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We have here a fhort fummary of K. Arthur's Hiftory as given by Jeff of Monmouth and the old chronicles, with the addition of a few circumstances from the romance Morte Arthur. The ancient chronicle of Ger. de Leew, (quoted above in p. 28.) Seems to have been chiefly followed: upon the authority of which we have restored fome of the names which were corrupted in the MS. and have tranfpofed one ftanza, which appeared to be misplaced. [viz. that beginning at v. 49. which in the MS. followed v. 36.]

Printed from the Editor's ancient manuscript.

F Brutus' blood, in Brittaine borne,


King Arthur I am to name;

Through Christendome, and Heathyneffe,
Well knowne is my worthy fame.

In Jefus Chrift I doe beleeve;

I am a chriftyan bore:

The Father, Sone, and Holy Goft

One God, I doe adore.


D 3

Ver. 1. Bruite his. MS.


In the four hundred ninetieth yeere,

Ore Brittaine I did rayne,
After my favior Chrift his byrth:
What time I did maintaine

The fellowshipp of the table round,
Soe famous in those dayes;

Whereatt a hundred noble knights,

And thirty fate alwayes :

Who for their deeds and martiall faates,

As bookes done yett record,

Amongst all other nations

Wer feared through the world.

And in the caftle off Tyntagill
King Uther mee begate
Of Agyana a bewtyous ladye,
And come of his estate.




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Ver. 9. He began his reign A.D. 515, according to the Chronicles.

Ver. 23. She is named Igerna in the old Chronicles.

All Scotland then throughe manly feates
I conquered with my hand.

Ireland, Denmarke,' and ' Norwaye,

These countryes wan I all;

Ifeland, Gotheland, and Swetheland;


I made their kings my thrall.

I conquered all Gallya,

That now is called France;

And flew the hardye Froll in feild
My honor to advance.

And the ugly gyant Dynabus

Soe terrible to vewe,

That in Saint Barnards mount did lye,
By force of armes I flew :


And Lucyus the emperour of Rome


I brought to deadly wracke;

And a thousand more of noble knightes

For feare did turne their backe:

Five kinges of paynims I did kill

Amidst that bloody ftrife;

Befides the Roman emperour

Who alfoe loft his life.




Ver. 39. Froland field MS. Froll according to the Chronicles was

a Roman knight governor of Gaul.

Ver. 49. of Pavye. MS.

Ver. 51. Grecian. MS.

Whofe carcaffe I did fend to Rome

Cladd poorlye on a beere ;

And afterward I paft mount Joye
The next approaching yeere.

Then I came to Rome, where I was mett

Right as a conquerour,

And by all the cardinalls folempnelye

I was crowned an emperour.

One winter there I made abode :

Then word to mee was brought

Howe Mordred had opprefst the crowne :
What treafon he had wrought,



At home in Brittaine with my queene;


Therefore I came with speede

To Brittaine backe, with all my power,
To quitt that traiterous deede:

And foone at Sandwiche I arrivde,

Where Mordred me withftoode :


But yett at laft I landed there,

With effufion of much blood.

For there my nephew fir Gawaine dyed,

Being wounded in that fore,

The whiche fir Lancelot in fight

Had given him before.



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