LANDS-CONGRESSIONAL GRANT. State the number of acres of land your company has already received from the Congressional grants.......... State the number of acres yet to inure to your company from Congressional State the gross amount received from sales, contracts, forfeited contracts, etc., up to June 30, 1886........ State the amount expended in sale and management of lands.. .... • • State the amount realized from the sale of lands above the expenses incurred in the management and taxes.... 550,193.51 8.68 533,873.58 4,038,238.33 623,366.87 5,010,961.97 263,856.73 599,818.73 4,147,286.51 DATE. REPORT OF ACCIDENTS FOR IOWA DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1886. 3 James Nolan, passenger........ July 4 W. Mahony, citizen. July July 20 F. Morley, citizen. July August 18 W. Munday, citizen. August 31 W. S. Hull, citizen. August 31 J. Woodcock, citizen. September 2 C. Dickey, employe....... September 10 T. S. Byrley, passenger... October 9H. Vogle, boy..... October 17 J. A. Jenks, employe. October 22 J. E. Mears, employe. October 24 John Miller, employe.. October 26 Geo. Merrick, employe.. Coupling; loss of finger. Coupling; loss of finger. Boarding train; loss of foot. Coupling cars; loss of finger. Number of casualties purely accidental during the entire year............ Number of tramps or others stealing rides killed or injured........ 22 20 Uncertain. Uncertain. Suicides in Iowa......... OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY, WITH LOCATION OF OFFICES. President R. R. Cable, Chicago, Illinois. Vice-Presidents-David Dows, New York; A. Kimball, Chicago, Illinois. Secretary and Treasurer-W. G. Purdy, Chicago, Illinois. General Manager--R. R. Cable, Chicago, Illinois. Assistant General Manager-E. St. John, Chicago, Illinois. General Superintendent-H. F. Royce, Chicago, Illinois. Division Superintendents-R. H. Chamberlin, Chicago, Ills.; John Givin, Des Moines; G. F. Walker, Trenton, Missouri. Superintendent of Telegraph-A. R. Swift, Chicago, Illinois. Auditor-F. W. Porter, Chicago, Illinois. General Passenger Agent-E. A. Holbrook, Chicago, Illinois. General Freight Agent-W. M. Sage, Chicago, Illinois. General Solicitor-T. F. Withrow, Chicago, Illinois. ! : DIRECTORS, NAME AND POST-OFFICE ADDRESS. David Dows, New York. George G. Wright, Des Moines. Date of annual meeting of stockholders, first Wednesday in June, each year. Fiscal year of company ends March 31st. General offices of the company are located at Chicago, Illinois. R. R. Cable, President, and W. G. Purdy, Secretary, of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company, being duly sworn, depose and say that they have caused the foregoing statements to be prepared by the proper officers and agents of this company, and, having carefully examined the same, declare them to be a true, full and correct statement of the condition and affairs of said company on the thirtieth day of June, A. D. 1886, to the best of their knowledge and belief. [L. S. OF R. R] (Signed,) R. R. CABLE. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th day of September, A. D. 1886. [L. S.] BARCLAY W. PERKINS, |