For services and expenses, including an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 for prior year expenses, in accordance with the following schedule: For restoration of services and expenses EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. Less an amount to be appropriated as an off- ........ (480,000) 25,260,500 Amount appropriated as an offset to the gen- The comptroller is hereby authorized and (99,467,100) 28,129,800 99,467,100 For services and expenses resulting from receipts obtained from a revenue incentive program in the institutional management program. Half of such receipts shall be used to offset institutional management charges from the general fund and half of such receipts shall be available for nonrecurring expenditures in the institutional management program. This appropriation shall take effect upon certification by the commissioner of health that health services account receipts totalling [100,927,300] $103,867,100 have been obtained and are available to offset expenditures incurred by the institutional management program for state fiscal year 1991-92. In determining the amount to be made available to each facility in the institutional management program from this appropriation, consideration shall be given to the proportion of the receipts contributed by each facility to the health services account above the [100,927,300] $103,867,100 which has been appropriated offset to the general fund. Nonrecurring expenditures from receipts in the health services account above the appropriated offset to the general fund of [100,927,300] $103,867,100 shall only be made for purposes requested by the commissioner of health and approved by the director of the budget... 3,000,000 as an Total for agency operations - all funds . [362,914,800] 371,755,120 DEPARTMENT OF LAW For payment according to the following schedule, including the payment of not more than $100,000 for obligations incurred prior to April 1, 1991: EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. |