The amount of tonnage that can be carried over your road in Iowa exclusive Chicago & Council Bluffs Division, weight of engine 42 tons, 216 tons. Dubuque Division (narrow-gauge branches), weight of engine 16 tons, 70 tons. Sioux City & Dakota Division, weight of engine 29 tons, 240 tons. Iowa & Minnesota Division, weight of engine 42 tons, 180 tons. Average number of cars in passenger trains.. Average weight of passenger trains, exclusive of passengers, tons Average number of cars in freight trains. Average weight of freight trains, exclusive of freight, tons ........... .................... Total passenger mileage, or passengers carried one mile........... Average distance traveled by each passenger, miles Average amount received from each passenger, cents Highest rate of fare per mile for any distance, cents............ Lowest rate of fare per mile for any distance, cents.............. FREIGHT TRAFFIC. Number of tons of through freight carried Total tons of freight carried... Total mileage of through freight (tons carried one mile) ..... Total freight mileage, or tons carried one mile........... 6,578,959 10,407,959 4,209,525 1,251,521 22,447,964 4 108 16 176 187,567 5,496,382 1,585,373,568 ' Average rate per ton per mile received for through freight, cents......... 0.81 1.17 1.14 Percentage of freight originating at, and carried to stations in Iowa, as com pared with total freight carried in Iowa. (This should not include .. We have no records which would enable us to answer the last two questions. CAR MILEAGE. Number of miles run by loaded freight cars east and south. Total freight car mileage... • 229,231,609 Percentage of empty freight cars hauled east and south to all freight cars 31 Percentage of empty freight cars hauled west and north to all freight cars 22 TONNAGE CROSSING THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER BRIDGE AT SABULA, IOWA, FOR THE TONNAGE CROSSING THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER BRIDGE AT MCGREGOR, IOWA, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1887. TONNAGE OF ARTICLES FORWARDED WITHIN THE STATE OF IOWA. What express companies run on your road, and on what terms, and what conditions as to rates, etc.; what kind of business is done by them, and do you take their freights at the depot, or at the office of such express company? The American Express Company and United States Express Company, doing a general express business. Freights taken from express companies at depots. SLEEPING-CARS. Do sleeping, parlor or dining-cars run on your road, and if so, on what terms do they run, by whom are they owned, and what charges are made in addition to regular passenger rates? Sleeping cars are run by the Pullman Palace Car Company, which makes its own regular charges for accommodations therein. Dining cars are run by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company; rates 75 cents per meal. Parlor cars are run by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company; rates are from 25 cents to 50 cents, according to distance traveled. UNITED STATES MAIL IN IOWA. What is the compensation paid you by the United States Government for the transportation of its mails on your road in Iowa, and on what terms of service? The rate of pay for transporting the United States mails is not permanently fixed. The mails are weighed for periods fixed by the Post-Office Department and upon the results of the weighing the rate of compensation is based. What amount have you paid for receiving and delivering mail to and from stations on your road in Iowa? $2,481.50. TELEGRAPH. How many miles of telegraph are owned by your company in Iowa? 481.30. What other company, if any, owns a line of telegraph on your right of way in Iowa, and how many miles do each own? Western Union Telegraph Company, 1,017.74. LANDS-CONGRESSIONAL GRANT. State number of acres of land your company has already received from the State the number of acres yet to inure to your company from Congressional State the average price at which these lands have been sold or contracted by the company (about).... State the number of acres sold. State the amount received from sales ........ ..... • 1,948,730.72 ..... State the gross amount received from sales, contracts, forfeited contracts, etc., up to June 30, 1887...... State the amount expended in sale and management of lands ......... .. 29,461.88 State the amount realized from the sale of lands above the expenses incurred in the management and taxes. 1,584,674.87 Including amounts due on contracts and after deducting $202,274.72 for breaking credits allowed. CAUSE OF ACCIDENT AND CHARACTER OF INJURY. REPORT OF ACCIDENTS FOR IOWA DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1887. Thrown off hand car; two ribs broken and back injured. Walked off train; killed. Attempting to board moving train; hands crushed. Sitting under car and run over; leg cut off. Hewing timber with adze; knee cut. Unloading ties; three fingers jammed. Fell off engine; wrist fractured. Stone thrown by unknown person; cords and muscles of leg torn. Lying on track drunk; killed. Coupling cars; finger cut off. Finger cut in roll machine; index finger crushed. Stepped on piece of coal; leg fractured. Collision; head and side injured. Slipped off top of train; back and legs bruised. |