The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Том 6Vernor and Hood; John Walker; Cuthell and Martin; W.J. and J. Richardson; Longman and Rees; R. Lea; and J. and A. Arch. ; T. Maiden, printer, Sherbourn-Lane, 1804 |
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ABIGAIL æther arms atque beat behold blest blood breast bright Britannia's BUTLER Cadmus Cæsar Cato Cato's charms COACHMAN conjurer dear death DECIUS dost thou dreadful drum ev'n ev'ry eyes fair Fantome fate father fear fire flow'ry friends fury GARDENER Gaul give goddess gods GRIDELINE grief hand hast hear heart heaven hero ho--nour honour immortal Jove JUBA KING LADY live look lov'd LUCIA LUCIUS Madam maid MARCIA MARCUS mighty muse neighb'ring night numbers Numidian nymph o'er Ovid pain passion Pentheus Phaëton Pharsalia pleas'd PORTIUS Pray prince Prithee QUEEN rage rise Roman Roman senate Rome ROSAMOND round SCENE secret SEMPRONIUS shade shine sight SIR GEORGE SIR TRUSTY skies soul sound speak stand story streams sword SYPHAX tears tell thee thing thought thousand thunder TINSEL Tiresias toils trembling turn VELLUM verse view'd virtue Whilst winds youth