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were kept continually in the fer vice, either upon full or half-pay, and were raised to full, or reduced to half-pay, in confequence of or ders from the board to the contractor: he was fupplied with forage for his horfes from the king's magazines, at 6d. the ration; and for every horfe killed or taken by the enemy, he was to be paid 10l. By a contract with Mr. Samuel Tewkefbury, in the year 1782, the full pay for a horfe was reduced to 1s. old. a day; and the contractor was to pay for a ration the price paid by government, which was 10d.; and he was bound to find jackets, caps, and feveral other articles, for the horses and drivers, which were in the former contract found by government. The total expence to the public for this fervice, from the year 7-8 to the year 1783, appears, by an account from the ordnance, to have been 233,3851. 18s. 4d.

The check upon the performance of this service is intrufted to the commiffary of hore. The contractor paffes, in the office of the furveyor-general, a monthly account, containing the number of horfes, conductors, and drivers, upon full and half-pay during that month, with the fums due to him for the hire this account is certi fied by the commiffary of horfe; and the furveyor-general relies upon that certificate for the truth of the


Bricks were provided for the works at Chatham, in confequence of an advertisement, at one guinea per thoufand for the bricks, and 3s. for the carriage.

Timber has been fupplied, and carpenters work done, for the fervice of the ordnance, either by contract pursuant to advertisements, or under the fignification of the

mafter-general. The performance of the contract for bricks was fuperintended and checked by the principal engineer, and other offi cers belonging to that corps; and in every district where timber was delivered, or carpenter's work done, an officer was appointed by the board to examine into the goodness of the materials, and the execution of the work; and upon the certifi cate of thefe officers the demands of the contractors are allowed.

A forti cation is erected by the commanding engineer, purfuant to an order from the mafter-general, for carrying a project into execu tion according to an approved plan and eftimate the commanding engineer forms the estimate for the different fpecies of work by the established prices in the office. Since October laft, propofals have been delivered to the board, in confequence of advertisements, for fupplying timber and materials, and executing different fpecies of work in the building branch, at a lower rate than the old established prices in the office; the proposals for the carpenters and bricklayers work at Plymouth, being at reduced prices, have been agreed to by the board: the propofals for carpenters work at the Tower, and in the Medway and Cinque Port divifions, are agreed to, but with a deduction of two and one quarter per cent. from the propofed prices in the Tower divifion: thofe for the Portsmouth divifion are not yet fettled.

Thefe works are executed part by contract, part by day-labour; but no part is executed, and no materials provided, without the exé prefs direction, in writing, of the mafier-general, or the board. The commanding engineer makes the contracts for the different work, upon fuch terms as have been ap (L 2)


proved of by the board the labourers he procures himself, and fettles their wages, either according to the ufual price of labour in that country, or at fuch a rate as he can agree for; if foldiers are employed, the commander in chief regulates their pay the fubaltern engineers and overfeers fuperintend the execution. That part performed by contract is paid for by meafure the engineer or overfeer appointed to fuperintend it, makes his report every week to the commanding engineer, of the progrefs of the work; and every three months, or oftener, the engineer and overfeer, in conjunction with a perfon on the part of the contractor, measure the work, and fign the measurement; from whence is formed the bill, which contains the fpecies and quantity of the work, and the fums due to the feveral artificers: this bill, being figned by the commanding engineer, and certified by the fubaltern engineers and overfeers, is tranfmitted to the furveyor-general, as the ground for the payment to the contractor.

Labour is paid by the day, and the fame officers make a report every day to the commanding en gineer of the progrefs of the work, fpecifying the materials expended, and the perfons employed; and from hence are formed the monthly pay lifts; which being certified by two or more engineers or overfeers, are a ground for the order of the commanding engineer to the storekeeper for payment.

From an account of the fums that have been expended in the fortifications at Chatham, Portfmouth, and Plymouth, from the beginning of the year 1770 to the end of the year 1783, it appears, that the expence to the public, for the works at Chatham, has been

144,009l. 15s. for thofe at Portf mouth, 297,9031. 8s. and for thofe at Plymouth, 128, 1781. 14s. 6d. together, 570,0911. 175. 6d. and from an extract of an estimate of the whole expence which will probably be incurred in completing the works therein mentioned, pre fented to the house of commons, and tranfmitted to us by the furveyor-general, it appears, that the fum required this year for repairs, in the three diviñons of Portf mouth, Plymouth and Chatham, amounts to 68,co81. and that the expence to the public in completing certain of the works at Portfmouth, will amount to above 183,000l. and, to render both Portfmouth and Plymouth complete, will require 4 or 500,000l.

Gunpowder is manufactured by feveral perfons, under contracts with the board of ordnance; the manufactory of Feverfham, which belongs to government, not being able to furnish them with near the quantity they want. The board fupply the contractor with faltpetre. The India company engage by their charter to provide for government 500 tons every year, if demanded, at 531. per ton in time of war, and 451. per ton in time of peace: the contractor engages, at the price of 11. 75. 6d. per barrel for workmanfhip, to work 80lb. of doublerefined faltpeare into a barrel of gunpowder of 100lb. neat weight, to hold and undergo the usual proof and furvey. Before any gunpowder ufed by government is received into the magazines, it undergoes, by order of the board, a proof at Purfleet. The only established mode of proof was, by raifing a given weight in a frame, called a vertical eprouvette, by a given quantity of powder; but by a course of experiments lately made, by or


was formerly intrufted to officers in
the civil department of the ord
nance; the furveyor-general, with
other civil officers, were prefent at
the first day's proof; the board at-
tended the fecond day: but by his
majesty's warrant, dated the 24th
of January 1783, this duty is tranf-
ferred to the officers of the ar
tillery; it is now executed by the
inspector of artilley, with the affift-
ant-inspector, and proof-master.

der of the then master-general, with
mortars, this mode has been found
not to be a certain proof of the
ftrength and goodness of the pow-
der; for a powder, that with 2
drachms would raise the vertical
eprouvette 4 inches and, would,
with 3lb. range a fhell from a 13
inch mortar 1103 yards only;
when another powder, that with
the fame quantities would raise the
eprouvette only 1 inch and,
would range the fhell, 1112 yards:
the report upon thefe experiments
is now under the confideration of
the board of ordnance. The offi-
cers employed in making and fuper-
intending this proof are, the con-
troller of the kings laboratory at
Woolwich (or, in his abfence, the
deputy) the chief fire-mafter, the
affitant fire-mafter, the ftore-keeper,
the clerk of the furvey, and the
clerk of the check at Purfleet.
After every proof, a report of the
quantity and state of the powder
proved, figned by the controller,
the two fire-masters, and the ftore-
keeper, is made to the mafter.
general and the board; who, in
confequence of that report, direct
what powder fhall be received as fer-
viceable into the king's magazines.
The ordnance are either of brafs
or iron.
All the brafs ordnance
are caft in the royal foundry at
Woolwich. The iron are caft by
contract, at foundries in different
parts of the kingdom, and are de-
livered to the ftore-keeper at Wool- From the information we have
wich the contractor is bound to thus collected, relative to the con-
caft them, agreeably to moulds tract and execution, it appears that
fent to him by the board, at 181. a the fecurity to the public, for the
ton, fubject to fuch furvey and faithful performance of the impor
proof as the board fhall direct; tant fervice of the ordnance, refts
and if a concealed defect in any one upon the knowledge, attention, and
gun is difcovered, all the guns be- integrity with which the contracts
longing to that contractor, laid are made, and the ability, dili-
down for a proof at that time, are gence, and fidelity which fuper-
rejected. Superintending the proof intend and guard the execution.

Every gun undergoes first an
examination, and then a proof.
The examination is performed with
inftruments calculated to discover
errors in the form and pofition of
the bore, and to afcertain whether
the construction is agreeable, in
every refpect, to the mould fent as
a pattern to the gun-founder. The
proof is, firft, two days with gun-
powder, and a fearch after each
firing; then by forcing water into
the bore; and laftly, by an in-
fpection of the inward furface,
effected by throwing into it a quan-
tity of light, by means of a mirror,
which frequently discovers conceal-
ed defects, that escape every other
examination and proof. If the
gun ftands these examinations and
proofs, to a degree fufficient in the
judgment of the infpector, it is
received into his majesty's ftores,
upon a report to the board, figned
by the infpector of artillery, the
affiant-inspector, and the proof-


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The payments are made either by the treafu er, or by certain officers intrufted with money to difcharge particular fervices. There are two modes of payment by the treasurer, the one upon quarter books, the other by debenture. The quarter-books are made out by the clerk of the ordnance, from the establishments and inftruments of appointment depofited in his office; and contain the names of the officers, and the falaries, allowanccs, or wages, annexed to the offices, or expreffed in the appointments: thefe quarter-books, having been figned by three boardofficers, are transmitted every quarter to the treasurer for payment.The debentures are formed by the fame officer, from bills fent to him by the furveyor-general. Every demand upon the ordnance is examined and compared with the vouchers in the office of the furveyor general, and muft receive his allow arce, he then reduces it into the form of a bill, and fends it to the clerk of the ordnance, who from thence makes out the debenture, procures to it the fignature of the board-officers, and delivers it to the perfon entitled; and when ordere by the board for payment, it is difcharged by the treasurer.

that is in which the fervices are performed; and as many of those claffes taking them in courfe, next the month last paid, are ordered for payment, as the ftate of the cash will allow. Upon every contract it is understood that the payment of the demands grounded upon it fall be in courfe, unless it is exprefsly ftipulated that they fhall be made with ready money. As the debentures are distinguished, so are the orders for payment; the ready money debentures are directed to be paid by letters of payment; the debentures in courfe, by lifts. The clerk of the ordnance lays before every board a state of the cafh, with an account which of the ready mo. ney debentures require payment, and what fums fhould be advanced on account; and if the cafh be fufficient, he likewife produces to them an account of the amount of the debentures made out in course, for as many months next fucceeding the month last paid, as the cash will discharge. The board having ordered for payment fuch of the ready money debentures as they judge expedient; the clerk of the ordnance prepares and fends to the board the official letters: each of them contains the date of the debenture it orders him to difcharge, The debentures are of two kinds the fum, and the person to whom -ready money-and in courfe. payable and must be figned by This diftinction is grounded upon the clerk of the ordnance, and two the time when the holder becomes more of the board-officers. The entitled to receive his money; that board having likewife determined time is either expreffed or implied the numbers of months they intend in the contract. The ready money to pay of the debentures in course, debenture is to be paid as foon as always taking the months in regu it can be made out, or as foon after lar fucceffion, the clerk of the ordas the board have money to pay it. nance makes out a list of those de For the debentures in courfe there bentures: this lift must be figned is no limited time of payment: by three board-officers, and is rewhen the board are fupplied with tained in the office. A copy of it, money for this fervice, thefe de figned by him alone, is fent to the bentures are claffed according to treasurer. Public notice is given the months in which they bear date, when money is odered for the pay


ment of debentures in course; and a list of all the debentures of both kinds, that are in courfe of pay ments, is hung up in the hall of the office of ordnance. The other officers intruded with the payment of money are the meffenger to the board the paymafter to the artillery-the commiffary and the paymatter to the train of artillery ferving abroad-and, the ftorekeeper at an out-port or garrifon.

Mr. John Daniel Lauzun, the meffenger to the board, gave us an account of the payments made by him. This officer is employed to pay the wages of the furbishers, artificers, and labourers at the Tower, the land and window tax for the Tower, the ftoppages of artificers belonging to the train of artillery ferving abroad, and fome other fmall expences of courfe, together with whatever other articles he receives the particular orders of the boatd to discharge. Upon appli. cation to them, and laying before them the state of his call, they direct money to be imprested to him for thefe purposes. The bills for the furbishers, artificers, and labours, are paid every month; and each bill has the fignature of fome particular officers, on whom the board rely for the truth of the articles contained in it. Every fix months, the accounts of the meffenger are paffed by the furveyor-general, and his imprefts vacated.

Richard Bethel Cox, efq. who has been employed in the office of the late paymaster of the artillery, gave us information relative to the bufinefs tranfacted in that department. The paymaster of the artillery pays the monthly fubfidence of the corps of artillery at home, and in the Mediterranean, and defrays the contingent expences of that corps, pursuant to the orders

of the board of ordnance, who iffues fums to him from time to time, on account, for thefe purposes. The fubfiftence and contingencies of the artillery serving in America, and the West Indies, are paid by paymasters refident there, and appoint ed by the board to that fervice thofe in Canada obtain the fums they want by drawing upon the paymaster at home; the reft either draw upon the board of ordnance, or receive their money by remittances from contractors: but all thefe fums, by whatever means they obtain them, are charged to the account of the paymaster at home; for he is paymaster of the whole corps of artillery; and, therefore, he examines and paffes the accounts of thofe paymafters abroad, as far as relates to the fubfiftence and contingencies, and paffes himself the accounts of the whole corps in the office of the furveyor-generalThis office having been executed by two perfons, we required from them an account of the public money remaining in their hands, cuftody or power, as paymafters to the royal artillery. The account returned to us is dated the 31st of March 1784, and fates to be due to them from the board, a balance of 15,056. Ics. 114d.: this balance conlifts of an iffued fubfift ence advanced by them, and fums due to them for agency and falaries. The fubfiftence inued by the board to the paymatter is computed upon the establishment at home, and in the Mediterranean; but there are others of the corps for whom he is obliged to iffue fubfience; fuch as foldiers doing duty at home, but belonging to the companies a broad, and fupernumeraries mul tered with the companies at home, but defigned to recruit the companies abroad; for thefe the borad (L4)


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