Amount issued, number of shares —; amount paid in....................... $ 76,386,025.00 76,386,025.00 Total number of stockholders, about 10,000; constantly changing. NOTE.-By sale and consolidation, the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad company's road, property and franchises have been merged with those of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, the managers of which have not the information necessary for answering many of the questions asked in this book. Most of the accounts of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company were destroyed by fire in 1872. All items charged to construction not enumerated above.......$ 87,696,475.78 36,010,366.56 Total expended for construction........ $ 123,706,842.34 Average cost of construction per mile of road [3,702.772 miles].$ 83,409.27 COST OF EQUIPMENT. (Cannot give details.) Total for equipment... Average cost of equipment per mile of road operated by company [3,702.762 miles]....... 5,434.60 Total cost of road and equipment....... $ 143,829,941.96 Average cost of road and equipment per mile [3,702.772 miles]..$ 38,813.87 20,123,099.62 PROPERTY ACCOUNTS. CHARGES AND CREDITS BY WHICH THE CAPITAL AND DEBT HAVE BEEN INCREASED Passenger and freight stations, coal sheds, and water stations.............. 16,476.28 Machine shops, including machinery and tools..... 8,917.50 Engineering, agencies, salaries, and other expenses during construction.... 10,054.28 The equipment account is for the whole line, and includes amounts expended on rolling stock not finished at end of year. Total expenditures charged to property accounts. Net addition to property account for the year... Total earnings, freight department....... Total transportation earnings..................... Earnings per train mile run, from all trains earning revenue [4,720,017 miles]................. Earnings per mile of road operated [903,494 miles]. Proportion of earnings for Iowa................ All in Iowa. Rents received for use of road, and miscellaneous.. Total earnings from all sources... Proportion of earnings for Iowa...... .All in Iowa. € 1,366,833.19 222,213.68 的 729,024.24 1,202,052.82 EXPENSES OF OPERATING THE ROAD FOR THE YEAR-IN IOWA. CLASS 1.—MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND BUILDINGS (CHARGED TO OPERATING EXPENSES.) Operating expenses and taxes per mile of road, operated 903.494 miles 4,763.72 Operating expenses and taxes per train mile run, for trains earning revenue, 4,720,017 miles, cents...... 0.91 Cannot divide the following items: Proportion of operating expenses and taxes for Iowa... Expenses of running and management of passenger trains... Expenses of running and management of all trains earning revenue Total operating expenses and taxes........ Net income above operating expenses and taxes.. Net income above operating expenses, taxes, interest and rental SURPLUS. The amount invested in railroad bonds, the number of bonds, and the par value of each, the name of each road, and the amount invested in bonds of each: 7,203,963.64 4,303,992.33 2,899,971.31 2,899,971.31 In the hands of the trustees of the Iowa land grant mortgage-sundry securities and cash awaiting investment In the hands of the trustees of the Iowa mortgage to secure 5 per cent bonds of 1895-sundry securities and cash awaiting investment... In the hands of the trustees of the Iowa mortgage to secure 4 and 5 per cent bonds of 1919-sundry securities and cash awaiting investment 5,770,965.78 191,163.71 991,820.29 |