tions of such by-products as embankments and/or as fill 300,000 .. CHIPS ADMINISTRATION General Fund State Purposes Account By chapter 331, section 2, of the laws of 1991: (re. $175,000) § 2. The sum of two million dollars ($2,000,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury in the general fund to the credit of the state purposes account not otherwise appropriated. Such funds shall be allocated by the director of the budget to the department of transportation for services and expenses of the administration of the Consolidated Local Highway Assistance Program (CHIPS) ... 2,000,000..... (re. $1,927,000) The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1991, is amended and reappropriated to read: Nonpersonal service, for auditing prevention program 6,457,700 ... LOCAL SERVICES/COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAM costs of the special delinquency (re. $373,000) By MAINTENANCE UNDISTRIBUTED For services and expenses associated with the home based intensive supervision program for youth under the care of the division for youth... 433,000 (re. $433,000) MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS General Fund - State Purposes Account sec chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1983, and by chapter 50, tion 1, of the laws of 1982, as consolidated by chapter 50, section 3, of the laws of 1987, as amended by chapter 50, section 3, of the laws of 1989: For MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS--Cont. services and expenses associated with the accounting, budgetary, revenue and management information systems in accordance with the following schedule. For the division of the budget for the design and implementation of a personnel management information system which will provide the executive and legislative branches with comprehensive, timely, and accurate information and projections on personal service expenditures .... (re. $515,000) By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1991, as amended by chapter 10, section 1, of the laws of 1992: The sum ap of $35,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated from the state purposes account of the the general fund to the Judiciary, for deposit in the court facilities incentive aid fund, established by chapter 825 of the laws of 1987. Such propriation shall only be made available upon certification by the chief administrator of the courts with the concurrence of the state comptroller with copies of such certification filed with the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee. No amount shall be transferred from the general fund unless moneys in the court facilities incentive aid fund are insufficient to meet vouchers presented for payment charged to appropriations made pursuant to section 94 of the state finance law. The amount of such transfer shall not exceed the amount transferred from the court facilities incentive aid fund to the general fund on March 31, 1992. The state comptroller shall encumber the amount appropriated by this appropriation before the end of the fiscal year 35,000,000 (re. $35,000,000) By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1990: By MISCELLANEOUS COURT FACILITIES INCENTIVE AID FUND GUARANTEE --Cont. The state comptroller shall encumber the amount appropriated by this appropriation before the end of the fiscal year 30,000,000 (re. $30,000,000) chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1989, as added by chapter 41, section 9, of the laws of 1990, and as amended by chapter 50, section 3, of the laws of 1991: The sum of $40,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated from the state purposes account of the general fund to the judiciary, for deposit in the court facilities incentive aid fund, established by chapter 825 of the laws of 1987. Such appropriation shall only be made available upon certification by the chief administrator of the court with the concurrence of the state comptroller with copies of such certification filed with the chairpersons of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee. No amount shall be transferred from the general fund unless moneys in the court facilities incentive aid fund are insufficient to meet vouchers presented for payment charged to appropriations made pursuant to section 94 of the state finance law. The amount of such transfer shall not exceed the amount transferred from the court facilities incentive aid fund to the general fund March 31, 1990. on The state comptroller shall encumber the amount appropriated by this appropriation before the end of the fiscal year. If for any fiscal year commencing on or after April 1, 1990, the governor fails to submit a budget bill containing a reappropriation to provide for a court facilities incentive aid fund guarantee or the legislature fails to reappropriate the amount in the budget bill submitted by the governor for such fiscal year, the amount appropriated herein and encumbered shall be payable forthwith to the court facilities incentive aid fund on the thirtieth day of June of such year in the manner prescribed by law, provided, however, that such amount shall not exceed the amount of moneys transferred to the general fund pursuant to the provisions of chapter 41 of the laws of 1990 ... 40,000,000 (re. $40,000,000) em By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1987: Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for the payment of long term disability income protection plans for members and certain ployees of the senate and assembly. Participation in such plans shall be at the option of the temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly who shall establish implementation procedures and guidelines for their respective houses of the legislature ... 500,000 (re. $500,000) By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1985: For services and expenses related to the preparation and printing of (re. $71,000) HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL SITES INVESTIGATION S-AREA LANDFILL Special Revenue Funds Other Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 339 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1991: For services and expenses of the department of environmental conserva- By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1990: By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1989: .... By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1988: cate of approval has been issued by the director of the budget and a INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL MAINTENANCE UNDISTRIBUTED General Fund State Purposes Account By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1988: For services and expenses associated with the design and implementation of systems to improve the management and internal control of payroll, personnel and strategic workforce planning information and to ensure that the executive and legislative branches are provided with comprehensive, timely and accurate information regarding personal service. The moneys hereby appropriated may be allocated to the division of the budget, the department of audit and control, and the department of civil service, as necessary, in amounts to be determined by the director of the budget ... 1,500,000 Internal Service Funds Personnel Management and Internal Control Systems Fund (re. $443,000) By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1990: For services and expenses associated with the design and implementation of an integrated personnel and payroll system. Upon issuance of a certificate of approval by the director of the budget, a copy of such certificate to be filed with the state comptroller and the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee, funding may be transferred to such fund from available state agency appropriations to support the design and implementation of such system. The moneys hereby appropriated may be allocated to the division of the budget, the department of audit and control and the department of civil service, as necessary, in amounts to be determined by the director of the budget ... 2,500,000 (re. $2,500,000) INFRASTRUCTURE TRUST FUND RENEWAL (HOUSING PROJECTS) By chapter 261, section 11, of the laws of 1988, as amended by chapter 50, section 3, of the laws of 1991: The sum of three hundred twenty-six million dollars ($326,000,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated from any moneys in the general fund to the credit of the state purposes ac |