Total costs of criminal prosecutions before Justices of the Peace,. Total costs of Grand Jury for the year, ...... WORTH COUNTY. The Clerk reports that there have been no cases of criminal prosecution in said County this year. WRIGHT COUNTY. 1 Murder in the 2d degree,... 10 years in Penitentiary Farmer, ICan, ... Good prior to homicide, 45 00| 410 00 Total expenses of criminal prosecutions before Justices of the Peace in said County in said year,.. Total expenses of Grand Jury including officers' and wituess' fees in said County in said year,. Total, EMMETT COUNTY.* The Clerk reports that there have been no criminal prosecutions in the District Court in the County during the yer 1863. Total costs of criminal prosecution before Justices of the Peace during the year. *The report from this County was received since the forcgoing was in the hands of the Printer. A STATEMENT of the District Courts of the several counties in the State of Iowa for the year ending the 31st day of Oct., A. D. 1863. Showing the different crimes for which persons were prosecuted and the number of each crime, as shown by the returns of the Clerks A STATEMENT Showing the occupations of the persons prosecuted for Crimes and Misdemeanors, and the number of each occupation in the State of A STATEMENT Showing the Habits of the persons Prosecuted for Crimes and Misdemeanors and the number of each habit, as shown by the returns of the Clerks of the District Courts of the several Counties in the State of Iowa, for the year ending the 31st day of Oct., A. D. 1863. Of the 522 persons who were prosecuted 335 could read and write; 33 could not; 18 were reported unknown, and 136 were not reported. |