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To Hon. S. J. Kirkwood, Governor of Iowa:

I hereby submit my final Report as Commissioner of the Blind Asylum Building, at Vinton:

At the date of my Report of Nov. 25th, 1861, the contract for enclosing the Asylum Building had been fulfilled, with the exception of building the partition walls in the third story, and this had not been done, owing to the failure of the party who had contracted to furnish the brick to the State, to fulfill his agreement. This contract (with Mr. Erwin) for the furnishing of brick, was made by the former Commissioners, and the contractor had, as shown in my former report, been overpaid considerably, and I was unable to get all the brick until in October, 1862, thereby delaying the completion of the building, as it had delayed its enclosing the fall before.

As soon as I received notice of the passage of the act making an appropriation to complete the Asylum Building, I notified Messrs. Finkbine & Lovelace, the contractors, who commenced work on the 19th of April, and completed the same on the 28th of November following. Although the building was not finally completed until the last of November, it was so far finished as to admit the school in the early part of October. The contractors have completed their work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and within the time required. For a statement of the accounts between the State and myself; between the State and the contractors, and the condition of the uncollected notes, your attention is called to the annexed Exhibits. The notes shown in Exhibit "A" are a part of the original subscription notes, taken by the former Commissioners, to secure to the State the $5,000 which the citizens were to raise to secure the location at Vinton. I reported them in 1861 as collectable only by process of law. I placed those

remaining unpaid in the hands of an attorney, who was to receive as his fee the interest due on them, as the principal was required to pay the contractors. They are all now collected except those indicated in Exhibit "A" as being in judgments, and there is no probability of their being collected at all. There is a balance of $124.90 due Messrs. Finkbine & Lovelace, since November, 1861. This cannot be made from the judgments, and by the terms of the contract, the State should pay it.

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The notes of J. F. Pyne, Jas. Smith, Alex. Sanders, Wm. Hale and W. C. Smith, are all in judgments on the docket of Esq. J. E. Palmer, with executions returned of "No property found."


Finkbine & Lovelace,..


By enclosing Asylum building as per contract,.. $10,420 00

Dr. to cash as per last report, . . . .

March 14th, 1863, to cash,

Balance due on contract of enclosing

Finkbine & Lovelace,.

$10,194 26

100 84-10,295 10

124 90


By completing Asylum building as per contract, $10,000 00

April 11th, 1862, To Cash as per Receipt, No. 1,

[blocks in formation]

Dr. $2000 00 1200 00

[blocks in formation]

66 39

500 00

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Received of Jas. B. Locke Commissioner, Ten Thousand (10,000 00,) dollars in full for completing the Blind Asylum building as per contract; said amount being received as shown in the original receipts from No. 1 to 8 inclusive.

Received also the sum of One Hundred and 84-100 (100 84-100) Dollars on contract of enclosing Asylum building.

Nov. 9th, 1863.



State of Iowa to James B. Locke,

Nov, 28, 1861. To expenses to Iowa City to report to

the Governor,

May 27, 1862. To cash paid express charges on plans

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


$ 13 00

1 25 2.00


[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

To 210 days' services as Com'r, at $2,. 420 00
To 11 days'

[ocr errors]


To expenses to Iowa City to submit re-
port, books, papers, &c., to the Gov.,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

22 00

14 50

474 75 Cr.

$ 13 00

423 25 436 25

38 50

Balance due me as Commissioner,

For which I have not yet drawn on the Auditor.

In my former report I reported $160.00 due me for services, for which I had not drawn on the Auditor. I subsequently drew it in Auditor's Warrant No. 7185, of which the $13 credited above is a part, and not then reported.



.$ 377 21

Jas. B. Locke, Com'r, to the State of Iowa, To Notes uncollected at date of last Report,. To Auditor's Warrants, amount of appropriation,... 10,000 00



By cash paid E. Erwin on brick contract,..
By cash paid Finkbine & Lovelace on contract of en-
closing building,.

By cash paid Finkbine & Lovelace on contract of com

pleting building,..

By amount of notes uncollected,

10,377 21 Cr. 146 00

100 84

10,000 00

130 37

10,377 21








JANUARY 11, 1864.



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