ROAD AND BRANCHES BELONGING TO OTHER COMPANIES OPERATED BY THIS COMPANY UNDER LEASE OR CONTRACT. Name, description and length of each : .. Central Iowa Railway, from Manly Junction to Northwood (main line).. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway, from State line to Albert Lea (main line) 11.39 12.57 Iowa City & Western Railway, from Iowa City to What Cheer and Montezuma. 73.02 ... son Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls & Northwestern Railway, from Holland to Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls & Northwestern Railway, from Dows to Madi Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls & Northwestern Railway, from Lake Park to Cedar Rapids & Clinton Railway, from Iowa City to Clinton..... Total length of above roads in Iowa Total length of above roads in other States : Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway, from State line to Albert Lea......... 181.51 41.07 164,12 81.60 ... 23.30 588.58 • 12.57 13.41 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls & Northwestern Railway, from Iowa State line to territorial line Dakota (Minn.)..... 55.48 81.46 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls & Northwestern Railway, from territorial line to Watertown, Dakota. 72.87 If any part of the road was first opened for operation during the past year, state the date... Number of persons regularly employed on all roads operated by this company (average) 2,277 Same in Iowa (average).... 2,040 Amount paid employes, including officials, on all roads operated by this 1,184 73,618 Amount of timber used in renewals of wooden bridges during the year (feet B. M.) .... Amount of trestle work replaced with earth during the year Give the average number of years the trestle and pile bridges last on your road in Iowa...... Give the average number of years that wooden truss bridges last on your road in Iowa....... .... 394.11 86 480.11 7 8 ROAD-BED AND TRACK. Number of track sections in Iowa... Average length of sections, miles........ Average number of men in each section gang............. ... Number of new ties laid in track during the year in Iowa........... Average number of new ties per mile of road New rails laid in track during the year in Iowa-Iron ......... .. 139 6 51⁄2 210,068 None. 27.66 New rails laid in track during the year in Iowa-steel [tons, 26,085], miles... What is the average number of years that iron rails last in your track on main line in Iowa? From 3 to 4 years. What is the average number of years that iron rails last in your track on branches in Iowa? From 4 to 8 years. What is the average number of years that steel rails last in your track on What is the average number of years that ties last in your track in Iowa? 542,127 1,063 • CROSSINGS IN IOWA. What railroad crosses your road at grade, and at what locality? Minneapolis & St. Louis, at Livermore. Central Iowa, at Morning Sun, Abbott and Belmond. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, at Columbus Junction and West Liberty. Chicago & Northwestern, at Cedar Rapids and Goldfield. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, at Cedar Rapids, Nora Junction, Plymouth Junction, Noel, Dixon, Webster, Donnan, Ossian, Emmetsburg, Garner, Sibley, and two miles from Emmetsburg. Illinois Central, at Cedar Falls, Independence and Iowa Falls. Dubuque & Dakota, at Clarksville. Wisconsin, Iowa & Nebraska, now the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City, at Cedar Falls and Reinbeck. What railroads cross your road, either over or under, and at what locality? Chicago & Northwestern, Nassau, overhead, Iowa City Division. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, at Iowa City, underhead, Iowa City Division. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, at Linn, underhead, main line division. Number of highway crossings at grade..... Number of highway crossings at which there are flagmen Number of highway crossings over railroad.. ........ 915 5 3 43.06 How many miles of new fencing have you built during the year (double fence) .... Give the number of miles needed on both sides of your track in each county in Iowa (this year): Hancock county...... None. 5.00 2.75 15.75 10.12 ..... ... ... 12.75 .. 1.75 7.88 12.61 • 16.36 3.72 23.77 8.25 23.68 1.21 2.54 1.05 11.66 2.6 22.67 .. 7.19 Total miles...... ........... None. None. None. 193.31 Number of other cars [way cars, 61; derrick and pile driver, 5].. Number of passenger cars equipped with Miller platform and buffer 34 250 ייייייייייי וייוי Total passenger mileage, or passengers carried one mile........... ... ........... .... ... ........ ... ....... 2 367-1000 Total mileage of through freight (tons carried one mile)......... Total freight mileage, or tons carried one mile.... Average rate per ton per mile received for through freight; average rate Average cost per ton per mile to move freight, cents CAR MILEAGE. Number of miles run by loaded freight cars east and south Number of miles run by empty freight cars east and south............ ...... Total freight car mileage .... 26,209,376 Percentage of empty freight cars hauled east and south to all freight cars hauled east and south.... 26 566-1000 Percentage of empty freight cars hauled west and north to all freight cars hauled west and north 19 915-1000 SPEED OF TRAINS IN IOWA. Rate of speed of passenger trains, including stops, miles (average)........... Grain........ TONNAGE OF ARTICLES TRANSPORTED. .. Manufactures-articles shipped from point of production.... Total tons carried.... * NOTE.-Acting upon the remarks made on page 21 of your report ending June 30, 1885, we have added, in addition to the expense directly charged to freight traffic, a corresponding proportion of the maintenance of way and all other expenditures, which items were left out in previous years. |