton, and approved; to preserve secrecy, it was ex- under the Asia's bottom more than two hours, enperimented within an inclosed yard, over twenty to thirty feet water, and kept during day-light locked in a vessel's hold. The brother of the inventor was to be the person to navigate the machine into action, but on sinking it the first time, he declined the service:

deavoring to penetrate her copper, but in vain. He frequently came up under her stern galleries search. ing for exposed plank, and could hear the sentinels cry. Once he was discovered by the watch on deck, and heard them speculate upon him, but concluded a drifted log had paid them a visit-he re

As near beauteous Boston lying,

turned to her keel and examined it fore and aft, and f Upon reading the Boston reminiscence of the tea then proceeded to some other ships; but the impos- ship, the line quoted from the old song occasioned sibility of penetrating their copper, for want of a re- the whole of it to rise like an exhalation before me. sisting power, hundreds owed the safety of their lives to this circumstance. The longest space of time he could remain under water was two hours.For a particular description of this sub-marine cu riosity, see Silliman's journal of arts and sciences.

On the gently swelling flood,
Without jack or pendant lying,
Three ill-fated tea-ships rode.

Just as glorious Sol was setting,

On the wharf, a numerous crew,
Sons of freedom, fear forgetting,
Suddenly appear'd in view.

Arm'd with hammers, axes, chisels,
Weapons new for warlike deeds,
Towards the herbage freighted vessels,
They approach'd with dreadful speed.
Hovering o'er their heads, in mid sky,

Three bright angel forms were seen;
That was Hampden, this was Sidney,
With fair liberty between.

"Soon,' they cried, 'your foes you'll banish,
'Soon your triumph will be won,
'Scarce shall setting Probus vanish,

'Ere the deathless deed be done.'

Quick as shot the ships were boarded,
Hatches burst and chests display'd;
Axes, hammers, help afforded.

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The deceased, during the war, ever had the con fidence and esteem of the commander in chief, and was frequently employd by him on secret missions of importance. He fought with him at Trenton and Monmouth; at Brandywine the hilt of his sword was shot away, and his hat and coat were penetrated with the enemy's balls. On the return of peace, he laid aside the habiliments of war, and returned to his farm, where, like Cincinnatus, he tilled his lands, until now called by the great commander in chief to the regions above. He died without an enemy; he was universally beloved. The suavity of bis man ners--evenness of temper, and correctness of principles, was proverbial and pleasing to all his acquaintance. He enjoyed the confidence of his fellow-citizens, to an extent almost unparalleled.-His desk was the repository of deeds, contracts and other evidences of property, as well as the widows and orphans wealth for safe keeping. He constantly read the papers of the day, and was by many considered a political prophet. His christian and moral life was sternly strict;-his Bible his guide and rule of ac- The people of "the good old thirteen states," tion. "To do unto others, as he would they should though they had made up their minds to suffering do unto him," was his universal maxim and rule of and endurance, did not enter on the contests for life. His benevolence and charity was only circum-their rights and liberties in a hasty and unadvised scribed by his means.-Contented and happy, he was manner; they had counted the cost, and, although dean example of the great blessings which flow from termined to sacrifice all that they held dear, rather the perfect enjoyment of life, regulated by christian and moral virtue. He has left a widow,(with whom be has lived 51 years), and a numerous offspring to mourn the loss of one of the best of men.

What a glorious crash they made!

Captains! once more hoist your streamers,
Spread your sails and plough the wave;
Tell your masters they were dreamers,

When they thought to cheat the brave.

than to crouch as slaves, yet they shuddered at being forced upon that extremity. The intelligence of the battle of Lexington, the first blood that was drawn in the quarrel, was received with the deepest regret; in Philadelphia the bells were muffled, and an expression of horror and gloom covered the countenances of all its citizens.

REVOLUTIONARY RECOLLECTIONS. FROM THE NATIONAL GAZETTE, OF SEPT. 5, 1821. I am one of that class of your readers who are penters' hall, up the court of that name in Chesnut Congress first sat in the building then called Carmuch pleased with the plan of the reminiscences, street. On the morning of the day that they first and wish it may be promoted, by our well-informed convened, their future secretary, the now venerable aged citizens taking the trouble to present to the Charles Thomson, who resided at that time in the public such authentic facts and information as their Northern Liberties, and who afterwards so matememories can furnish. It may be the means of pre-rially assisted to launch our first rate republic, bad serving some flowers, and placing them in the chap. that morning rode into the city, and alighted in let of the historic muse, which would otherwise fall to the ground and perish in oblivion. I offer the following.

Chesnut street; he was immediately accosted by a message from congress, that they desired to speak with him. He followed the messenger, and, enter

ing the building, has described himself as struck | when a fatal accident happened to one of the ringwith awe, upon viewing the aspects of so many greaters. Captain Palmer was president of the council and good men impressed with the weight and re- after James Logan, about the year 1740. Some of sponsibility of their situation, on the perilous edge of his descendants are still among us.

which they were then advancing. He walked up the aisle, and bowing to the president, desired to

know their pleasure.

"Congress request your services, sir, as their secretary." He took his seat at the desk, and never looked back until the vessel was securely anchored in the haven of independence.

The first speaker, (I mean the first who rose to speak) in that congress, was Patrick Henry, an orator undoubtedly, but not superior to many who took their seats on that day, although his biographer has ascribed to his eloquence the fulminating character of Demosthenes. What he said on that occasion was short and practical.



FROM WOODWORTH'S LITERARY CASKET. At the commencement of the revolutionary war, my father had attained the age when the mind yields most easily to the passion for military glory, and he was among the first who were enrolled under the banner of American liberty.

The sentiment of freedom was electric, and no age or sex was exempt from its influence. The fond mother, who had shrunk from exposing the darling of her bosom to the slightest personal danger, now beheld, with proud satisfaction, that son decorated with the knapsack her own hand had wrought, and carefully resigned him to the call of patriotism.

Peyton Randolph, first president of congress, died in October, 1775, at the seat of Henry Hill, Roxborough, near Philadelphia, where he had accepted an Thus do the sentiments of freedom elevate the invitation to dine with other company. He fell from mind above its ordinary exertions, and call forth the his seat in an apoplectic fit, and immediately expir- latent energies of soul, that have immortalized a ed. His corpse was taken to Virginia for interment. Cornelia. My venerable grandsire, whom I can just With respect to the notices of the still more re-remember as an old man with snowy locks, who used mote "olden time" in Philadelphia, William Penn, to pacify my infant clamors with tales of military at his first coming, brought over the frame of a house which was set up for him in town and remained in being for many years. I have also heard that the first mill for grinding corn was brought over in a similar manner, and was placed on Ridley Creek.

prowess, was often heard to boast that he led five sons to the battle of Bunker-bill.

The third of these sons was he from whom I inherited that spirit of patriotism which has accompanied me through life. With feelings which neither Tobacco was at first cultivated in Pennsylvania, time nor sorrow can obliterate, I review the scenes and was among her earliest exports. An old petition of my childhood, and while my brave parent, bending to the governor and council for a road to German-with age and infirmity, is verging to the grave, a detown, mentions 'the tobacco field, (in Front street), sire to snatch his memory from oblivion prompts me to record the following detail:

near the town.'

When William Penn arrived the second time with Some of the brightest years of my existence were his family, in 1699, he brought over a coach. In the passed in the vicinity of Bunker hill, and I was early former part of last century, Isaac Norris, senr. of taught to venerate that spot, as connected with a Fairhill, kept a coach and four-he lived out of display of that magnanimous virtue. It was to that town, and like his worthy decendant of our time, had spot my gallant father led his family of sprightly a large family. His cotemporary, Jonathan Dickin-boys, and, over the grave of Warren, inculcated lesson, a gentleman who had moved from Jamaica to sons of heroism and virtue. Nor was I always exPennsylvaniva, had likewise a coach and four. A very respectable old gentleman, who died some years since, has told me that he well remembered when there were but eight four-wheeled carriages in the whole province; viz. the three above mentioned, capt. Anthoney Palmer's, Andrew Hamilton's, James Logan's, judge Lloyd's, of Chester, and, I think, judge Langhorne's, of Bucks.

cluded from the party, for though my father believ ed that nature had designed me for a domestic sphere, he did not believe that an ardent love of liberty and thorough estimate of its value, as purchased by the blood of my fathers, could unfit me for the discharge of the important duties which Providence has assigned to a woman.

It was a fine morning in May, and nature seemed The bells of Christ church were first tolled on ac-to have communicated her smile to the heart, and count of the death of the wife of captain Falmer, diffused a joyous serenity over all its feelings, when

my three little brothers and myself recieved the ed was my poor drummer, who was killed not five welcome summons to prepare to attend our parent paces from me; but the next, not at all deterred by on his morning excursion.-."Whither shall we walk?" the fate of his comrade, commenced the race, and said he, as we sallied forth with all the eagerness of got over in safety. In like manner most of our be. childhood-"To Bunker-hill" was the spontaneous roic band succeeded, and one honest fellow, as he reply of every little voice, and to Bunker-hill my father led the way.

Days of artless innocence, alas! ye are fled forever. Never can I recal the sportive hilarity with which we lightly bounded over the adjacent fields, never regain the innocent gaity and improvident lightness of heart, that, under present enjoyments, shut the fu. ture from my view. Yet memory, busy memory, oft retards the flowery way, and, in the visions of the past, Loses the sense of the present, and the anticipations of the future.

bowed to the word of command, thus addressed me, 'captain I see it is close dodging, but let me once get safely over, and I'll spend my heart's last drop for you, and bring you off again dead or alive, that

I will."

"This honest fellow was a native of Ireland, and about six months previous was confined for debt in the prison of Salem, whence I released him on condition that he would enlist; and never man was blessed with a more devoted friend than Murphy M'Culloch proved to me.

With that buoyancy of spirit which refuses to "I was the last to make the adventurous attempt, yield to weariness, we climbed the ascent, and found and though the balls showered about my head, none ourselves on the summit, from whence we were pre- were permitted to touch me, and we gained the ensented with a view of the whole peninsula, with the trenchment, and passed into the line of battle. bay and harbor of Boston. My father pointed out "On this spot as near as I could recollect, I stood,

the relative position of the armies, and entered into and endeavored to do my duty as a soldier of libera minute detail of events, which abler historians have ty. I received a ball through the calf of my leg, recorded: they will not therefore occupy a place in and another through my left shoulder, but these this narration. were mere trifles, and stood my ground in spite of

His own personal adventure, and narrow escape from a living grave, are all that filial piety will justify this feeble attempt to perpetuate.

"Pray papa," said my oldest brother, "was it here that you received that ugly wound that had nearly cost you your life?"

"It was on this very spot, my son, behind this breast-work-but the story is long- you must have patience, and let me commence at the beginning."

Each little heart beat high with expectation, and mutually promising profound attention, we listened to the following tale.

"You see that narrow speck of land yonder that unites the peninsula of Charlestown to the adjacent country. Over that isthmus, it became my duty to lead the little band under my commard, to join the main army, in the intrenchment, where we now stand. You see how it is exposed to water-well there lay the Glasgow frigate, which kept up a continual fire of shot and bombs across that pass, while several floating batteries, and the fortification on Copps' hill, endeavored to annoy the troops on the hill, and drive them from the entrenchment.


"The gallant and generous Warren was on horseback, pressing from one end of the line to the other, animating the troops to a vigorous defence, and every heart hailed him with love and gratitude.

"He had ever distinguished me with peculiar marks of friendship, and as he passed the spot where I sood, he condescended to address me with words of cordial recognition. I know not whether any historian has recorded the last words of that hero, but believed they were addressed to myself. "My young friend, (said he, as he turned to leave me), do your duty, for the salvation of our country depends on this day's action."

"He had not moved ten paces before I saw him fall. At that moment a shell burst by my side, and was thrown several feet into the air, and then precipitated violently to the ground.

"A fragment of the broken shell struck me in the breast, and caused a contusion of the sternum, and the violent shock my whole system sustained, took from me the power of motion.

"Blood gushed from my mouth, nose and ears, and I lay covered with dust unable to speak or move, but for some time perfectly conscious.

"I remember to have heard col. B—, who was my

"My little band had each the spirit of a Leonidas, and not a murmur was heard when I ordered them to attempt gaining the hill, by running singly father's friend, exclaim 'William is dead then! well, across the dangerous pass. The first who attempt- he died like a soldier.'

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