For services and expenses related to the JOBS for Youth Program including job training and employment program primarily for at risk youth eligible for supportive services and employment and training ser- vices under the job opportunities and basic skills (JOBS) program as authorized by the federal family support act of 1988. Activities conducted under this appropria- tion shall be limited to school-to-work activities such as the development and im- plementation of formal apprenticeship models for youth, youth, technical and occupa- tional instruction which integrate in- school activities with vocational skills training including co-operative education- al opportunities, youth leadership devel- opment, and peer counseling programs. State funds may be matched locally on a dol- lar for dollar basis. In addition, pur- suant to a memorandum of understanding between the department of labor and de- partment of social services, the depart- ment of labor may coordinate and expend any available matching funds from the job opportunities and basic skills program as authorized by the family support act of 1988
For payment of financial assistance to community based mental health programs, net of disallowances,
to the following schedule:
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and except for transfers to the department of social services to reim- burse the department for for the state share of medical assistance payments and as modified below, amounts ap-
propriated herein from the general fund shall be available for encumbrance for the period commencing July 1, 1992 and ending June 30, 1993 and shall be available for expenditure from July 1, 1992 through through September 15,
any other provision of law, law, up to $1,000,000, otherwise available for payments pursuant to article 41 of the mental hygiene law, may be expended for obligations incurred prior July 1, 1992. The comptroller shall create separate accounts for each item in the schedule, and control expenditures of such funds accordingly.
Grants from the following appropriations shall be administered in accordance with a detailed expenditure plan, for each appropriation, to be submitted by the commissioner of the office of mental health no later than June 1, 1992 for approval by the director of the budget with copies to be filed with the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee.
No expenditures shall be made herefrom until a certificate of allocation has been approved by the director of the budget and copies thereof filed with the state comptroller and the chairmen of the senate finance and the
assembly ways and means committees. No advances or payments for services provided after July 1, 1992 shall be made prior to the approval of a methodology for allocation in accordance with a state aid financial plan prepared pursuant to sections 41. 18 and 41. 23 of the mental hygiene law as approved by the commissioner and the director of the budget with copies to be filed with the chairmen of the senate finance and assembly ways and means committees in accordance with the following subschedules.
For payment of state financial assistance, for community mental health programs pursuant to article 41 and other provisions of the mental hygiene law. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, payments from any appropriation herein for mental health services shall not be made until the recipient local government unit and/or agency has demonstrated that it has applied for and received, or received formal notification of refusal of, all forms of third party reimbursement which may be available for such services and have sought reimbursement from each client not eligible for third party reimbursement according to a schedule of client fees approved by the commissioner. Notwithstanding any provision of law or regulation to the contrary, those portions of revenue received by inpatient programs in general hospitals licensed by the office of mental health (OMH) and outpatient programs licensed by OMH attributable to the ad
justment of base rates in accordance with either section 86-1.64 (c) of title 10 (health) New York codes, rules and regulations (NYCRR) or part 579.7 and/or part 588 of title 14 (mental hygiene) of NYCRR shall be exempt from the calculations of aid provided in this schedule. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, such exemp- tion shall apply for accruals of such revenue on or ter July 1, 1992. The moneys hereby appropriated for al- location to counties for services pursuant to sections 41. 15, 41. 18, 41. 23 and 41.27 of the mental hygiene law are available to reimburse or advance localities for ex- penditures made or to be made during local program years commencing January 1, 1992 or July 1, 1992 and for ad- vances for the period beginning January 1, 1993 for counties with program years beginning January 1. The term for which such advances shall be made, shall be subject to the approval of the director of the budget pursuant to a cash expenditure plan submitted on or before December 1, 1992.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law or regu- lation to the contrary, effective April 1, 1991 deficit financing grants for mental health services pursuant to article 41 of the mental hygiene law provided to major public general hospitals, as defined in section 2807-c of the public health law, for the hospital cost report- ing periods ending during 1989, 1990 and 1991 shall be considered to have been provided for inpatient hospital deficits only.
fice of mental health by July 1, 1992 and subject to the approval of the director of the budget with copies to be filed with the chairmen of the senate finance commit- tee and the assembly ways and means com- mittee
Amount available for transfer to the depart- ment of social services to reimburse the department for the state share of medical assistance payments for clinic, continuing and day treatment services rendered by preferred providers of voluntary-operated outpatient mental health programs pursuant to regulations issued by the commissioner of the office of mental health ... Amount available for transfer to the depart- ment of social services to reimburse the department for the state share of medical assistance payments for clinic, continuing and day treatment services rendered by preferred providers of outpatient mental health programs, dually licensed under article 28 of the public health law and article 31 of the mental hygiene law, pur- suant to regulations issued by the commis- sioner of the office of mental health. Provided, however, that such regulations shall not be effective unless approved by the director of the budget For outpatient programs, pursuant to sec- tions 41. 13, 41. 18 and 41.23 of the mental hygiene law related to the outpatient re- structuring ...
Amount available for transfer to the depart- ment of social services to reimburse the department for the state share of medical assistance payments for continuing day treatment, partial hospitalization and in- tensive psychiatric rehabilitative treat- ment services pursuant to the outpatient restructuring .... Amount available for transfer to the depart- ment of social services to reimburse the department for the state share of medical assistance payments made prior to July 1, 1993 for the cost of adjustments to psy- chiatric inpatient rates and outpatient rates, the latter based on the volume of services to recently discharged and seri- ously mentally ill individuals
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