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obliged to lie down in her bottom, as in any other fituation fhe would have been top-heavy.

7. About three this morning a fire was discovered in the lower apartinents of the house lately oc cupied by the chamberlain, which is fuppofed to have begun in the rooms preparing for an office for the city furveyor. The wind being very high, and the flames increafing with amazing rapidity, foon deftroyed the chamberlain's-office (with the books in which were regiftered the admiflions of freemen), and greatly damaged the houfe adjoining; but by the timely afliftance of the comptroller and folicitor, with the carpenter to the fun fire-office, the city maral, with the military affociation, and the extraordinary exertions of the engineers and fire-men, the adjoining parts of Guildhall received very little damage, and the other offices and their contents were all faved.

archbishop of Seville, at the extraordinary age of 110 years, 8 months, and 14 days, in the full enjoyment of every faculty except ftrength and quickness of hearing. He used to tell his friends, when asked what regimen he observed, "By being old when I was young, I find myfelf young now I am old. I led a fober, ftudious, but not a lazy or fedentary life. My diet was fparing, though delicate; my li quors the bell wines of Xerez and La Mancha, of which I never exceeded a pint at any meal, except in cold weather, when I allowed myself a third more. I rode or walked every day, except in rainy weather, when I exercifed for a couple of hours. So far I took care for the body; and as to the mind, I endeavour to preferve it in due temper by a fcrupulous obedience to the divine commands, and keeping a confcience void of offence towards God and man. By thefe innocent means I have arrived at the age of a patriarch with lefs injury to my health and conftitution than many experience at forty. I am now, like the ripe corn, ready for the fickle of death, and, by the mercy of my Redeemer, have

13. On Friday were tried before ford Mansfield, in the Court of King's Bench, thirteen debtors confined in the faid prifon, who had been committed to the New Gaol, for attempting, in the morning of the 14th of August laft, tftrong hopes of being tranflated into blow up the walls of their prifon.

The indictment was laid against them for a confpiracy and mifdemeanour. They were all found guilty, and this day received fentence the four ringleaders to be confined in Newgate three years, three of whom are to find fecurity for the fame term, after the expiration of their imprisonment; fix to be confined in Surrey Bridewell for two years; and three in the Houfe of Correction for the fame term, and to find fecurity for their good behaviour for two years.

28. The foreign prints mention the death of the cardinal de Solis,

his garner."-"Glorious old age!"" faid the king of Spain. "Would to heaven he had appointed a fucceflor; for the people of Seville have been fe long ufed to excellence, they will never be fatisfied with the best prelate I can fend them." The cardinal was of a noble houfe in the province of Andalufa, and the laft furviving fon of Don Antonio de Solis, hiftoriographer to Philip IV. and author of the Conquest of Mexico.

Rome, Feb. 17. The earl of Bristol (bifhop of Londonderry) a virtuofo and a liberal encourager of the fine arts, being a few days ago

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at the Villa Medicis, to examine the paintings exhibited there, was ftruck with the works of Mr. Berger, a young pupil, native of Savoy. The English nobleman particularly admired his print of Epaminondas drawing the fpear from his bowels: he immediately enquired for the author of it, purchafed all his pictures at the price he fet upon them, made him a prefent belides of 600 livres tournois, and fettled a penfion of 50l. per annum, during his life, on condition that he fhall yearly furnifh him with a picture, which his genius may fuggeft to him, and for which his benefactor will pay him, independent of his faid penfion.


1. The king of Sweden has prohibited the ufe of the torture in his dominions, as inimical to juf tice, and the interefls of humanity. The edict bears date Nov. 22, 1785, although not publifhed before February 1786.

6. Some villains broke into Burleigh houfe, near Stamford, the feat of the earl of Exeter, and flole from out of the jewel clotet a gold bafon and plate, and a variety of other curious articles to a very large amount. Many of the articles are invaluable to the noble owner, being family pieces, handed down from his ancellors, the famous treafurer Burleigh, &c. particularly the fpoon which was used at the coronation of queen Elizabeth; a number of miniature paintings (one of Oliver Cromwell, and feveral of the Cecil family); fome efteemed antique pieces, thells, pearls, &c.

Dublin, Feb. 2;. Letters from Castlebar, in the county of Mayo, by yesterday's poft, bring the following particulars of a moft fhock ing murder. A difference had for


fome time fubfifted between George Robert Fitzgerald, and Patrick Randal M'Donald, efqrs. Mr. M'Donald kept much on his guard, as he received many informations, that feveral parties of Fitzgerald's men were looking out for him with an avowed determination to destroy him. In the evening of the 21t of February laft, Mr. M'Donald went, for greater fecurity to the houfe of Mr. Martin, in the neighbourhood of Castlebar, in company with Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Hipfon. They had been there but a few minutes, when the house was furrounded by a party of armed men, who inftantly broke in, bound Mr. McDonald, Mr. Gallagher, and Mr. Hipfon, and immediately carried them off to the house of Rockfield, where Fitzgerald, then was. After a fhort lay an armed party led out the unfortunate gentlemen into the park. In a few feconds a platoon was fired, and laid Mr. Hipfon dead on the spot. Mr. M'Donald, and Mr. Gallagher were ordered to go about 50 yards farther, when a fecond platoon was fired. Mr. M‘Donald inflantly fell dead, upwards of 50 flugs paling into his body. Mr. Gallagher re ceived alfo feveral flugs, but was not mortally wounded. However, he thought it prudent, after taggering a few yards, to fall and appear motionlefs, in order to deceive the murderers. In this wounded ftate they brought him back to Fitzgerald's houfe, where they had returned but a few minutes, when the houfe was furrounded by the army from Castlebar, many of the volunteers, gentiemen, and crowds of people from that town and neighbourhood. They fpeedily got into the houfe, delivered Mr. Gallagher in a molt critical moment, icized feveral of the murderers, and after

Oftend, Feb. 25. The Dutch East India company feems now at its last gafp. The miffive they have prefented to the states of Holland, is a full proof of it. It is as follows:

a long fearch found Fitzgerald at our affizes, for a remarkable locked up in a large cheft, and hid robbery, in the dwelling-house of under two blankets. He and feve- Agnes Bennet, the Three Rabbits, ral of his people were immediately between Ilford and Stratford; the conducted to Caftlebar, and fafely having ftolen thereout cash and lodged in the gaol. The fame bank notes, to the amount of 12501. evening a party of armed men the property of John Wrigglef broke into the gaol, fired feveral worth. It appeared that this wofhot at Mr. Fitzgerald, and much man committed the robbery in the wounded him. following extraordinary manner. She difguifed herself in men's apparel, and came to the above public houfe, enquiring for lodging, pretending to be going to town. Being told that he could have one, the ingratiated herself into the company of Mr. Wrigglesworth, who is a capital grafier, of Gosfield, in this county, and was going to Smithfield market next morning, to whom he affumed the character of a horfe-dealer. In the course of converfation fhe contrived to difcover the contents of Mr. Wrigglesworth's canvafs bag. After fupper, each retired to a feparate room, and early in the moraing the borfe-dealer opened the chamber door of Mr. Wrigglefworth, whom he caught afleep, and taking his breeches from under his head, went off with the fum above mentioned.

"Noble, great, and powerful Lords, "Being under the neceflity of laying before your great mightineffes our want of money, we think it our indifpenfable duty to inform your mightineffes that this want has come to fuch extremity, that if we do not obtain fome affistance we fhall be obliged to stop payment in a month's time.

"Being defirous to do every thing in our power to prevent the dangerous moment, we think ourselves bound to addrefs their high mightineffes (the ftates general) praying them that they would be pleafed to contribute to the utmost of their power to prevent the fall of the company, and confequently the ruin of our country. Permit us alfo to renew this request to you, and to implore that you will have a difpofition as favourable as ready to comply with our petition of the 17th of January, by which we recommend to you the intereft of a million of people. We pray God, &c."

This petition is figned by the directors and principal proprietors of the East India company at Am


Chelmsford, March 8. The noted Frances Davis was tried this day

The next day fhe paid a vifit to a female acquaintance in Newgate, gave her a guinea, and a pair of filver buckles, and boafted of the exploit: this woman communicat ed the fecret to another perfon, and the confequence was, that Mrs. Davis was, the next day, apprehended in the Borough, with fomething more than yo. 1. on her, the remainder having never been recovered. Pofitively fworn to by Mr. Wrigglefworth and the people of the houfe, although fo difguited, fhe was found guilty, and the judge immediately paffed fentence of death on her, obferving, that from the

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art and addrefs with which the robbery was planned and completed, he did not think it could have been her first offence; indeed he well knew it was not, for she had been the terror of that county for fome years back, and therefore advised her not to flatter herfelf that, in this cafe, her fex could afford her any protection. [She was reprieved before the judge left the town, and after wards tranfported.]

16. This day was held a general court at the bank, when the chairman communicated to the proprietors the following information, viz. That the directors had agreed to prolong the payment of the loan of two millions which had been lent to government, upon condition that the fame fhould be redeemed at half a million per annum. The proprietors approved of the mcafure and it was agreed to. The chairman next proceeded to inform the proprietors, that as the national debt had increafed fo confiderably, the directors had agreed with the minifter to undertake the manage ment of the bufinefs at the rate of 450l. for each million, infiead of 5621. which had hitherto been paid for it. This circumitance made a faving to government of 25,000l. a year. The proprietors approved alfo of this menfure, and it was agreed to.

Hermanftadt, in Tranfilania, Jan. 10. We have here a fresh proof of the degree of perfection to which unfortunate perfons, deprived of fight, can carry the fenfe of feeling. A blind man of this city has employed himself in joinery work, which he executes with fuch art as to aftonish the best workmen ; the latter doubted a long time whether he did it himself, and imagined he only lent his name to fome able workman, who made ufe of this means to dispose of his work

more readily, and to greater advantage, and they made him work under their infpection. The magiftrates on their teftimony have permitted the blind man to continue his work, and difpofe of it for his own advantage..

Rome, Feb. 15. In confequence of a meeting relative to the affair of the cardinal Rohan, the pope unexpectedly called a confiftory on Monday laft, when it was refolved to allow the cardinal fix months to appear here in perfon, or to send a reprefentative to give an account of his arreft; and if he does not clear himself in that time, the pope and the holy college are determined to degrade him from the dignity of cardinal. (See Vol. VI. page 6)

Launcefton, March 28. This day. captain Douglas was tried for the murder of Mr. Walton. (See Vol. VI. page 58.) After a hearing of four hours and a half, the jury retired for a few minutes, and returned with a verdict of manflaughter. Sentence of imprisonment for one year, and a fine of a fhilling, was then paffed on him.

30. An action was tried this month before Mr. justice Buller, at Guildhall, in which lord Loughborough was plaintiff, and John Walter, printer of the Univerfal Regifter, defendant, for a libel in propagating an infamous report, highly injurious to the honour and character of the defendant. The jury gave a verdict for the defendant, with 150l. damages.

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Thames, against Mr. Watson, a fhipwright and wharfinger, at Rotherhithe, for obilructing the navigation by erecting a floating dock. The jury, after five hours deliberation, found the defendant guilty. 2. Letters from Berlin fay, that the king of Pruffia, on the death of colonel Vantrofcke, a very valuable officer, fent the following letters to his widow :

I. The death of colonel Van trofcke, your husband, command. ing the regiment of Old Waldeck, has affected me in a very particular manner. By his death I am deprived of a brave and good officer; fuch was the reputation he enjoyed univerfally, and I know full well how to value the important services he has rendered me. The infignia of the order of Merit which he received from me, and which you return with thanks to me for the favours I had conferred on him, will remain for you and your children everlasting tokens of the wellearned diftinction which he received at my hands. But I fhall not stop here; you may, on the contrary, reft affured, that I certainly will neither forget the widow of fo deferving an officer, nor the children that he has left behind. Let me know, without any referve, the real state of your domeftic concerns at the moment of his death, the number and age of your children. Communicate this matter to me, as to one ever difpofed to give you a proof of his benevolence."

Potfdam, Jan. 21.

In the king's own hand. "P. S. I have honoured your husband, as the model of an excellent officer; but fince, alas! he is no more, I fhall be to his children a father: I mean to do for them and his widow all that a parent could have done; let me have only

the true state of your means, and I engage to do the needful for the fatisfaction of the family."

II. "I fhall between this and next Trinity lay out 20,000 rixdollars in the purchase of an estate for your three children, the whole direction and management of which fhall remain in your hands. You must apply to the ecclefiaftical department, to fee whether there be two vacancies in a nunnery within the county of Cleves, or the province of Weftphalia, for your two young ladies; when marriageable, I fhall take them away, and fettle them in the world.

(Signed) FREDERIC." Edinburgh, March 25. We hear from Perth, that on Tuesday latt, the foundation of a large village to be called Pitcarine Green, was laid by the proprietor, Thomas Graham, efq. of Balgowan.

The ceremony was attended by Mrs. Graham, lady C. Graham, lady Charlotte Erskine, &c. amidit the acclamations of a grateful populace, who were liberally entertained by their beloved landlord. This village, the principal fquare of which will contain about eighty houfes, is to be built in confequence of an extenfive Callico printing field, lately established at Cromwell Park, in its immediate neighbourhood, by Meff. William · Macalpine and Co. who are alfo to erect machinery for the fpinning of cotton.

4. The following dreadful accident happened lately at Brodiehoufe, near Forres, in North-Britain: lady Margaret Brodie, fifter to the earl of Fife, after spending a cheerful evening, retired about 11 o'clock to her bed-chamber, where one of her five children (a daughter nine years old) was in bed, being her conftant bedfellow. It is fup


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