For services and expenses of employment and training programs. Administration shall include program program monitoring, fiscal and program auditing, contract processing, and interest payments on erroneously collected unemployment insurance employer taxes. Preference for all on-the-job training slots shall be given to unemployed and underemployed Vietnam-era veterans. The comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to loan money to the unemployment insurance interest and penalty fund in accordance with the provisions set forth in section 1 of this act. If the director of the budget determines that sufficient revenues are not available to support the total appropriation set forth below, the director shall propor tionally reduce expenditures for all programs in this fund For services and expenses of the department of labor to operate a model dislocated worker assistance center within the city of Utica in conjunction with the New York State American Federation of of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (NYSAFL-CIO). Such program shall provide a coordinated array of state and community services for dislocated workers under the department of labor in cooperation with the departments of social services, education, economic development, aging and the NYSAFL-CIO For services and expenses related to the mentoring program through a memorandum of agreement with the urban development corporation For services and expenses of the department of labor and its contractors related to the chamber of commerce onthe-job training program. No more than $124,200 shall be 2,213,700 3,906,800 1,073,400 500,000 99,000 STATE OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR--Cont. available for administra- For services and expenses of .... 752,000 264,400 |