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not to have departed from these men's fel amongst whom such enormities be in their ch and price; neither needed we, for leaving then into the hatred of men, and into most wilful da

PAUL the Fourth, not many months since Rome in prison certain Augustin friars, many and a great number of other devout men, for r sake. He racked them, and tormented them : them confess, he left no means unassayed. B end how many whoremongers, how many ad how many incestuous persons, could he find of a Our God be thanked, although we be not the ought and profess to be, yet whosoever and wh we be, compare us with these men, and even life and innocency will soon prove untrue, and co their malicious surmises. For we exhort the p all virtue and well-doing, not only by books and ings, but also by our examples and behaviour. teach that the gospel is not a boasting or bra knowledge, but that it is the law of life, and Christian man, as TERTULLIAN saith," ought speak honourably, but to live honourably:" n that be the hearers of the law, but the doers of which are justified before GOD.*

Sect. 6. Beside all these matters, wherewi charge us, they are wont also to add this one which they enlarge with all kind of spite: that we be men of trouble-that we pluck the swo sceptre out of kings' hands-that we arm the po that we overthrow judgment places, destroy th make havoc of possessions, seek to make the princes, turn all things upside down; and, to be that we would have nothing in good frame in monwealth.1 Good LORD! how often have they

[JEWELL'S margin refers to TERTULLIAN. Apologet. 45. sage in the text is not to be found there. It is not a quotati TERTULLIAN, but a summary of what he says in the chapter reference is made.]

Rom. ii. 13.

fire princes' hearts with these words, to the end they might quench the light of the gospel in the very first

boors in Germany; the league of the German princes against Charles V.; the Anabaptist war; the revolt of part of Switzerland from the Duke of Savoy; and JOHN KNOX's famous book, The first Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous Regiment [government] of Women.' To these instances JEWELL makes answer:

"The boors of Germany, for the greatest part, were adversaries unto Dr. LUTHER, and understood no part of the gospel: but conspired together, as they said, only against the cruelty and tyranny of their lords; as they had done two and twenty years before, in the same country, in the conspiracy called Liga Sotularia, fifteen years before Dr. LUTHER began to preach-the partners of which conspiracy had for their watchword the name of Our Lady,' and in the honour of her were bound to say five Ave Marias' every day. Certainly, touching these later rebels, it is known that LUTHER sharply and vehemently wrote against them. And they themselves, being demanded thereof, utterly denied both the partaking, and also the knowledge of the gospel.

"The princes of Germany raised not their powers, as ye say, against the emperor Charles the Fifth; but being wrongfully and contrary to the law of arms invaded by him, they were forced, being free princes, by the law of nature, to draw their sword in their own defence.

"The rebels at Munster were not Gospellers, but frantic Anabaptists, and heretics, as ye be; and therefore, enemies to the gospel.

"The Lords of Berne were never subjects to the Duke of Savoy. That they took certain of his castles in their confines, they did it rightly, and by the law of arms, being forced thereto by daily invasions and robberies, and not able otherwise to live in rest. But indeed the said poor Duke was utterly spoiled of his whole dominion-of the one half, by his brother-in-law the emperor Charles V.; of the other half, by his nephew Francis, the French king-by the counsel of Pope Clement VII. after their great interview at Marseilles. And thereof was devised a pretty Pasquil, declaring the miserable case of the poor Duke, 'Diviserunt sibi vestimenta mea; et super vestem meam miserunt sortem.''They have divided my vesture among them; and concerning my garments they did cast lots.'

"The heads of England and Scotland,' that, as ye say, 'were laid together at Geneva, touching the government of women,' being well accounted, were nothing so many as ye would seem to imagine. For if there had been but one less, for aught that I have heard, there had been but one at all. Such hot amplifications it liketh you to make of so small a number. We will defend no man in his error. Let every man bear his own guilt. M. CALVIN, M. MARTYR, M. MUSCULUS, M. BULLINGER, and others, whom you call the faithful brothers of England, misliked that enterprize, and wrote against it." Defence, p. 359. JEWELL'S facts are correct. Yet it would have been hard for him to show that the principles of the Reformation were not adapted to create * disturbance to the despotic governments which then prevailed, almost without exception, throughout the world. And it would be still more difficult, at the present day, to disprove the assertion, that to the Reformation, under the providence of GOD, we owe all those blessings of civil and religious liberty which are now so widely extended, and so

appearing of it, and that men might begin to hate the same, ere ever they were able to know it, and to the end that every magistrate might think he saw his deadly enemy, as oft as he saw any of us!

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Surely it should exceedingly grieve us, to be so maliciously accused of most heinous treason, unless we knew that CHRIST himself, the Apostles, and a number of good Christian men, were in times past blamed and reviled in like sort. For although CHRIST taught they should "render unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's," yet was he charged with sedition, and was accused to devise some conspiracy, and seek ways to get the king. dom. And thereupon they cried out with open mouth against him in the place of judgment, "If thou let this And though man go, thou art not Cæsar's friend."p the Apostles did likewise evermore and steadfastly teach that magistrates ought to be obeyed-that "every soul" ought to "be subject unto the higher powers". only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake;" yet bare they the name to disquiet the people, and to stir up the multitude to rebel. After this sort did Haman, specially, bring the nation of the Jews into the hatred of king Ahasuerus, because, said he, they were a rebellious and stubborn people, and despised the ordinances and commandments of princes. Wicked king Ahab said to Elisha the prophet of GOD, "Art thou he that troubleth Israel?" Amaziah the priest at Bethel laid a conspiracy to the prophet Amos' charge before king Jeroboam, saying, "Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel." To be brief. TERTULLIAN saith this was the general accusation of all Christians while he lived, that they were traitors—that they were rebels, and the enemies of mankind !-Where



rapidly spreading, throughout the world. That its tendency should be to produce these results even at the expense of temporary commotion, will be deemed an objection by few thinking men.]


[JEWELL refers, in his margin, to TERTULLIAN, Apologetic, chap. 1, 2, 3; meaning to compare the slanderous accusations of the Romanists against the Protestants with the similar charges brought against the early Christians.]

n Matt. xxii. 21.

p John xix. 12.


r Acts xvi. 20; xvii. 6, 7.

t I Kings xviii. 17.

• Luke xxiii. 2.

9 Rom. xiii. 1, 5.

• Esther iii. 8, 9.

u Amos vii. 10.

▾ TERTULLIAN. Apologet. c. xxxvii.

fore, if now-a-days the truth be likewise evil spoken of, and being the same truth it was then, if it be now like despitefully used, as it was in times past; though it be a grievous and unkind dealing, yet can it not seem unto us a new, or an unwonted matter.

Sect. 7. Forty years ago, and upward, it was an easy thing for them to devise against us these accursed speeches, and other too, sorer than these; when in the midst of the darkness of that age first began to spring, and to give shine, some one glimmering beam of truth, unknown at that time, and unheard of; when also MARTIN LUTHER and ULRIC ZUINGLE, being most excellent men, even sent of God to give light to the whole world, first came unto the knowledge and preaching of the gospel; when as yet the thing was but new, and the success thereof uncertain; and when men's minds stood doubtful and amazed, and their ears open to all slanderous tales; and when there could be imagined against us no fact so detestable, but the people then would soon believe it, for the novelty and strangeness of the matter. For so did SYMMACHUS, so did CELSUS, so did JULIAN, so did



[A Roman senator of the fourth century, who distinguished himselfl his endeavours to maintain the tottering superstitions of Paganism against the emperors Valentinian and Theodosius. His eloquence, which had raised him to great eminence, was zealously exerted, in an embassy to Valentinian, and subsequently in a petition to Theodosius, for the restoration of an altar to the goddess of Victory; but without He was subsequently made Consul, in 391]


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[A heathen philosopher of the Epicurean sect, who wrote against the Christian religion in the second century. Little more is known of him than his name; and that, with some fragments of his book against Christianity, principally through the answer of ORIGEN.]

[JULIAN, surnamed, from his desertion of Christianity, in which he was educated, the Apostate, succeeded Constantius in the Roman empire, in 361. His reign, which lasted only fifteen months, was spent in unceasing efforts to subvert the religion of CHRIST. Too cunning to direct against it open persecution, Julian employed every insidious art to deprive the Christians of their influence, their learning, their wealth, and their religious liberty. He encouraged tumultuous risings among the Pagans, who were yet numerous, and availed himself of the slightest pretext to deprive the Christians of their churches and endowments. His letters breathe the most irreconcilable hatred to the Galileans, as he termed them, and a firm determination utterly to destroy their faith. To this end he composed the work against the Christians, to which JEWELL refers. Only some fragments of it are now extant, preserved in the answer of CYRIL of Jerusalem.


PORPHYRY,' the old foes to the gospel, attempt in times past to accuse all Christians of sedition and treason; before that either prince or people were able to know who those Christians were, what they professed, what they believed, or what was their meaning.

But now, since our very enemies do see, and cannot deny, but we even in all our words and writings have diligently put the people in mind of their duty to obey their princes and magistrates, yea, though they be wicked; (for this doth very trial and experience sufficiently teach, and all men's eyes, whosoever and wheresoever they be, do well see and witness for us ;) it was a foul part of them to charge us with these things and seeing they could find no new and late faults, therefore to seek to procure us envy only with stale and outworn lies. We give our LORD GOD thanks, (whose only cause this is,) there hath yet at no time been any such example in all the realms, dominions, and commonwealths, which have received the gospel. For we have overthrown no kingdom: we have decayed no man's power or right we have disordered no commonwealth. There continue in their own accustomed state, and ancient dignity, the kings of our country of England, the kings of Denmark, the kings of Sweden, the dukes of Saxony, the Counties Palatine, the Marquesses of Brandenburgh, the Landgraves of Hesse, the commonwealth of the Helvetians and Rhetians, [the upper and lower Swiss cantons,] and the free cities, as Strasburgh, Basle, Frankfort, Ulm, Augsburgh, and Nuremberg; these do all, I say, abide in the same authority and estate wherein they have been heretofore; or rather in a much better,

JULIAN'S abortive attempt to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem was another specimen of his hostility to Christianity, which made him willing even to employ the aid of the Jews, whose faith was equally hostile to his own. See Standard Works, Vol. I. p. 309. ss.

He died, in a war against Persia, in 362.]

[PORPHYRY, a heathen philosopher belonging to the school of the later Platonists, acquired great celebrity as a teacher of the opinions of that sect, and of polite literature, in the third century. He was born at Tyre in 233, studied under Longinus at Athens, and under Platinus at Rome, and succeeded the latter in his school, where he taught until the close of the century.

His work against the Christian religion is lost, and is known only from the answers and allusions of EUSEBIUS, JEROME, AUGUSTINE, and other Christian writers.]

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