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services and expenses of employment and training programs. Administration shall include program program monitoring, fiscal and program auditing, contract processing, and interest payments on erroneously collected unemployment insurance employer taxes. Preference for all on-the-job training slots shall be given to unemployed and underemployed Vietnam-era veterans.

The comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to loan money to the unemployment insurance interest and penalty fund in accordance with the provisions set forth in section 1 of this act.

If the director of the budget determines that sufficient revenues are not available to support the total appropriation set forth below, the director shall propor

tionally reduce expenditures for all programs in this fund

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services and expenses of the department of labor to operate a model dislocated worker assistance center within the city of Utica in conjunction with the New York State American Federation of of Labor-Congress of Industrial

Organizations (NYSAFL-CIO). Such program shall provide a coordinated array of state and community services for dislocated workers under the department of labor in cooperation with the departments of social services, education, economic development, aging and the NYSAFL-CIO For services and expenses related to the mentoring program through a memorandum of agreement with the urban development corporation For services and expenses of the department of labor and its contractors related to the chamber of commerce onthe-job training program. No more than $124,200 shall be








available for administra-
tion, including fringe bene-
fits ..

For services and expenses of
the department of labor and
its contractors related to
the health care worker
training program including,
but not limited to, on-the-
job training, apprenticeship
training, tuition assis-
tance, support services and
supportive education. Moneys
from this appropriation
shall not be available until
a match is provided from
qualified sources as deter-
mined by the commissioner of
labor. The department of
labor is authorized to sub-
allocate all or a portion of
the amount made available
pursuant to this appropria-
tion to the department of
health for this program.
Moneys from this appropria-
tion shall, to the greatest
extent possible, be distrib-
uted on the basis of geo-
graphical diversity with
regard to shortages in
health care workers
For services and expenses of
the department of labor and
the state education depart-
ment related to the adminis-
tration of the youth educa-
tion, employment and train-
ing program for economically
disadvantaged in-school and
out-of-school youth, includ-
ing program monitoring, fis-
cal and program auditing,
program evaluation, and con-
tract processing. No moneys
shall be allocated for ad-
ministration unless the fol-
lowing conditions have been
met: a memorandum of agree-
ment has been signed with
the state education depart-
ment pursuant to the aid to




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For payment according to the following schedule, including liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue:

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services and expenses related to the workers' compensation and disability benefits programs, including an amount not to exceed $200,000 for prior year expenses, in accordance with the following schedule:



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