GENERAL INDEX THE CASKET FOR 1329. A BEAUTIFUL EMBLEMATIC TITLE PAGE, REPRESENTING FAME AND THE SISTER ARTS January-Portrait of Lafayette, Views of Penn's Treaty Monument, and Walnut street The- February.-Newfoundland Dog, Views of Gray's Ferry and Arch street Theatre and Music. April.-Views of the First Presbyterian Church, Waterworks, and State House in Philadelphia, May-Portrait of Major General A. Wayne, Views of Friends' Meeting, Lower Merion, and Ma- June. Views of City Hall, N. Y., Sedgeley Park, and Bowery Theatre, N. Y., Music, &c. August-Portrait of Honorable John Jay, Views of Wharton House and Girard's Bank, &c. October. Views of the Interior of a Sioux Lodge, St. David's Church, and Deaf and Dumb November-Dido and Anne, Views of Washington's Mansion, and Philadelphia Bank, &c. December-Portrait of Christopher Columbus, Views of Goodwin's Falls, N. Y. and Castle Garden, N. Y., &c. |