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when you are assured, that previous to my taking these steps, such were the open threats, and such the warlike preparations throughout this province, as rendered it my indispensible duty to take every precaution in my power, for the protection of his majesty's troops under my command, against all

all parts of the empire may enjoy their particular rights, honors, and immunities: Certainly, this is an event most devoutly to be wished for; and will it not be consistent with your duty to suspend the operation of war on your part, and enable us on ours, to quiet the minds of the people, at least, till the result of some further deliberations may be hostile attempts. The intelligence you seem to known? The importance of the occasion will, we have received, relative to the late excursion of a doubt not, sufficiently apologize for the earnest body of troops into the country, is altogether inju ness with which we address you, and any seeming rious and contrary to the true state of facts; the impropriety which may attend it, as well as induce troops disclaim, with indignation, the barbarous you to give us the most explicit and favorable an outrages of which they are accused, so contrary to swer in your power. their known humanity. I have taken the greatest

I am, with great esteem and respect, in behalf pains to discover if any were committed, and have of the general assembly, sir, &c.


His excellency, Thomas Gage, esq.

found examples of their tenderness, both to the young and the old, but no vestige of cruelty or barbarity: It is very possible, that in firing into houses, from whence they were fired upon, that old

His excellency general Gage's answer to the forego-people, women, or children, may have suffered, but

ing letter, dated

BOSTON, May 3, 1775.

if any such thing has happened, it was in their defence, and undesigned. I have no command to Sin: I am to acknowledge the receipt of your ravage and desolate the country, and were it my letter of the 28th of April last, in behalf of the intention, I have had pretence to begin it upon the general assembly of your colony, relative to the sea ports, who are at the mercy of the fleet. For alarming situation of public affairs in this country, your better information, I inclose you a narrative and the late transactions in this province: that this of that affair, taken from gentlemen of indisputasituation is greatly alarming, and that these trans- ble honor and veracity, who were eye witnesses of actions are truly unfortunate, are truths to be re-all the transactions of that day. The leaders here gretted by every friend to America, and by every have taken pains to prevent any account of this af well-wisher for the peace, prosperity, and happi- fair getting abroad, but such as they have thought ness of this province. The intimate connection, proper to publish themselves; and to that end, the and strong ties of friendship between the inhabi post has been stopped, the mails broke open, and tants of your colony, and the deluded people of letters taken out; and, by these means, the most this province, cannot fail of inducing the former to injurious and inflammatory accounts have been interpose their good offices, to convince the latter spread throughout the continent, which has served of the impropriety of their past conduct, and to to deceive and inflame the minds of the people. persuade them to return to their allegiance, and to seek redress of any supposed grievances, in those decent and constitutional methods in which alone they can hope to be successful.

When the resolves of the provincial congress breathed nothing but war, when those two great and essential prerogatives of the king, the lerying of troops, and disposing of the public monies, were wrested from him; and when magazines were forming by an assembly of men, unknown to the constitution, for the declared purpose of levying war against the king, you must acknowledge, it was my duty, as it was the dictate of humanity, to predestroying such magazines. This, and this alone, vent, if possible, the calamities of civil war, by I attempted. You ask, why is the town of Boston now shut np? I can only refer you, for an answer, to those bodies of armed men, who now surround the town, and prevent all access to it. The hosYou cannot wonder at my fortifying the town of tile preparations you mention, are such as the conBoston, or making any other military reparations, duct of the people of this province has rendered

That troops should be employed for the purpose of protecting the magistrates in the execution of their duty, when opposed with violence, is not a new thing in the English, or any other government: that any acts of the British parliament are unconstitutional or oppressive, I am not to suppose; if any such there are, in the apprehension of the people of this province, it had been happy for them if they had sought relief, only in the way which the constitution, their reason, and their interest, pointed out.

it prudent to make, for the defence of those under Letter from the committee of New York, to the lord my command.

mayor, aldermen, and common council of London,
laid before the court of common council by the mayor,
on the 23rd of June, 1775.

NEW-YORK, May 5, 1775.
My lord and gentlemen-Distinguished as you are,

You assure me, the people of you colony abhor the idea of taking arms against the troops of their sovereign; I wish the people of this province, for their own sakes, could make the same declaration. You enquire, is there no way to prevent this unhappy dispute from coming to extremities? Is there by your noble exertions in the cause of liberty, and no alternative but absolute submission, or the de- deeply interested in the expiring commerce of the solations of war? I answer, I hope there is; the king empire, you necessarily command the most reand parliament seem to hold out terms of recon- spectful attention. The general committee of asciliation, consistent with the honor and interest of sociation, for the city and county of New York, beg Great Britain, and the rights and privileges of the leave, therefore, to address you, and the capital colonies; they have mutually declared their readi- of the British empire, through its magistrates, on ness to attend to any real grievances of the colo- the subject of American wrongs. Born to the nies, and to afford them every just and reasonable bright inheritance of English freedom, the inhabiindulgence, which shall, in a dutiful and constitutants of this extensive continent, can never submit tional manner, be laid before them; and his Majes. to the ignominious yoke, nor move in the galling ty adds, it is his ardent wish that this disposition fetters of slavery. The disposal of their own promay have a happy effect on the temper and conduct Perty, with perfect spontaniety, and in a manner of his subjects in America: I must add likewise, wholly divested of every appearance of constraint, the resolution of the 27th of February, on the grand is their indefeasible birthright. This exalted blesdispute of taxation and revenue, leaving it to the sing, they are resolutely determined to defend with their blood, and transfer it, uncontaminated, to their posterity.

colonies to tax themselves, under certain condi tions; here is surely a foundation for an accommodation, to people who wish a reconciliation, rather You will not, then, wonder at their early jealousy than a destructive war, between countries so nearly of the design, to erect in this land of liberty, a desconnected, by the ties of blood and interest; but I fear, that the leaders of this province have been, and still are, intent only on shedding blood.

potism scarcely to be parallelled in the pages of antiquity, or the volumes of modern times; a despotism, consisting in power, assumed by the repreI am much obliged, by your favorable sentiments, sentatives of a part of his majesty's subjects, at of my personal character, and assure you, as it has their sovereign will and pleasure, to strip the rest been my constant wish and endeavor hitherto, so 1 of their property;-and what are the engines of shall continue to exert my utmost efforts to pro-administration to execute this destructive project? tect all his majesty's liege subjects under my care, The duty on tea; oppressive restraints on the comin their persons and property. You ask, whether merce of the colonies; the blockade of the port of it will not be consistent with my duty, to suspend Boston; the change of internal police in the Masthe operations of war, on my part? I have com-sachusetts, and Quebec, the establishment of popemenced no operations of war but defensive; such ry in the latter; the extension of its bounds; the you cannot wish me to suspend, while I am sur- ruin of our Indian commerce, by regulations calcurounded by an armed country, who have already lated to aggrandize that arbitrary government; unbegun, and threaten farther to prosecute an offen- constitutional admiralty jurisdiction throughout sive war, and are now violently depriving me, the the colonies; the invasion of our right to a trial, in king's troops, and many other of the king's sub- the most capital cases, by a jury of the vicinage; jects, under my immediate protection, of all the the horrid contrivance to screen from punishment conveniences and necessaries of life, with which the bloody executioners of ministerial vengeance; the country abounds; but it must quiet the minds and not to mention the rest of the black catalogue of all reasonable people, when I assure you that 1 of our grievances, the hostile operations of an arhave no disposition to injure and molest quiet and my, who have already shed the blood of our counpeaceable subjects; but on the contrary, shall es- trymen. The struggles excited by the detestable teem it my greatest happiness to defend and pro-stamp act, have so lately demonstrated to the world tect them against every species of violence and oppression.-I am, sir, &c.



that Americans will not be slaves; that we stand astonished at the gross impolicy of the minister.Recent experience had evinced, that the possessors

of this extensive continent would never submit to, ment to the welfare of his realm and dominions. a tax, by pretext of legislative authority in Britain; Permit us further to assure you, that America is disguise, therefore, became the expedient. In pur-grown so irritable, by oppression, that the least suit of the same end, parliament declared their ab- shock, in any part, is by the most powerful and solute supremacy in attempting to raise a revenue, sympathetic affection, instantaneously felt through under the specious pretence of providing for their the whole continent. That Pennsylvania, Marygood government and defence. Administration, land, and New York, have already stopped their to exhibit a degree of moderation, purely ostensi- exports to the fishing islands, and those colonies, bie and delusory, while they withdrew their hands which at this dangerous juncture, have refused to from our most necessary articles of importation, unite with their brethren in the common cause; determined with an eager grasp to hold the duty and all supplies to the navy and army at Boston; on tea, as a badge of their taxative power. Zea- and that probably the day is at hand, when our lous on our part, for an indissoluble union with the continental congress will totally shut up our ports. parent state, studious to promote the glory and The minions of power here, may now inform adhappiness of the empire, impressed with a just ministration, if they can ever speak the language sense of the necessity of a controlling authority to of truth, that this city is as one man in the cause regulate and harmonize the discordant commercial of liberty; that to this end, our inhabitants are alinterests of its various parts; we cheerfully submit most unanimously bound by the inclosed associa to a regulation of commerce, by the legislature of tion; that it is continually advancing to perfection, a parent state, excluding, in its nature, every idea by additional subscriptions; that they are resolute

of taxation.

Whither, therefore, the present machinations of arbitrary power infallibly tend, you may easily. judge; if unremittedly pursued, as they were inhu manly devised, they will, by a fatal necessity, terminate in a total dissolution of the empire.

ly bent on supporting their committee, and the intended provincial and continental congresses; that there is not the least doubt of the efficacy of their example in the other colonies: In short, that while the whole continent are ardently wishing for peace on such terms as can be acceded to by Englishmen, they are indefatigible in preparing for the The subjects of this country will not, we trust, last appeal. That such are the language and conbe deceived by any measures conciliatory in ap-duct of our fellow citizens, will be further manipearance, while it is evident that the minister aims fested by a representation of the lieutenant goverat a sordid revenue, to be raised by grievous and nor and council of the 1st inst. to general Gage, oppressive acts of parliament, and by fleets and at Boston, and to his Majesty's ministers by the armies employed to enforce the execution. They packet. Assure yourselves, my lord and gentlenever will, we believe, submit to an auction on the men, that we speak the real sentiments of the concolonies, for the more effectuai augmentation of federated colonies on the continent, from Nova Scothe revenue, by holding it up as a temptation to tia to Georgia, when we declare, that all the horthem, that the bighest bidder shall enjoy the great-rors of a civil war, will never compel America to est share of government favor. This plan, as it submit to taxation, by authority of parliament. would tend to sow the seeds of discord, would be A sincere regard to the public weal, and the far more dangerous than hostile force, in which we cause of humanity; in hearty desire to spare the hope the king's troops will ever be, as they have further effusion of human blood; our loyalty to already been, unsuccessful. Instead of those unu. our prince, and the love we bear to all our fellow sual, extraordinary, and unconstitutional modes of subjects in his majesty's realm and dominions; a procuring levies from the subjects, should his Ma- full conviction of the warmest attachment in the jesty graciously be pleased, upon suitable emergen- capital of the empire, to the cause of justice and cies, to make requisitions in ancient form, the co-liberty, have induced us to address you on this lonies have expressed their willingness to contri- momentous subject, confident that the same cogent bute to the support of the empire-but to contri motives will induce the most vigorous exertions bute of their voluntary gift, as Englishmen; and of the city of London to restore union, mutual when our unexampled grievances are redressed, confidence, and peace to the whole empire. our prince will find his American subjects testify- We have the honor to be, my lord and gentleing, on all proper occasions, by as ample aids as men, your most obedient and affectionate fellowtheir circumstances will permit, the most unshak-subjects, and humble servants,

en fidelity to their sovereign, and inviolable attach

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ISAAC LOW, Chairman.

By order,

P. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Pres't.

"Gentlemen:-At the same time that with you

John Jay, Frederick Lewis, John Alsop, Philip ous struggle for American liberty, and the fullest Livingston, James Duane, E. Duyckorch, William assurances, that whenever this important contest Seton, William W. Ludlow, Cornelius Clopper, shall be decided, by that fondest wish of each Abm. Brinkerhoff, Henry Remsen, Robert Ray, American soul, an accommodation with our mother Ever. Bancker, Joseph Totten, Abm. P. Lott, David country, you will cheerfully resign the important Buckman, Isaac Rooswelt, Gabriel H. Ludlow, Wm. deposit committed into your hands, and reassume Walton, Daniel Phenix, Frederick Jay, Samuel the character of our worthiest citizen. Broome, Jno. De Lancey, Alexander M'Dougall, Jno. Reade, Joseph Bull, George Janeway, John White, Gab. W. Ludlow, John Lasher, Theoph. Anthony, Thomas Smith, Richard Yates, Oliver Templeton, To the above address, his excellency returned the Jacobus Van Landby, Jeremiah Platt, Peter S. Curfollowing answer: tenius, Thos. Randall, Aug. V. Horne, Ab. Duryee, Samuel Verplanck, Rudolphus Ritzeman, John I deplore the unhappy necessity of such an ap Morton, Joseph Hellett, Robert Benson, Abraham pointment, as that with which I am now honored, Brasher, Leonard Lispenard, Thomas Marstory, cannot but feel sentiments of the highest gratiNicholas Hoffman, P. V. B. Livingston, Lewis Pin- tude for this affecting instance of distinction and tard, John Imlay, Eleazer Miller, jun. John Broom, regard. John B. Moore, Nicholas Bogert, John Anthony, "May your warmest wishes be realized in the Victor Bicker, William Goforth, Hercules Mullisuccess of America, at this important and interest. gen, Nich. Roosevelt, Corn. P. Low, Francis Bas- ing period; and be assured, that every exertion of set, James Beckman, Thomas Ivers, William Denmy worthy colleagues and myself, will be equally ning, John Berrien, Banjamin Helme, William W. extended to the re-establishment of peace and Gilbert, Dan. Dunscomb, John Lamb, Rich. Sharp, harmony, between the mother country and these John Morin Scott, Jacob Vanvoorstis, Comfort colonies: as to the fatal but necessary operations Sands, Edward Fleming, Lancaster Burling, Benj. of war, when we assumed the soldier, we did not Kissauv, Jacob Lefferts, Ant. Van Dane, Abraham lay aside the citizen, and we shall most sincerely Walton, Hamilton Young, Peter Goelet, Gerret Kilettas, Thomas Buchanan, James Desbrosses, jun. Petrus Byvanck, Laurence Embren.

To the right honorable the lord mayor, the aldermen, and common council of the city of London.

NEW YORK, July 3, 1775. The following address of the provincial congress of the colony of New York, was presented on the 26th ult. to his excellency George Washington, generalissimo of all the forces in the confederated colonies of America.

"May it please your excellency:-At a time when the most loyal of his majesty's subjects, from a regard to the laws and constitution, by which he sits on the throne, feel themselves reduced to the unhappy necessity of taking up arms to defend their dearest rights and privileges; while we de. plore the calamities of this divided empire, we rejoice in the appointment of a gentleman, from whose abilities and virtue, we are taught to expect both security and peace.

rejoice, with you, in that happy hour, when the establishment of American liberty, on the most firm and solid foundations, shall enable us to return to our private stations, in the bosom of a free, peaceful, and happy country.


To the honorable the delegates elected by the several counties and districts within the government of New York, in colonial congress convened.

The respectful address of the mechanics in union, for the city and county of New York, represented by their general committee.

Elected delegates-With due confidence in the declaration which you lately made to the chairman of our general committee, that you are at all times ready and willing to attend to every request of your constituents, or any part of them; we, the mechanics in union, though a very inconsiderable part of your constituents, beg leave to represent, that one of the clauses in your resolve, respecting the establishment of a new form of government, is erroneously construed, and for that reason may serve the most dangerous purposes; for it is well "Confiding in you, sir, and in the worthy gene-known how indefatigable the emissaries of the rals immediately under your command, we have British parliament are in the pursuit of every the most flattering hopes of success in the glori-scheme which is likely to bring disgrace upon our


rulers, and ruin upon us all. At the same time misconstruction, conceive that we ought to form we cheerfully acknowledge that the genuine spirit you in due time. that it has alarmed many zealous of liberty which animates the other part of that friends to the general cause which the United -resolve, did not permit us to interpret it in any Colonies are defending with their lives and fortunes other sense than that which is the most obvious, and likewise the most favorable to the natural rights of man. We could not, we never can believe you intended that the future delegates, or yourselves, should be vested with the power of framing a new constitution for this colony; and that its inhabitants at large should not exercise the right which God has given them, in common with all men, to judge whether it be consistent with their interest to accept or reject a constitution framed for that state of which they are mem bers. This is the birthright of every man to whatever state he may belong. There he is, or ought to be by inadmissible right, a collegislator with all the other members of that community.

As the general opinion of your uprightness depends, in a great measure, on your explanation of that matter; and it being self-evident that the political happiness or misery of the people under your government, must be deeply affected by the measures which they may adopt in consequence of such explanation, we trust that you will receive this respectful address with indulgence, and that all our brethren in this, and the other colonies in the union, will do us the justice to beileve, that it was dictated by the purest sentiments of unconfined patriotism.

The resolve which contains the obnoxious clause already mentioned, is, together with the introduction to it, in the following words, to wit:

"And whereas doubts have arisen, whether this

police, to the exclusion of all foreign jurisdiction,

dominion and control whatever. And whereas it

appertains of right, solely to the people of this colony to determine the said doubts. Therefore,

Conscious of our own want of abilities, we are, alas! but too sensible that every individual is not qualified for assisting in the framing of a constitu- congress are invested with sufficient power and tion: but, that share of common sense which the authority to deliberate and determine on so imAlmighty has bountifully distributed amongst man-portant a subject as the necessity of erecting and kind in general, is sufficient to quicken every one's constituting a new form of government and internal feeling, and enable him to judge rightly what degree of safety, and what advantages he is likely to enjoy, or be deprived of, under any constitution proposed to him. For this reason, should a preposterous confidence in the abilities and integrity "Resolved, That it be recommended to the of our future delegates, delude us into measures electors in the several counties in this colony, by which might imply a renunciation of our inaliena- election in the manner and form prescribed for ble right to ratify our laws, we believe that your the election of the present congress, either to wisdom, your patriotism, your own interest, nay, authorise, (in addition to the powers vested in your ambition itself, would urge you to exert all this congress) their present deputies, or others the powers of persuasion you possess, and try every in the stead of their present deputies, or either method which, in your opinion, could deter us from of them, to take into consideration the necessity perpetrating that impious and frantic act of selfand propriety of instituting such new government destruction; for, as it would precipitate us into a as in and by the said resolution of the continental state of absolute slavery, the lawful power which, congress is described and recommended: And if till now, you have received from your constituthe majority of the counties, by their deputies in ents, to be exercised over a free people, would be provincial congress, shall be of opinion that such annihilated by that unnatural act. It might probanew government ought to be instituted and estabbly accelerate our political death; but it must im-lished; then to institute and establish such a go

mediately cause your own.

vernment as they shall deem best calculated to secure the rights, liberties, and happiness, of the good people of this colony, and to continue in force until a future peace with Great Britain shall render the same unnecessary."

The continued silence of the bodies which are, by election, vested with an authority subordinate to that of your house, would strike us with amazement, should we suppose that, in their presence, your resolve ever was interpreted in a sense that We cannot forbear expressing our astonishment was not favorable to the free exercise of our at the existence of the doubts alluded to in the ininalienable rights. But we, who daily converse troduction just quoted. But when in compassion with numbers who have been deceived by such to those weak minds which gave them birth, you

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