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condescended to declare, that 'It appertains solely claim our insanity, and for that reason, be void to the people of this colony to determine the said of themselves; we beg leave, as a part of your doubts;' you have in the spirit of the recom-constituents, to tender you that tribute of esteem mendations of the general congress, demonstrated and respect, to which you are justly entitled, for to your constituents, that you will on all occasions your zeal in so nobly asserting the rights which warn them to destroy in its embryo, every scheme the people at large bave to legislation; and in prothat you may discover to have the least tendency moting their free exercise of those rights. towards promoting the selfish views of any foreign | or domestic oligarchy. Your enemies never can persuade people of reflection, that you fully in.drawn by the general congress of the United structed the most ignorant among us by such at positive declaration of our rights, for the purpose of surreptitiously obtaining our renunciation of them. Human nature, depraved as it is, has not yet, and we hope never will be guilty of so much bypocrisy and treachery.

You have most religiously followed the lines

Colonies. Their laws, issued in the stile of re. commendations, leave inviolate, in the conventions, the committees, and finally the people at large, the right of rejection or ratification. But though it be.decreed by that august body, that the punishments of death shall, in some cases be inflicted, the people have not rejected any of their laws, nor even remonstrated against them. The reason

We observe on the contrary, that your resolve is perfectly consistent with the liberal principle of such general submission, is, that the whole of on which it is introduced; for after having set forth what relates to the election of deputies, you recom. mend to the electors, 'If the majority of the counties shall be of opinion that such new government ought to be instituted, then to institute and estab. lish such a government.'

Posterity will behold that resolve as the test of their rectitude. It will prove that you have fully restored to us the exercise of our right, finally to determine on the laws by which this colony is to be governed; a right of which, by the injustice of the British government, we have till now been deprived. But a forced and most unnatural misconstruction, which is artfully put upon your resolve, has deceived many, who really believe that we will not be allowed to approve or reject the new constitution; they are terrified at the consequences, although a sincere zeal for the general cause inspire them to suppress their remonstrances, lest the common enemy should avail himself of that circumstance, to undermine your authority.

their proceedings is calculated to promote the greatest good to be expected from the circumstances which occasion their resolves, and scarcely admit the delays attending more solemn forms. The conduct of their constituents in this instance, clearly shews, what an unbounded confidence viriuous rulers may place in the sound judgment, integrity, and moderation of a free people.

Whatever the interested supporters of oligarchy may assert to the contrary, there is not, perhaps, one man, nor any set of men upon earth, who, without the special inspiration of the Almighty, could frame a constitution, which in all its parts, would be truly unexceptionable, by the majority of the people for whom it might be intended. And should God bless any man, or any set men, with such eminent gifts, that man, or those men, having no separate interest to support, in opposition to the general good, would fairly submit the work to the collective judgment of all the individuals who might be interested in its operation. These it is probable, would after due examination, unanimously Impressed with a just fear of the consequences concur in establishing that constitution. It would which result from that error, we conceive it would become their own joint work, as soon as the ma be criminal in us to continue silent any longer; and jority of them should have freely accepted it; and therefore we beseech you to remove by a full and by its having received their free assent, the only timely explanation, the groundless jealousies which characteristic of the true lawfulness and legality arise from a misconception of your patriotic resolve. that can be given to human institutions, it would

be truly binding on the people. Any other conAs to us, who do not entertain the least doubt currence in the acts of legislation is illusory and of the purity of your intentions; who well know, tyrannical; it proceeds from the selfish principles that your wisdom could not suffer you to aim at of corrupt oligarchy: and should a system of laws obtaining powers, of which we cannot lawfully appear, or even be good in every other respect, divest ourselves; which, if repeatedly declared by which is scarcely admissible, yet it would be imus,' to have been freely granted, would only pro. perfect. It could be lawfully binding on none but

the legislotors themselves, and must continue in destroy our usefulness as a body of voluntary that state of imperfection which disgrace the best associators, who are warmly attached to the cause laws, now and then made in governments establish- of liberty; but that it would likewise expose every ed on oligarchic principles, and deprives them of one of us to deserved derision. At the same time, true legality. As such is the case with Great Bri. we assure your honorable house, that on all occa. tain herself, it is evident that her parliament are sions we will continue to testify our zeal in supso far from having a lawful claim to our obedience, porting the measures adopted by congresses and that they have it not to that of their own con- committees, in the prosecution of their grand obstituents; that all our former laws have but a rela-ject, the restoration of human rights in the United tive legality, and that not one of them is lawfully Colonies. And if at any future time, the silence binding upon us, though even now for the sake of of the bodies in power give us reason to conceive common conveniency, the operation of most of them that our representations may be useful, we then be and ought to be tolerated, until a new system will endeavor to discharge our duty with propriety, of government shall have been freely ratified by and rely on public indulgence for any imperfection the collegislative power of the people, the sole which cannot affect our uprightness. lawful legislature of this colony. It would be an act of despotism to put it in force by any other means, which God avert! The people it is truc might be awed, or openly forced to obey, but they would abhor the tyranny and execrate its authors. In convention of the representatives of the state of They would justly think that they were no longer bound to submit than despotism could be maintained by the same violent or artful means which would have produced its existence,

Signed by order of the committee,

MALCOLM M’EUEN, chairman' MECHANICS-HALL, June 14, 1776.

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New-York, August 10, 1776.

Resolved, That if any of the militia officers in the service of this state shall, during the present invasion, resign his commission after having received orders to proceed upon duty from this conBut the free ratification of the people will not vention or his superior officer, without the perbe sufficient to render the establishment lawful, mission of this state, or shall not repair with all unless they exercise in its fulness an uncontroled possible dispatch to such place or places, as he power to alter the constitution in the same man or they may be ordered to by the convention of ner that it shall have been received. This power this state, or by his superior officer, shall, upon necessarily involves that of every district, occa-proof before a general court martial, be rendered sionally to renew their deputies to committees and incapable of holding any military employment uncongresses when the majority of such district shall der this state, and his name held up as a deserter think fit; and therefore, without the intervention of his country's cause. of the executive, or any other power, foreign to the body of the respective clectors, that right is so essential to our safety, that we firmly believe you will recommend to all your constituents immediately to exercise it, and never suffer its being wrested from them; otherwise the sensibility of our delegates could not allow them to say that they



Saturday, March 25, 1775.-Resolved, as the opinion of this convention, that on account of the unhappy disputes between Great Britain and the colonies, and the unsettled state of this country, the lawyers, suitors, and witnesses, ought not to attend

hold their offices from the voluntary choice of a the prosecution or defence of civil suits at the free people.

We likewise conceive that this measure will more effectually and more speedily than any other, remove disaffected persons from all our councils, and give our public proceedings a much greater weight than they have hitherto obtained amongst our neighbors.

next general court: and it is recommended to the several courts of justice, not to proceed to the hearing or determination of suits on their dockets, except attachments; nor to give judgment, but in the case of sheriffs, or other collectors of money or tobacco received by them, in other cases where such judgment shall be voluntarily confessed, or upon such amicable proceedings as may become We never did as a body, nor never will, assume necessary for the settlement, division, or distribuany authority whatsoever in the public transactions tion of estates: and, during the suspension of the of the present times. Common sense teaches us, administration of justice, it is earnestly recom. that the absurdity of the claim would not only mended to the people, to observe a peaceable and

orderly behavior; to all creditors to be as indul-and raise a quantity of flax, hemp, and cotton, sufgent to their debtors as may be; and to all debtors, ficient not only for the use of his or her own family, to pay as far as they are able; and where differences but also to spare to others on moderate terms. may arise, which cannot be adjusted between the parties, that they refer the decision thereof to judicious neighbors, and abide by their determina


Monday, March 27, 1775.-The committee appointed to prepare a plan for the encouragement of arts and manufactures, reported the following resolutions, which being severally read, were unan. imously agreed to:

Resolved unanimously-As salt is a daily and indispensible necessary of life, and the making of it

amongst ourselves, must be deemed a valuable acquisition, it is therefore recommended, that the utmost endeavors be used to establish salt works, and that proper encouragement be given to Mr. James Tait, who hath made proposals, and offered a scheme to the public, for so desirable a purpose.

Resolved unanimously-That saltpetre and sulphur, being articles of great and necessary use, the making, collecting, and refining them to the utmost extent, be recommended, the convention being of opinion, that it may be done to great advantage.

Resolved unanimously-That the making of guð

Whereas, it hath been judged necessary, for the preservation of the just rights and liberties of America, firmly to associate against importation; and, as the freedom, happiness, and prosperity of a state greatly depend on providing within itself, a supply of articles necessary for subsistence, cloth. ing, and defence; and whereas, it is judged essen-powder be recommended. tial, at this critical juncture, to form a proper plan for employing the different inhabitants of this colony, providing for the poor, and restraining vagrants and other disorderly persons, who are nuisances to every society, a regard for our country, as well as common prudence, call upon us to encourage agriculture, manufactures, economy, and the utmost industry; therefore, this convention doth resolve as follows:

Resolved unanimously-That the manufacturing of iron into nails and wire, and other necessary articles, be recommended.

Resolved unanimously-That the making of steel ought to be largely encouraged, as there will be a great demand for this article.

Resolved unanimously-That the making of different kinds of paper ought to be encouraged; and Resolved unanimously-That it be earnestly re-as the success of this branch depends on a supply commended to the different magistrates, vestries, of old linen and woollen rags, the inhabitants of and churchwardens, throughout this colony, that this colony are desired, in their respective families, they pay a proper attention and strict regard to to preserve these articles. the several acts of assembly, made for the restraint of vagrants, and the better employing and maintaining the poor.

Resolved unanimously-That from and after the first day of May next, no person or persons whatever, ought to use, in his or their families, unless in case of necessity, and on no account, sell to butchers, or kill for market, any sheep under four years old; and where there is a necessity for using any mutton, in his, her, or their families, it is re commended to kill such only as are least profitable to be kept.

Resolved unanimously-That, whereas, wool combs, cotton and wool cards, hemp and flax hec. els, have been for some time made to advantage, in some of the neighboring colonies, and are necessary for carrying on linen and woollen manufactures, the establishing such manufactures be recommended.

Resolved unanimously-That the erecting fulling mills, and mills for breaking, swingling, and softening hemp and flax, and also that the making grindstones be recommended.

Resolved unanimously-That the setting up and Resolved unanimously-That the brewing malt promoting woollen, cotton, and linen manufactures, liquors in this colony, would tend to render the ought to be encouraged in as many different consumption of foreign liquors less necessary, branches as possible, especially coating, flannel, is therefore recommended, that proper attention t blankets, rugs, or coverlids, hosiery, and coarse given to the cultivation of hops and barley. cloths, both broad and narrow. Resolved unanimously-That it be recom

Resolved unanimously-That all persons, baving to all the inhabitants of this colony, that the proper lands for the purpose, ought to cultivate as the convention engageth to do, ou. OWL

factures, and those of other colonies, in preference God, do solemnly swear, that I will, to the utmost to all others. of my power, support, maintain, and defend the Resolved unanimously-That for the more speed-government of Virginia, in the present just and ily and effectually carrying these resolutions into necessary war, against all powers whatever, who execution, it be earnestly recommended, that soci-do, or may levy or carry on any hostility of war eties be formed in different parts of this colony; against the same, and that I will not in any manner aid, or assist, comfort, countenance, correspond and, it is the opinion of this convention, that prowith or abet any person whatever, whom I know, or have cause to suspect, have designs to further, excel in the several branches of manufactories; aid, or assist the tyrannical and cruel war, which and it is recommended to the several committees the British parliament have levied agamst Ameof the different counties and corporations, to pro-and make known all traitorous conspiracies and rica, and that I will, from time to time, declare mote and encourage the same, to the utmost of their power.

per premiums ought to be offered in the several counties and corporations, to such persons as shall

attempts against the peace and safety of Virginia, which shall come to my knowledge: So help me God."


To colonel Andrew Lewis, and Mr John Boyer.
Gentlemen-For your past service you have

August 16, 1775.—An address from the Baptists in this colony was presented to the convention, and read; setting forth, that however distinguished from the body of their countrymen, by appellatives and sentiments of a religious nature, they never- our thanks, and we presume it is all the reward theless consider themselves as members of the you desire. And as we have again committed to same community in respect to matters of a civil you the greatest trust we can confer (that of apnature, and embarked in the same common cause; pearing for us in the great council of the colony) that, alarmed at the oppression which hangs over we think it expedient you hear our sentiments at America, they had considered what part it would this important juncture. And first, we require be proper to take in the unhappy contest, and had you to represent us with hearts replete with the determined that in some cases it was lawful to go most grateful and loyal veneration for the race of to war, and that they ought to make a military Brunswick, for they have been truly our fathers; resistance against Great Britain in her unjust and at the same time the most dutiful affection invasion, tyrannical oppressions, and repeated for our sovereign, of whose honest heart we canhostilities; that their brethren were left at discre- not entertain any diffidence; but sorry we are to tion to inlist, without incurring the censure of add, that in his councils we can no longer confide, their religious community; and, under these cira set of miscreants, uxworthy to administer the cumstances, many of them had enlisted as soldiers, laws of Britain's empire, have been permitted and many more were ready to do so, who had an impiously to sway. How unjustly, cruelly, and earnest desire their ministers should preach to tyrannically, they have invaded our rights, we need them during the campaign; that they had there- not now put you in mind. We only say, and we fore appointed four of their brethren to make assert it with pride, that the subjects of Britain application to this convention for the liberty of are one; and when the honest man of Boston who preaching to the troops at convenient times, with-has broke no law, has his property wrested from out molestation or abuse, and praying the same him, the hunter on the Alegany must take the may be granted them. alarm, and, as a freeman of America, he will fly to his representatives, and thus instruct them manding officers of the regiments or troops to be Gentlemen, my gun, my tomahawk, my life I desire raised, that they permit dissenting clergymen to you to render to the honor of my king and councelebrate Divine worship, and to preach to the try; but my liberty to range these woods on the soldiers, or exhort, from time to time, as the vari- same terms my father has done, is not mine to give ous operations of the military service may permit, up; it was not purchased by me, and purchased it for the ease of such scrupulous consciences as may not choose to attend Divine service as celebrated by the chaplain.

Resolved, That it be an instruction to the com

Test in Virginia, 1776, published by order of the convention--“I, A. B. in the presence of Almighty

was; it is entailed on my son, and the tenure is sacred. Watch over it, gentlemen, for to him it must descend unviolated, if my arm can defend it; but if not, if wicked power is permitted to prevail against me, the original purchase was blood, and mine shall seal the surrender.

That our countrymen and the world may know ticular, have been precipitated into measures, exour disposition, we choose that this be published. traordinary perhaps in their nature, but warranted And we have one request to add, that is, that the by necessity, from whence, among many other measons of freedom who appeared for us at Philadel-sures, the appointment of committees, in the seve phia, will accept our most ardent, grateful ac-ral towns and counties, took its birth, to prevent, knowledgments; and we hereby plight them our as much as in them lay, the operations of such unfaith, that we will religiously observe their resolu- constitutional encroachments: And the assembly tions, and obey their instructions, in contempt of remain unconvinced of any steps taken by those power and temporary interest; and should the mea- committees, but such as they were compelled to sures they have wisely calculated for our relief take for that salutary purpose.

fail, we will stand prepared for every contingency.

We are, gentlemen, your dutiful, &c.

The Freeholders of Botetourt.


Extracts from the reply of the assembly of North
Carolina, to the speech of governor Martin, April,


To his excellency Josiah Martin, esq. captain general, governor, and commander in chief, in and over the province of North Carolina.

SIR:-We, his majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the members of the assembly of North Carolina, have taken into consideration you excellency's speech, at the opening of this session.

It is not to be controverted, that his majesty's subjects have a right to petition for a redress of grievances, or to remonstrate against them; and as it is only in a meeting of the people, that their sense, respecting such petition and remonstrance, can be obtained, that the right of assembling is as undoubted.-To attempt, therefore, under the mask of authority, to prevent or forbid a meeting of the people for such purposes, or to interrupt their proceedings when met, would be a vain effort, unduly to exercise power in direct opposition

to the constitution.

Far be it from us, then, sir, even to wish to pre vent the operations of the convention now held at We met in general assembly, with minds supe- Newbern, or to agree with your excellency in berior to private dissention, determined calmly, unit. stowing upon them the injurious epithet of an iledly, and faithfully, to discharge the sacred trust legal meeting. They are, sir, the respectable rereposed in us by our constituents. Actuated by presentatives of the people, appointed for a spesentiments like these, it behoves us to declare, cial and important purpose, to which, though our that the assembly of this colony have the highest constituents might have thought us adequate, yet, sense of their allegiance to the king of Great Bri- as our meeting depended upon the pleasure of the tain, to whom alone, as our constitutional sovereign, crown, they would have been unwise to have trustwe acknowledge allegiance to be due, and to whom ed to so precarious a contingence, especially as the we so cheerfully and repeatedly have sworn it, that frequent and unexpected prorogations of the asto remind us of the oath was unnecessary. This sembly, one of them in particular, as if all respect allegiance, all past assemblies have, upon every and attention to the convenience of their represenoccasion, amply expressed; and we, the present tatives hath been lost, was proclaimed but two or representatives of the people, shall be always rea- three days before the time which had been appointdy, by our actions, with pleasure to testify; sensi-ed for the meetings, gave the people not the least ble, however, that the same constitution which es- reason to expect that their assembly would have tablished that allegiance, and enjoined the oath in been permitted to sit tlll it was too late to appoint consequence of it, hath bound majesty under as delegates to attend the continental congress at solemn obligations, to protect subjects inviolate in Philadelphia; a measure which they joined the rest all their just rights and priviledges, wisely intend- of America in thinking essential to its interest. ing, by reciprocal dependence, to secure the hap piness of both.

The house, sir, neither know, nor believe that any base arts have been practised upon the people We contemplate, with a degree of horror, the in order to lead them from their duty; but we unhappy state of America, involved in the most know with certainty, that the steps they have taken embarrassing difficulties and distresses, by a num- proceeded from a full conviction, that the parliaber of unconstitutional invasions of their just rights ment of Great Britain had, by a variety of oppresand privileges; by which, the inhabitants of the sive and unconstitutional proceedings, made those continent in general, and of this province in par-steps absolutely necessary. We think it, therefore,

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